What new PS4 games are coming out in June 2018? With the gaming industry turning its attention to E3 2018, this is typically a fallow period for PlayStation software – but that’s actually not accurate this year. New releases include gothic role-playing game Vampyr, Nintendo Switch port Super Bomberman R, and Codemasters’ crazy arcade wreck-‘em-up Onrush. In this guide, we're going to take a look at every upcoming PlayStation 4 release date in June 2018.
New PS4 Games Releasing in June 2018
June, 2018
- Earth Atlantis (PS4) - June 1st (US)
- Illusion: A Tale of the Mind (PS4) - June 1st (US)
- BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Onrush (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Riddled Corpses EX (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Shape of the World (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Vampyr (PS4) - June 5th (US)
- Fate/Extella Link (PS4) - June 7th (Japan)
- Unravel Two (PS4) - June 9th (US)
- Fallout Shelter (PS4) - June 11th (US)
- Jurassic World Evolution (PS4) - June 12th (US)
- Super Bomberman R (PS4) - June 12th (US)
- LEGO The Incredibles (PS4) - June 15th (US)
- The Lost Child (PS4) - June 19th (US)
- New Gundam Breaker (PS4) - June 21st (Japan)
- The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (PS4) - June 25th (US)
- Far Cry 3: Classic Edition (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- Lumines Remastered (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- Rainbow Skies (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- Salary Man Escape (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- Slime-san: Superslime Edition (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- The Crew 2 (PS4) - June 26th (US)
- Next Up Hero (PS4) - June 28th (US)
- Tour de France 2018 (PS4) - June 28th (US)
- Ikaruga (PS4) - June 29th (US)
- MXGP Pro (PS4) - June 29th (US)
For a full list of launches, check out our 2018 new PS4 games release dates guide.
What new PS4 games are you planning to pick up in June 2018? Is there anything you're particularly excited for? Pre-order in the comments section below.
Comments 32
Nothing for me, I still need to platinum god of war, play horizon zd, and maybe get detroid and dragon crown pro (got 20% discount code).
Only Lumines Remastered for me this month, though I'll probably get it for the Switch.
@get2sammyb Approximately when will we have a Vampyr review? It’s the only title for June that has my eye. But it’ll have to review very well for me to buy this month.
First month in ages without a new game I 'need'
Plenty of older games to play though...
My backlog is huge now, so I can't buy these games on the release date. Maybe Vampyr...
Only vampyr for me this month
I was excited for Jurassic World Evolution, but after watching gameplay, the game seems to be a lot more focused on the management aspect than the building. It's not the dino Zoo Tycoon I was hoping for.
I may check out Super Bomberman R at some point, since it's cheaper than the Switch version, and it comes with all the DLC.
I'm more interested in Detroit however, and I have a big backlog, so I don't mind the quieter months!
farcry 3 classic edition?
@Neolit I just beat her (on normal difficulty). It was super hard, twice I nearly beat her, she only has maybe 3% or 5% of her health, but I still died. But finally, finally, I won.
My build is, for runic attack I use hel's touch and frost giant's friendzy, for <secondary weapon> I use CoC and most importantly GoA for gaining health when it's critical. For atreus runic attack I use wrath of wolf because it stun the v.
When the battle start I use talisman that slow time, atreus wolf attack, and boulder throw rage attack, also don't forget to spam atreus arrow when she does that floating unblockable attack. After that, I attack her when I have the chance, when her health nearly gone, I use rage attack again to finish her.
And now I can finally find peace platinum the game, I don't play the ps4 much this weeks because I dread that fight lol
The Crew 2 for me!!
Just Rainbow Skies for me. Will probably get Onrush after a price drop.
Was thinking of getting Vampyr, however I may wait to see reviews. I don't want to be burned by another game.
The Crew 2 is almost definite for me. I enjoyed the first one and from what I've seen the sequel looks bigger & better. Have registered for the closed beta so fingers crossed!
Good! My backlog needs som hammering. I'll polish off Ni No Kuni, Sudden Strike and Yakuza 4.
Jurassic World Evolution looks good so far, but otherwise I should be able to work on my backlog.
Maybe Slime san and that can wait.
Shaq Fu all the way!
Does anyone else think it’s funny that The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker release the same day as Vampr?
Finally..... Tempest 4k. That'll be awesome on my new LG 65c8
Once again you people leave out Milestone's racing games; MotoGP 18 on June 8th and MXGP Pro on June 29th.
Maybe you should simply give us a list of other B-listed developers and publishers in your database, to facilitate us giving you feedback.
If I'm a good boy, maybe I'll treat myself to Jurassic World : Evolution (but only if the reviews check-out).
I'm mostly excited for E3!
@Th3solution Honestly not sure.
@get2sammyb okay, because I have your Vampyr review subtitle tag line for you. I haven’t even played it yet but pretty sure this will work. You can use it whether it scores high or low —
“this game really sucks”
Too easy?
I will probably buy Lumines, but I have yet to decide if I buy it on PS4 or on Switch. I'd like to boycott on Switch those games that I can buy elsewhere because I don't like how Nintendo is behaving with the online subscription (trying to force it even on those people who are not interested in multiplayer), but Lumines would be very good to have in portable format...
Nothing for me personally, bring on September! lol
I'm only looking forward to playing Vampyr and LEGO The Incredibles, though I do plan on checking out Let's Plays for Jurassic World Evolution.
@get2sammyb Should probably note that BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle doesn't release in EU until June 22nd.
@Luneth Thanks, updated.
Bomberman, Vampyr, Rainbow Skies the Playasia special edition. 😁
Backlogging hard for me this month!
Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset for me this month
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle just because it has team Rwby
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