Persona 5 is the best selling game in Atlus' long running series -- we've known that for quite some time -- but where has it ended up in terms of actual figures?
According to SEGA's latest financial report, Persona 5 now sits at 2.2 million copies worldwide, across both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. That's a good amount for a game that's still considered to be rather niche.
That said, sales aren't likely to rise much higher from this point on. Back in July of last year, the publisher stated that Persona 5 had moved 1.8 million copies, meaning that it's added around 400,000 units over the last nine months or so.
Still, congrats to Atlus and everyone involved -- the game's more than deserving of every success. Now that the bait's been set, keep an eye out for Sammy in the comments section below.
[source segasammy.co.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 45
Nier wins.
Nier nier nier nier, nier
Easily the best JRPG on PS4. FIFA, Call of Duty & Overwatch & others will outsell it many times over, but Persona 5 will always be Push Square’s Game of the Year .
This was my first Persona game and I loved it, can't wait to play it in new game +. Bring on Persona 6
Haven't bought this game but I've played it. Incredible production values, gameplay, etc...but for someone that only plays games 1-2 hours per day, that 100+ hour story is just too much for me!
This would be my favourite PS4 game, if I hadn't bought it on PS3.
Don't know about anyone else but it's great when companies are that content to just sell that many.
@adf86 to be fair they saved a lot of money on (lack of) marketing.
Currently playing the game now, it’s very good and I don’t even play that many RPG’s.
@shonenjump86 that's probably why you think it's very good
(I don't enjoy Persona, is that coming across in my posts?? 😂)
It's a lot of fun. Probably my favorite PS4 game at this point.
Now I just hope people take to Shin Megami Tensei V in the same way. I prefer the deeper gameplay mechanics of that series, and we're FINALLY getting another home console-level entry in the series.
Sammy is facepalming somewhere
This tells me that about 78 million PS4 owners should be ashamed of themselves 😉
Easily in the top 5 PS4 games
My persona 5 steelcase still sealed, I need to finish other, non 100 hour games first
I think sony didn't promote this game too much, sony should give the game spotlight on sony e3 press conference back on 2016.
Does this mean we will get dancing star night plz atlus
Great news, especially for a game with zero marketing.
@Rob_230 Of course, it's easy money, there's no way we won't get both games by the end of the year.
I need to bit the bullet and actually play this at one point, its just sitting on my shelf.
It's one of the best games on the PS4!
Also 2.2 million and it's a success. This should put an end to talks about how games now are so expensive that need to sell more than 10 million copies to be successful.
@kyleforrester87 I personally enjoyed Nier more, but that's just me. Both were great though. I jus thought P5 overstayed it's welcome towards the end.
@NinjaWaddleDee it started strong with the gym teacher but I got fed up by the 4th dungeon
Please don't overmilk persona 5 with spin offs causing us to wait another 8-9 years for a main series title, I don't need persona 5 the fighting game the dancing game I don't need it on a new engine give me either a sequel to 5 or 3 or 4 or give me part 6 by 2020 completely reasonable imo
Loved this game, it was an amazing journey. One of my best games ever.
@kyleforrester87 Persona 5 is way better. Rekt
It amazes me that millions of people cry about wanting a good old school style RPG but don't realize that every year a couple of amazing ones get released and miss out on some absolute gems
@PS_Nation naw!
@hadlee73 yup. After 20-30 hours I had to say enough is enough 😂🤷♂️
I would have bought it had it been cheaper. It's still too expensive for me. They should lower the price the way Sony does it.
Persona 5 is much better than nier fact .
Love persona games m would l8ve persona 3/f.e.s remaster
@naruball $30 New isn't cheap enough for you? The game has been out since Early 2017.
That’s great, and I can’t wait for the spin-offs. I need more Persona 5 in my life. It’s honestly the greatest game ever made and has the best story of all time. It’s the most inspirational thing ever (religion aside) too and I need more to remind me of that if it can work that way.
@Dalifano But those mean more Persona 5, and you can’t have too much Persona 5 in your life. Honestly, I’d love a Persona 5-2. Anyone else want that?
@naruball $30 is too much for 115 hours of your life? Shouldn’t that much time be more valuable than $30?
@Orpheus79V Yeah id be surprised if they didnt. My hope is for physical releases of the 2 dancing games on vita. fingers crossed
best game, bought it digital at midnight on launch, was too excited to wait
@ToddlerNaruto It is not. The Witcher 3 has being going as low as 11 pounds, Dragon Age Inquisition and Shadow of Mordor less than 10. Sony does the same with some of its biggest hits. It's time Japanese companies followed suit.
@Jaz007 hours mean nothing to me. Whether it's 2 hours or 200, it's the same. In fact, I'd rather play a short than a long game. I have a huge backlog full of incredibly interesting games to play.
now remake the persona 2s games in one package
@Jaz007 you'll notice I didn't mention persona q2 which is kinda a sequel(who knows at this point) but the dancing game lacks a story mode and is just a cash in
@zimbogamer Mind the language please.
@naruball You have to realize those games you listed are many years old, while Persona 5 released Spring 2017, so it's only a year old.
I don't see it dropping to $20 New or cheaper until BF 2018 at least, if not sometime in 2019...
@kyleforrester87 lol, big Nier fan are ya? I like that game too.
@LaNooch1978 You get a trophy for seeing the ending so you can tell that 34.1% of people have completed the game .
@LaNooch1978 I play a second time to see the side stories I missed. I must’ve spent about 170 hours by the time I got to the point of no return for the second time .
@LaNooch1978 and I was one of them
@ToddlerNaruto I get that. But even Gran Turismo Sport dropped heavily in a matter of months after not pulling the expected numbers. Persona 5 clearly isn't selling well at that price. If they wait too long, most people won't even bother even if goes bellow 10 pounds.
@naruball That's just Atlus pricing for you then. I guess you'll be waiting awhile, assuming you still have any interest in playing by then.
@ToddlerNaruto Yeah, I've noticed that. Thankfully, eventually they do drop considerably. I just don't think waiting so long is good business.
I'll definitely play it at some point. I have no doubt that I'll love it. In the meantime I'll be playing fun games like Dragon Heroes 1 and maybe 2.
Can't wait to see it rereleased next year with a other arc and more waifus.
@Dalifano I’m pretty sure the spin-offs have story modes that are actually supposed to be decent. Not As much story as Q I’d think, but about as relavant to the main game most likely.
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