This week's Friday poll basically writes itself, doesn't it? Days Gone has entered our lives in a big way this week, as extensive Game Informer coverage has spotlighted Sony Bend's upcoming open world adventure. The question is: do you like what you see?
Now, it's not as if Days Gone has been kept under wraps all this time. It's been present at the last two Sony E3 press conferences, and both showcased decent amounts of gameplay. The title's currently scheduled for release in early 2019, but are you sold on this post-apocalyptic PlayStation 4 exclusive?
As always, let us know your thoughts by voting in our polls, and then feed us the details in the comments section below.
Are you sold on Days Gone yet? (224 votes)
- Yes, I'll definitely be buying it
- Yeah, for the most part
- Maybe, too early to say for sure
- Not yet, I need to see more
- Nah, I'm certainly not convinced
- No, I'm not interested at all
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How do you think Days Gone will measure up to the PS4's most successful exclusive games? (209 votes)
- I think it'll be up there with the best PS4 exclusives
- It'll be great but it won't quite be on the same level as God of War, Uncharted 4, etc.
- I think it'll just be good, nothing amazing
- I reckon it'll be average at best
- It won't even come close
- I think it'll actually be rubbish
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Comments 46
I was sold when they first revealed the game! Since then, the new information and random, dynamic world has only reinforced my desire to buy Day 1.
The only thing that could stop this reaching the heights of Horizon:Zero Dawn - which I think is closer to the structure of those very linear Uncharted and God of War mentions (not that Linear is bad and GoW did break that linearity a bit) - is whether the technical proficiency doesn't live up to the ambition.
The first hour does show a few 'minor' issues that really need ironing out - like the transitions to cut scenes and some dialogue too - but the game-play has so much promise...
They need to make the main dude less generic. Can anyone even remember his name? Its something ridiculous like Logan Rockwell or Chad Strengthface but I can never remember.
It’s going to be day 1 for me! I’ve been hype for this since the reveal trailer.
i am most sold on this game and still hyped for this now but i really need pre-order this like now because it is still not in Playstation store yet. there is one thing look weird in this game : running animation
@AhabSpampurse Deacon St John, not that hard to remember.
I kinda like what I've seen so far. Strikes me as gaming comfort food. I'll certainly be giving it a shot.
I'm not sold on anything until the reviews are out and even then unless its a 90+ I'm on the wait till the bugs are fixed and the price is right list.
@adf86 jesus... thats even worse than my piss take name's. I think I'll stick with Chad Strengthface.
@AhabSpampurse I was going to say I'm sold on this game, but now I know the hero isn't called Chad Strengthface, it feels like a missed opportunity...
@BarFooToo They have plenty of times to polish bugs/glitches while we has almost 8 months now until 2019 begin. i don't think this game getting 90 or higher because it probably getting at least 87
The game should be called 'Chad Strengthface And The Zombie Horde'. I'd definitely buy it then.
@get2sammyb I wouldn't call it 'comfort food' from my perspective. I can see it being very tense and a game you may need to be quite focused on. That 'clothes line' incident we saw in last years E3 is 'random' - in that these can crop up at any time and on roads you may have travelled lots in the past so you can't get complacent.
I don't think it will be like some games where you clear an area and that then is then safe from threat. I can see things going from bad to worse when you have a horde chasing after you, trying to flee with limited stamina, trying to craft some med-kit and running out of environmental obstacles to slow them down.
I guess it depends on what you consider as gaming comfort food but for me those are games that are quite straightforward and relatively predictable in that you know pretty much what to expect. Uncharted is an example - in that you know you will either be platforming, having a shoot-out/brawl or solving a puzzle - not that its 'bad' because of that or Fifa/CoD/Battlefield/GT/Forza/Halo etc the games that you know what to expect pretty much - which also shows that gaming comfort food doesn't mean the games are always 'bad' but you buy because you know what you are getting and that they are familiar and comfortingly predictable.
It's a game that I think I'd have loved back in 2013, but with the general overdose of the whole Walking Dead style genre since then, I really need to see more. And I legit can't be bothered to look stuff up.
I'll pay more attention near release, but with that huge delay recently, eh, I can wait.
Nope, still not interested. This reminds me of the game my bro is playing now: Mad Max. Not really a bad game but still lackluster and derivative. Maybe when it hits Plus.
Not seen enough yet to judge either way, I'm hoping it will be absolutely amazing of course, there's certainly a lot of potential there.
I still think it looks derivative. None of the gameplay footage has particularly stirred the imagination so far.
I think days gone will be a good game, not as good as gow or uc4 but it will be a solid game. I can see it sells really good though since son of anarchy with zombies is a great selling point for the masses.
I think this is the first open world zombie game with an AAA production value and great story.
I think it looks fine, but very 'generic' in a way. Perhaps a bit insulting to say that, but generally games need to do something unique to catch my attention because otherwise, I'll lose interest quickly.
It looks fine, but haven't seen anything to make me want it. Doesn't look very original or interesting. The whole biker gang thing doesn't really appeal, either.
Based on the early footage, it'll be a good game but not amazing.
I'll wait until we get more footage closer to the full game before committing.
On my radar but not day 1, very few games are though. What I've seen so far looks good though!!!
Slightly interested in the adventures of Chad Strengthface but I need some reviews and analysis first. Still having the zombie hangover but this could be good.
@BarFooToo So a great game that scores 80% you wont buy? Damn you missed some fantastic games. 😁 🤔🤨😉
It's Bend Studio finally back on home consoles. After the PSP Syphon Filters, Resistance Retribution and Uncharted Golden Abyss, there's little reason to doubt this will be a great game. Just hope it sells well, last thing I want to see is Bend suffer the same fate as Evolution.
In a world where The Last of Us Part I & soon Part II exist (amongst other PS4 exclusive that actually look better than decent), this is looking like a hard pass the more I look at it. After that opening hour gameplay showing, I'll keep this on the "look out for" list.
@Gamer619 well, open world games doesn't need difficulty option. look at GTA V, Assassin Creed Origins, Watch Dogs 2, other games. Spider-Man might not have difficulty option either
Still highly interested. I'm far from tired of "zombie games", and this looks supercool to play, like a mix of Mad Max and Last of Us; that's an awesome combination in my eyes. They just need to time the launch well, between other big titles.
It could be good, but nothing I've seen has impressed me so far.
@Gremio108 Yeah don't get me wrong, I'll buy it 100%.
But I'm super happy that Chad Strengthface is finally getting some love and recognition. I kinda feel like I'm on to a winner here.
Been sold since the reveal. Currently my most anticipated game, ahead of even TLOU2... and I REALLY want TLOU2!
@ApostateMage Sounds like a pretty cool band!
Chad McBiker and the Zombies
It looks pretty good, but it also looks bland somehow. Probably because the zombie apocalypse genre has been done to absolute death. I'm definitely keeping an eye on it, though.
I'm not usually that keen on post-apocalyptic zombie games, so I'll need to see a lot more before I buy this. If it ends up being a truly brilliant game, then I'll be tempted to get it.
I'll definitely buy it, Sony exclusives are awesome.
Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, soon Detroit and Spider-Man. Can't wait for Days Gone. ^^
I am sick and tired of these m*****-f****** zombies in my m*****-f****** games.
This was always a day one for me.
The one that I don't get the hype for is spiderman. It looks silly generic and last gen-ish gameplay wise.
I was very intrigued by the reveal trailer, but at the end of the conference when they showed gameplay, I lost a little interest, because of zombies. But then the next gameplay reveal with the wire and using the zombies by luring them into a camp I was interested again. Mostly because I got the idea that it isn't exactly about the zombies, but more like the zombies are apart of the world and the story doesn't revolve around them.
Been hooked in since it's first trailer.Looks like another quality game and being a huge fan of Zombies,open world games and Sons Of Anarchy this is one game I'll definitely be picking up.
It'll get a bunch of 8's in reviews I think. But who knows.
Been sold since the Bend logo, I love Resistance Retribution so much lol. I trust Bend will deliver a fantastic game.
I cannot seem to muster any enthusiasm for this. I think it's the setting and premise. Biker nonsense I just find cringe worthy (having known real bikers. One of whom referred to his bike as a "steel horse" without a hint of irony), and zombies were overdone 5 years ago.
It just doesn't look fun at all.
Sorry, Chad Strengthface, but it's a hard pass from me.
For the record, Chad Strengthface is a great name! Kudos!
@Flaming_Kaiser I play plenty of great games under the 90's, I just wait until the bugs are squashed and price dropped. Many 80+ games would have been 90+ games in the state they play a year after release.
For some reason I feel the order of greatness for coming games is Spiderman - Days Gone - Detroit.
This is the game that strengthened my idea of buying PS4 and I bought mainly after watching its demo. Its not gonna be a typical open world game. There's definitely going to be some linearity like god of war to an extent. The whole setup of game feels amazing and adventurous with suspenseful sequences. Gonna buy it as soon as its available.
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