The latest story trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped earlier this week (you can watch it above), and perhaps surprisingly, it wasn't an instant hit with everyone. Since it arrived on the 'net, we've seen split opinions across the board. Some people love the atmosphere and storytelling style that's on show in the trailer, while others lament the lack of gameplay. While the footage is clearly in-game, we suspect a large chunk of onlookers were expecting some sort of drawn-out gameplay demonstration. What we got was just over two minutes of moody cowboys, for better or worse.
And so we're here to ask you today: are you sold on Red Dead Redemption 2 yet? Do you need to see more, or are you 101 per cent confident that it'll be a certified Game of the Year contender? Vote in our polls, and then air your opinions in the comments section below.
Are you sold on Red Dead Redemption 2 yet? (265 votes)
- Of course, I've been sold since day one
- Yeah, pretty much -- I can't see it being anything less than great
- Hmmm, I'm not totally sure yet
- Not really, I need to see more
- Nope, I'm not interested in the slightest
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What did you think of the latest Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer? (254 votes)
- I thought it was brilliant
- It was really good, but nothing truly amazing
- I think it was just okay
- I thought it was disappointing, I expected more
- It was rubbish
- I haven't even watched it
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Comments 61
Yup i'm sold day one for me.
Wasn't terribly impressed with the trailers, but I think I'll probably enjoy the proper game.
damn it! i thought they just released some gameplay,turns out it you asked a question
anyway yeah i'll buy it ofcourse,but i must admit that i fear that the moment the online part releases,it will be yet another s***fest with SP being left out just like gta v.
The trailers have done nothing for me to be honest.I loved RDR but I'm not hyped at all for this new game.
I'm hoping the next trailer is an exciting all gameplay wildwest shooting fest showing a large open world with lots of sidequests,collectibles,races,duels,train robberys,bar fights and no multiplayer in sight only then will i be interested.
I've deliberately avoided watching the trailers - I completely trust Rockstar with delivering a fantastic game and can't wait. When it comes to game of the year I'm sure it'll be a 3 horse race between God of War, Spider-man and RDR2.
Waiting for the reviews. Haven't liked a Rockstar game since GTA IV, since I've felt like you can't really goof off without getting punished (mostly, kicked back across the map with all your progress wiped). GTA V had reeeally wonky shooting, IMHO, so I'd really like to see some in-game gunplay too.
Not entirely sold just yet because I really want to know just how much of the game will be online multiplayer focused. Rockstar take themselves so seriously, particularly in the writing department, and it's just never on the level of the things they take their inspiration from. I did massively enjoy the first Red Dead Redemption though.
all 3 will be winners for specific categories so at the end of the day they have already have a headstart.
but since popularity seems to be the big factor above quality these days i would not be suprised if some popular MP game wins the big title. fortnite being a heavy contender (urgh)
@mookysam that's why i can't be too exited either.
i just know that the online part will get the most focus the moment that releases,and just like gta v the story might suffer because of the heavy development focus having been on online.
if they make the same mistake,then i must say that just like lot's of other devs,they have gone passed their glory days and fell for the "games can't be good without a big MP" mindset. especially thinking this so early since it will have a battle royal mode.
I'm not interested in Rockstar games at all to be honest. I've drifted more towards Japanese games and smaller titles in recent years. American history also doesn't appeal to me anymore.
It’s a day one for me, don’t need gameplay or a better trailer. I’m too much of a Rockstar/open world fanboy haha.
But... if I’m being honest with myself, the story shown in the trailers hasn’t really done anything for me. I didn’t even take in what was happening in the last trailer.
I’m sure it will come together when we are actually playing it though.
I think the latest trailer was poorly edited and boring. It threw a big wet towel over the enthusiasm I had. With the resources they have available I suspect the game will be very good indeed. I would be shocked if it's not a game of the year contender. But in terms of trailers, we've all seen far better. The Rockstar logo alone and some impressive looking graphics isn't enough for everyone.
Yeah, sold. Loved the first game.
GTA is probably my favourite series, and Red Dead Redemption was arguably my favourite game from last gen, so naturally I'm super excited for it and will be there day one.
That said, I don't think any of the trailers have been great. And the recent IGN breakout hasn't got me as hyped as I was hoping either.
I remember reading every spill of detail before so many previous Rockstar releases and loving it all so I'm not quite sure what's not clicking with me this time.
Can't really be sold without any gameplay, and I need to be sure that they're not too focused on the online part.
@RogerRoger i get the panic releases in september though.
no matter what game it is,if it has the rockstar logo on it,it will dominate it's release window. now i'm not saying that all rockstar games are good,but in their case,they only need to put their logo on the box for them to sell millions of copy's in the first month. they for sure have the what i call "brand guarantee" on their behalf. (something that has faded for me ever since gta online)
@RogerRoger Feel free to return when Red Dead absolutely obliterates everything in its path.
@RogerRoger Good lad.
Liked the trailer, but something has felt off about every rockstar game I’ve played. So definitely not a day one. Maybe I’ll try it someday.
100% yes.
Been sold on the game since before it was announced. 😄
@Dange This is where I'm at as well.
Rockstar are pretty solid and I loved the first game. So, I trust them.
I was going to buy this game Day 1 on name alone.
Some things you just do.
You tell your mum you love her.
And you buy Read Dead Redemption 2 Day 1.
I didn't answer because I think you need 1 more option: yes I'm sold but because I played and loved Red Dead Redemption!
Nothing they've shown do far makes me more hyped than I was since the game was announced!
Unless they somehow really mess things up, I'm sold on this game.
Haven't watched the trailer, totally uninterested in the game.
I have never played the first one, so they have a lot of convincing left to do for me.
I'm kinda burned out on open world games, and I prefer fantasy/sci-fi over this wild west theme. Who knows though, maybe I'll play it if it gets brilliant reviews.
I will know more within 24 hours of release from youtube posts than any previous or future RDR2 trailers R* provides.
Few trailers get me real excited. One that did never became a playable game. That was the Dead Island 2 E3 2014 teaser trailer. I recorded it and played it over and over. To lighten my sadness Dying Light has provided a good substitute.
Looking forward to it. But not excited for it.
After the success of gta 5 this game will have similar success it will not outsell gta 5 but in a few years I see this selling 40 million copies or more.
RDR was really disappointing to me and I'm pretty sure I'll never play the sequel. Right now I can't recall a truly great Rockstar game aside from Bully which was great, quirky and atmospheric. That said, I STILL haven't played GTAV
I mean I was sold before it was announced but gameplay is always nice!
Day one for me.. Had it preordered as soon as it was available to!
I'm getting it on release. I'm gonna do what I haven't done for yonks, but it from Asda at 12 midnight. I bet there'll be queues for this.
I’ve always been sold on it, but these trailers don’t really do much for me anymore. 1 story trailer isn’t a problem, but now I’d rather see how it plays. Then it’s onwards to release.
Not at all, I honestly don't think gameplay will sway me either, just doing very little for me
Waiting to see how bad the microtransactions are. Modern Rockstar games don't do much for me.
It will be day one because I loved the first game and the sequel looks great as well. Like I said it before, just hope it has a great campaign and Rockstar doesn't focus on the online mode too much, just like they did with GTA V.
@PS_Nation them focusing to much on the online part is for sure gonna happen. gta online is sadly the reason gta v is still so popular and take2 won't allow rockstar to step down from that online cash flow (they even said that all their future games will have micro transactions,so RDR2 will have it's version of shark cards aswell).
the fact that they even included a battle royal mode in this game just shows that they are banking in on those stupid online/MP trends.
if the SP is weaker then the first redemption and/or does not get any story expansion (wich would be a direct cause of the online focus just like gta v) than i'm done with rockstar.
@jdv95 Sigh, that's true. Another example is Undead Nightmare, one of the best expansions I ever played. I don't imagine the new Rockstar releasing something like that anymore after the huge success of GTA V, instead they will probably make as an online event like horde mode, etc.
Some users here said that are diferences between the fanbase of Red Dead Redemption and GTA, so Rockstar will not do the same practice as they did with GTA V for RDR 2, I hope this is true. Only time will tell.
@PS_Nation oh the fansbase is for sure different.
i was a long lasting member of the gta forums (rdr has it's own sub over there) and when RDR2 was first anounced there was already some (justified) concerns over the fact that the focus will be the online part. there was always that tense feeling between the gta section and the RDR section on that forum aswell. while alot of the gta people just accepted that the future of gta is gta online,the RDR crowd is very much against this idea. (ofcourse you had a few that didn't mind online taking over RDR but you always have people like that).
The more I watch/read from those lucky enough to have had 'hands on', the more excited I am. The trailer doesn't really do a lot for me - although its good to know that a lot was actual game-play - but it doesn't show the technological advancements to the open world and interactions. It may show the improvements to visuals but that's expected on a game developed for the current hardware.
I am glad the story was vague in the trailer as I don't really want that spoiled - especially as the game has a lot ore to it than just a campaign.
17% of Push Square readers haven't even watched the trailer despite it being embedded at the top of the page.
I'm not entirely sure yet. The first game was a lot of fun, but I'm not a mega fan like most people are. The story and characters didn't do much for me and they were honestly pretty boring, and the world didn't have a whole lot to do in it IMO. Plus, the fact that they made so much money from GTA Online could mean a watered-down single player experience and probably no single player DLC like Undead Nightmare, not to mention the micro-transactions and whatnot.
It has a lot of potential, but I need to see more. I'm not as into Rockstar as I am other studios.
@get2sammyb Why spoil a game for yourself when you’re already sold on it? It’s out soon enough.
I’d rather see all that stuff when I’m playing the game.
Western is not my favourite setting and I didn't play the first one so I need to see the gameplay first.
Still think the facial animation in gow looks better, but I was sold on it when I finished red dead redemption1. It's's red dead's after witcher3 and ac:origins showed how open world games could be, and it's after the billions rockstar made on gtav so very little budget yeah I want this game!! Word up son!
I like the first game, but it wasn't mind blowing like it seems to be for other people. Honestly I'm going to wait it out for the pc version, I really don't enjoy games like this with a controller. GTAV on PC proved that it can be worth the wait.
Have no intention of playing it after what T2 did to GTA. Same reason I skipped AC:O and FarCry 5. Any game that has obtrusive MTX and online components doesn't get my money. God of War was far too much of a palate cleanser for me to choke down that rubbish.
I've been ready and waiting for RDR 2 since I finished RDR on the 360 and PS3. I can't wait!
I've been sold since the first concept art. I trust Rockstar to make a solid game and each trailer makes the game look even better. I was a little disappointed with Trailer #3 because there was no lack of gameplay but I suppose that's just me being greedy. We'll be getting it the same day as PAX AUS down under which was the same release date as AC: Origins, Wolfenstein 2 and Mario Odyssey last year. Seems like that date is going to be a consistently good day for games
i'm very tired of open worlds. And a prequel nonetheless, which to me is very annoying. So I don't know. Will wait for more info, trailers, reviews anything.
Napolean Dynamite voice "Heck Yesss."
I'm sold, but would still like to see some actual gameplay trailers.
Did Rockstar ever release gameplay trailers before the first RDR was released?
It's not even on my radar. I didn't like the first RDR game. Im probably in the minority.
It DOES look good...
But, I need a great story...
I'll probably order it once a review or two hit the web...
@jdv95 Totally agree with you... If this happens I'll probably pick it up when it gets a big discount...
Like all rockstar games nowadays. Looks nice but doesn’t look interesting at all.
Their games haven’t evolved since GTA III and now they just get boring fast. Good artists though, very pretty.
@Eternallover21 God of War, Tropical Freeze and Yakuza Kiwami.
Was incredibly disappointed by the first game, so a miracle needs to happen to convince me.
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