This is the twenty-ninth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the first week of our top 16 matches. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have two matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 16th May.

Match 113: Victor Sullivan vs. Aloy
Victor Sullivan
Series: Uncharted
First PlayStation appearance: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, 2007 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Cole Phelps, Elizabeth, Amaterasu
Average win percentage: 81.3%
Series: Horizon
First PlayStation appearance: Horizon: Zero Dawn, 2017 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Ratchet and Clank, Sub-Zero, Trico
Average win percentage: 70%
Vote for your favourite character! (200 votes)
- Victor Sullivan
- Aloy
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 114: Cloud Strife vs. Delsin Rowe
Cloud Strife
Series: Final Fantasy
First PlayStation appearance: Final Fantasy VII, 1997 (PSone)
Characters beaten: Croc, Pyramid Head, Gwendolyn
Average win percentage: 75%
Delsin Rowe
Series: inFAMOUS
First PlayStation appearance: inFAMOUS Second Son, 2014 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Wei Shen, Nick Valentine, Wheatley
Average win percentage: 57.3%
Vote for your favourite character! (194 votes)
- Cloud Strife
- Delsin Rowe
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 37
Now this is where it starts to get really tough (mostly).
Victor GODDAMN Sullivan over Aloy. much as I like Aloy.
I'm still reeling from Yen bowing out to that accursed blue hog last week. Grrr!
Oof, this was a tough one. Haven't decided between Sully and Aloy yet...argh!
Aloy and Cloud
Victor and Cloud!
Aloy and Cloud for me
I went Aloy and Cloud, but that first round was difficult!
I think this weeks is the easiest the next 3 weeks will be bringing a lot of tough choices for me.
@get2sammyb I don't want to get into a FF discussion but you've never spoke about your thoughts on FF7 (or at least I haven't seen you talk about it) - did you play/like it back in the day?
@kyleforrester87 I came to it very late. I remember when it first released, but I actively avoided JRPGs for many years. It's only within the past 10 years or so that I've been open to playing them.
I ended up playing Final Fantasy VII on the PSP about... Maybe eight years ago? I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rooting for Sully and Cloud. Sully is practically the best thing about Uncharted and Cloud is the protagonist of my all-time favourite game.
Picked Sully for the first, because...it's Sully! Who could not enjoy his character in the Uncharted games? My second pick was against Cloud...for some reason, I never enjoyed FF7. I did however, enjoy FF10, just never got into part 7...plus, I do enjoy the Infamous games and really enjoyed Second Son.
Now we're properly getting into it. This is second week at Wimbledon stuff. FA Cup 3rd round. World Cup knockout stages. It's heavyweights all the way through from now on.
Went for Sully (reluctantly) and Cloud.
Love Sully but Aloy was a great character and a much needed new mascot for the PS4.
Never completed FF7 but Cloud is an iconic character and Delsin for me wasn't in the top three characters in his own game.
Next should be interesting, the battle of the waifus and the battle of the dads.
I went Sully even though Aloy is great, too. And obviously I went Cloud because Delsin sucks.
I love Aloy too much not to vote for her. Sully, you'll forgive me for this i promise. Picked Delsin even tho its a loosibg battle cause i really love the inFamous series.
How is Delsin still in this? He is the worst character from his own series?
I enjoyed Second Son but the graphics and game play were its strong points. The characters and story weren't great. Definitely room for improvement there.
@LieutenantFatman Agreed.
Whoever chose Aloy over Sully deserve to get put down like the dirty animals they are.
Sully (obviously) and Cloud.
Cloud, Aloy. 😁 😜
@LieutenantFatman Bring back Cole. 😉
@ApostateMage I've lost all faith in us as a species
@Splat also surprised seeing delsin this far, but I didn't think he was that bad
@LieutenantFatman Fetch says hi.
Aloy and Cloud ftw.
Much as I like Sully, he can't take down a robot T-Rex with a slingshot. That's tough to beat.
first real hard one for me but Alloy it is & Delsin
Fetch was pretty cool.
Right, if Delsin Rowe wins this round I'm lighting a pile of beanie hats and throwing myself on it in protest
I predict the tournament winner to be kratos.
I had to vote for Cloud over Aloy. Partly because I still have yet to finish the game, (Horizon: Zero Dawn that is) because its kinda dull & boring.
Cloud is my 2nd vote cuz remind me, who is Delsin again? Ha easy choice with Cloud.
Much agreed.
Don't give a damn about the old man, I never really liked him that much as a sidekick. Aloy all the way until she goes against Ellie, I won't vote😭
@Bliquid That comment actually simplifies everything
Wow, these were two very tough choices.
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