PlayStation Now was always billed as on-demand access to Sony’s archives, and while it has made great strides towards that goal in recent years, it’s still a long way off achieving what we suspect the platform holder envisions for it. Nevertheless, the company has added the first batch of PlayStation 2 Classics to the streaming service.
Starting this month in North America, you’ll be able to play the likes of Ape Escape 2, Dark Cloud 2, Forbidden Siren, and Hot Shots Tennis 2 as part of your membership. Europe will also get Fantavision, Primal, Wild Arms 3, Kinectica, Okage: Shadow King, Dark Chronicle, Arc the Lad, and more. You can find the full list for North America and Europe through the respective links.
These are the PS4 ports of the PS2 titles, meaning that they’re enhanced with Trophy support and such. It’s a nice addition to the service, but it makes the dearth of PS2 Classics actually available on Sony’s new-gen system even more questionable. Why has the platform holder all but ceased releasing these? The company needs to do better with its legacy.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 33
And, once again, this is all great if I really wanted to spend £12.99 every MONTH!!! Sony, reduce the monthly price by half and then we can start a dialogue
i still say they should do an option for PS+ where you pay a bit more if you want and get PSNow included
The classics disnt even run that well so the fact they came out infrequently makes it worse.
Ah well. This will be limited to those with good enough internet as usual. I still have my PS2 anyway and the games are fairly cheap here.
@tomassi would be a start if the price in Europe were the same as in the US.
My internet is wayyy too terrible for PS Now. Shame because I wouldn't mind giving it a try.
Still dont care about PlayStation now.
SONY are sooooo SLOW sometimes :-/ PS NOW would be Amazing if it had loads of PS1 and PS2 games on it to by now. If SONY can't be bothered getting older GAMES on PS NOW then bring back FULL PS1/2/3 Disc playback to a future PlayStation PLEASE(it will NEVER happen which is a shame) + PS NOW does work well to. i was surprised how perfect it was. At least SONY didn't mess that up
I wish they’d put more PS2 games on. There are a few classics I’d love to get. A good cel-shaded art style holds up so well with the upresing too.
Should be ps plus + ps now for 60 euros a year.
@ShadowWarrior Good for you
@ShadowWarrior I'm not sure ANYONE does at this stage!
For a second I thought there's new ps2 classic titles for ps4, I'm still waiting for ape escape 3
Psnow will be a lot better if we can download and play rather than stream titles that can be played natively on ps4.
Should had been done when PSNow first came on the scene and included PS1 games.
Trophies in PS2 games ? I like that. Still not convinced though.
So what? Will this be the only way to play classics from here on out?
Sony's handling of its past really is braindead sometimes.
@Carl-G I am hoping for ports or remaster when we cant have disc based bc
But recently remakes did pretty well (R&C and SoTC for example).
Well I doubt we will see hardly any more PS2 Classics on the store as we have requested I know it's licensing issues most of the time and red tape but surly Sony could just pay for this issues and reap it back in sales
Meanwhile on Xbox I can just put in the disc and download those games for free and play them with better frame rates and close to 4K, or if I don't have the game then buy it for about £8 on the store. Sony have done an amazing job this gen but this is one area where they are so very far behind
Maybe PS1 and PSP are up next.
Too bad Sony can't do BC like Microsoft.
Only hackers get to play their PS2 discs on PS4.
Longtime fans get the shaft, rebuy your games or else.
In denmark you can't Get Playstation now..
I'd be more tempted if you could download the games to be played offline.
Until Sony offers such a feature, I'm not interested...
@YummyHappyPills my internet is 400 mps and PS now still runs like crap, I'm not a big fan of it, I'd rather just own the game
We need more classics. Sony is obviously underestimating just how much money I am willing to spend on games I have already bought just so I can get a platinum trophy in them.
@carlos82 people can buy a movie on DVD for as little as £1 but they still choose to watch it on Netflix.
I just wish Sony would open this to phones and tablets. Wish they did tease way back during the PS4 reveal event. Really push this as a service to stream games, from current and legacy consoles, on a variety of devices.
No ps now in portugal... so yeah... still don't care...
The PS2 "classics" were no great shakes anyway; all the ones I was waiting for (Baldur's Gate, Norrath, Gauntlet) never appeared, even though Sony owns the IP for Norrath.
PS Now makes no sense when you can pick up a PS2 with some games for a couple of months subscription.
Just put the PS2 emulator on the PS4 and let us play whatever games we want...
@dazzlerJJD But that usually means it would be actual DVD, not a Blu-Ray. And SD is doesn’t fare well these days. So it’s be more than a $1, probabky almost half of a months subscription to Netflix.
Sony is on top of things this generation, but I'd still rather see them handle backwards compatibility the way Microsoft is doing it...
It's a crap service that hasn't improved much in years. Even with good Internet like mine, it's not smooth. We DON'T want to stream games.
Sony should at least give users free downloads of PS4 enhanced classics if you already own the original disc, like how Microsoft does.
I want TimeSplitters!
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