If you’re in the market for a spangly new PlayStation 4 Pro and you live in the UK, then good luck finding one. Stock has been on the short side for some time now, and while major retailers like Tesco and Currys have recently received new shipments, the system is only available through third-parties at Amazon UK.
Exactly why Sony’s struggling to keep stock replenished is a mystery, as there’s been renewed interest in the supercharged system on the back of exclusives like God of War and Detroit: Become Human. The system does seem to be more readily available across the pond, but the platform holder really needs to improve supply because there’s clear demand for the device right now.
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[source stockinformer.co.uk]
Comments 25
Anecdotal evidence from the U.S.... PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and Switch are all pretty easy to find at the Gamestops, Target, Walmart and Best Buy near where I live. PS4 Slim and Xbox One S can be a little harder to find when big games and retailer-related deals are going on (which is quite often).
Not sure how related to the article this is. But in regards to Amazon, there's some weird stuff going on in NA. Seems like neither the PS4 Slim or Pro are available (last I looked) directly through Amazon and neither are Sony exclusives. Stupid play on part of both companies if they can't sort that out.
@Gamer83 Yeah, Amazon and Sony are having a bit of a spat in the UK, too. But this doesn't seem to be related to that because PS4 Pro is quite hard to find everywhere at the moment.
Thanks for the insight into the US situation!
Nearly every Argos in East Sussex either has them to collect immediately or to collect first thing tomorrow. Says they’re available for home delivery, too. Just the console though, there’re no bundles listed
Maybe a game of chicken? Will be interesting to see which blinks first. One would think Sony at least wants to sell as much hardware as possible so something could be worked out there. But, with the push for all-digital by pretty much every company (even Nintendo is doing stuff that shows its making moves into this direction) I wouldn't be surprised if maybe Sony does try to cut out middle men, at least for its first party exclusives. There has been a trend lately to give out more 20% off codes, I just used the most recent from watching the Detroit launch trailer to actually buy that game. If Sony were to start allowing us to use discount codes on PS Store pre-orders, even as much as I love having physical copies, I'd be very tempted to just go the digital right like I do with all my movies and music.
Pro slim announcement at E3? I'd buy that!
Anyone who cant get one needs to console themselves.
Clear the shelves of old stock.
Increase demand.
Announce PS5
Keep an eye on response
determine demand
start production at pace that just barely meets demand
argos has them game has them even our local small games store has them so were's the problem
@LaNooch1978 except Sony has already said there will be no new hardware announcements at E3...but we'll see I guess.
Glad i got my God of War edition pro last month then. Really impressed overall with it. Been good to revist the Withcher 3.
@LaNooch1978 I don't think Sony would take up precious game-revealing time at E3 to showcase not-completely-new, redesigned hardware. That wasn't the case for the PS4 Slim and I don't think that would be the case for a potential PS4 Pro Slim.
Yep, been trying to get hold of a Pro for a ages now. Have found some in supermarkets but I like a good deal and I'm specifically after the Pro bundled with GOW. Will happily wait until something decent pops up as I'm not paying £350 for one on its own.
Thanks @get2sammyb for highlighting this. I was wondering why is this hasn't been mentioned.
I've got two PS4s and a roll of gaffer tape. Bidding starts at £299.99
@Turismo4GT I'd be down for a $350 Pro Slim. However idk if it's possible without a revamped cooling system. And tbh I don't think the mass market really cares about the pro anyway.
Not that I want a Pro but it's so strange that they'd be understocking it unless they wish to abandon it soon enough... I'm just content with my normal PS4.
I'll sell you mine. £500. £580 and I'll include a controller.
In game today and they had stock. Wish I had a 4k tv to justify the purchase. I still think ps5 is getting announced next year for 2020 release.
Ah! Not another revised model pls. I've already upgraded from vanilla > slim > Pro > PSVR. As a 4K tv owner I'm waiting for a true 4K/PSVR PS5 with hybrid PSP2 tablet.
Or deliberately make not make enough like MS did with the XB1X launch so you can claim a sellout and rejoice in success …lol
This article asks a question that actually provides the answer. Durrr… Yes those two games have created a surge, and yes, console manufacture is running flat out. Manufacturers don't send 2 consoles to each store so that they all have the same in stock. They send out batches when ready that fulfil a specific order.
Amazon is a large player, so they will be sending in a very large order that will take time to complete. If you are basing the overall trend on a simple look at how Amazon are doing, then you're going to come to the wrong conclusion. Amazon buy big to make a big profit, but they don't have a priority over other retailers.
I'm not attacking Amazon because I use them the same as everyone else and get a good service. I'm just stating an obvious fact.
I can walk into my local Argos (South East, Kent) and pick one up right now if I want, according to their site.
Game had them earlier in the week, they tried to sell me one when I was buying an Amiibo.
Is this thread 18 months old as I would totally understand it I had the very last one in cornwall just before xmas 2016 and think it was by far the best purchase I have ever made
I still have to pinch myself when thinking about just how good consoles and their games are in the modern age. I still play a lot of 8bit and 16bit games so I have never lost perspective on the incredible quality of contemporary games.
I adore my Pro, God of War was mind blowing and now I am back into Dark Souls for a 4th tour and it's amazing compared to PS3....never been a better time to be a gamer.
@justerthought Yes, that would work
It's probably all about that low firmware that's installed on ps4 pro 😉
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