We learned late last week that RAGE 2 would be officially revealed today, but it seems that the short teaser trailer has made its way online ahead of schedule. Initially uploaded to YouTube, it has since been taken down, but that didn't stop several people from creating mirrors. You can watch the video in the below tweet.
It's safe to say that the sequel to RAGE is adopting a very different tone. The colourful, punky aesthetic obviously matches all Bethesda's recent images hinting the game, and the music of course backs this up. Quite how different the sequel will be remains to be seen, but at least tonally, it seems to be pretty far removed from the first game.
Perhaps the official reveal later today will shed some more light on the game. Either way, we're certain to see more of RAGE 2 at Bethesda's E3 press conference next month.
What do you make of RAGE 2's teaser trailer? Do you like the shift in tone or were you hoping for a more straightforward sequel? Get ready to die in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 23
Oh man, I hate teasers, they never show anything. I guess this is better than most though. Just about.
I like post-apocalyptic setting, so Im really excited.
At this rate, they'll probably accidentally release the game on PSN a month early.
This wasn''t a leak, it's all part of the hype machine. Just watched 30 mins of the first rage on PC. looks good.
Oh yeah.cant wait.rage is a great game.word up son
@JoeBlogs I played it when it launched and thought it was pretty good up until I finished it. It's pretty short, and ends incredibly abruptly. I remember thinking, "Oh, okay the game is starting to get pretty awesome now!", and then it ended. That ruined the whole game for me.
It was not worth the $60 I paid for it, but if you can find it for a few quid I would recommend it. It didn't feel like a complete game to me, but it was solid, or rather it would have been if it wasn't a full priced game. Using the boomerang weapon was fun, and there was a card game that was sort of like Triple Triad, and was amazing, and easily the best part of the game.
The game also had multiplayer.
Which was a combat racing game mode... Which was an odd decision. id should have focused on just delivering a complete single player experience.
Like I said, you can find it dirt cheap. You might like it for dirt cheap.
It was all planned from the start. Walmart got hacked!😱
@JoeBlogs Haha. I don't think it's short enough to complete if you don't have time. I think it's around 10 - 15 hours, but most of that is fluff that doesn't matter at all, and the game just ends. It's the epitome of anti-climactic, and it made the game feel really short to me.
I also just completely skipped the racing side missions. That adds literally 10 hours to the game. I spent most of the time playing that card game.
Time is more important than money, so now that I know you have no time, I would say skip it. Unless you like bland looking box art.
Oh man, now I'm rememebering the original Rage, please Bethesda do not put a heavy emphasis on racing in this game! What the heck were they thinking with that!?
Safe to say they've gone a completely different direction then.
Got no feeling about it
@ShogunRok that's what I got ill wait for game play, enjoyed the first and the way they've been nailing shooters recently hopefully it'll be decent
Excited to see what direction they go for the sequel. I engender renting the original even got the platinum. Was a above average game nothing special but was a good time. Hopefully they can make an assassin's creed type leap from the first to the second.
Seems like the title is "Rage 2" after all
Should it even be called Rage 2 then? Why not just make a new post-apocalyptic IP? That seems like it would be a more exciting idea than a sequel no one really asked for.
I've never played it. If it's a cross between Fallout and Borderlands then cool.
You know if Bethesda hadn't reacted so loudly to WalMart we wouldn't be looking at this stuff right?
Reeeaallly should've just shut up and put up.
Eh. Looks neat though.
It looks kinda interesting. I doubt I'll be buying it, but I'll keep an eye on it. I want to see more.
@Constable_What In the UK you can pick it up for £1.50 in CEX
Gameplay trailer comes out tomorrow
Whoah! Ok.... That was a little bit insane....... And i think i like it!
@Neolit Dooo iiiit! Probably gonna be a lot of fun from the look of it!
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