And there it is. As promised, Rockstar has released a brand new trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, and boy does it look good. The two minute, rather emotional video sheds more light on the game's story and characters, while also showcasing new gameplay and a few fresh environments. In short, consider us excited.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is still a while off – it launches on the 26th October – but has this latest trailer helped feed your hype? Reload that revolver in the comments section below.
Update: Here's the game's official blurb, shedding a little more light on its story: "America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.
"After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal, and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him."
Comments 86
Absolutely superb trailer. Man!
Really great trailer.
Alllll aboard the hype train.
Not the least bit impressed.
I don't know, maybe it's the low volume music, or the generic brown, or the fact that I have no rose colored glasses nostalgia b/c I haven't played any of the previous games, but that trailer did nothing for me. Not as exciting as Deadwood, not as interesting as Westworld, not as good looking as GoW or H:ZD.
They at least needed Ennio Morricone level music in there. Something. But I felt nothing, just kept waiting for it to start getting good.
Guess westerns' just aren't my game genre, I'll stick to tv and movies for my cowboy fix.
Edit: Watched it again, and listening closer, w/ much lowered expectations, and I can see there's a game in there, but mostly it makes me realize why I don't like anything realistic in my games. People who liked the previous game will probably find something to like in this one though.
@Jackvec Yes, he was there with the stitches where he would later have the scars!
Man this trailer was disappointing.
I see people on twitter saying hope the chick is playable I'm here asking is anything playable all i have seen is 2 trailers and a cutscene.
Might be in the minority but that trailer did nothing for me. Not too excited about it yet but hopefully when we get some decent information it'll look good.
That was a amazing trailer.still playing red dead redemption on my ps3.word up son
Reminder that the game is still almost 6 months away...
We'll get more trailers and more information.
@Hapuc You're right, it's a movie and not a game. Rockstar has hoodwinked us all.
Did anyone talk about hype train?
Nah, not for me. I played RDR 1 for a bit when it was released, but, it just didn't grab me and I can't see me getting that interested in this one either.
As they say, the world would be a pretty boring place if we all liked the same things.
Good trailer but I want to see gameplay
@get2sammyb Yes as of right now it's a movie and not a game.
Fantastic trailer. Loving the way the horses tear up the earth and the music was great. Hyped!
@Hapuc You're 100 per cent correct. I can't wait to watch this movie on 26th October.
So...can we play with John Marston? Since he is in the trailer and all....
I'm replaying Red dead redemption in Glorious 4k with the Xbox one X
I think it looks good. I really liked RDR so I’m biased. But I trust that the game is going to be epic.
The only thing that could have made that better would have been to announce a remaster of Red Dead Redemption. I am still hopeful that we will get one this summer. It would be the perfect time to drop it for people to catch up.
Awesome trailer! Can't wait
What a disappointment again from Rockstar.
@get2sammyb Me too It will be awesome movie I bet,too bad it's too expensive because not one movie is worth 60$.
I had hope to see more about the game-play, the activities etc as I don't really want the story spoiled. It would have been nice to show a small snippet of your character in a town, see the hustle and bustle of that, get some idea of what you can do outside of the story.
If the set-up is that you are on the run, keeping ahead of lawmen and bounty hunters, I wonder how much time you can spend in one area, whether you can collect bounties yourself?
Pretty much as expected, lots of cowboys running round on horses and stuff.
Looking forward to it though, the last one was very good.
@rjejr Yeah, I know what you mean. With the original Red Dead Redemption on the PS3/360 I never really felt any pull towards it, but my son raved about it and I gave it go.
Glad I did as I absolutely loved it! Great story, gameplay, characters, graphics and music....took me right back to playing as a cowboy when I was a little boy....yeehaaa! 🤠
Loved RDR 1. Can’t wait for this one. But this trailer didn’t move me one bit.
For me its noticeable but i guess it depends on the person. Some will say noticeable other will say not.
If the footage is from the PS4 it will be a stunning-looking game.
I enjoyed the first game but never replayed it, and I don't plan on buying this one. For a while I was quite into western games, playing RDR and the first three Call of Juarez games, but I've lost all interest in this niche.
Perhaps if Rockstar had just dropped the trailer without teasing it, it would have had a bigger impact for some people (myself included)? I was hoping for proper gameplay and to see more of the world and gunfights and animated horse balls... but what we got was another teaser. No bad thing by any stretch, but maybe an anticlimax after knowing the trailer was incoming.
Was an awesome trailer! I have never gotten into the Red Dead games but this looks to have a really interesting story. Been thinking about getting another Ps3 to catch up on some games from last gen, I think this now I want to play the first so I know who the hell these people are. Glad the release date stuck hopefully it won't slip again
Super excited to get lost in this world again.
@DLB3 I know how Rockstar markets their games but to be honest, seeing cinematics gives me almost nothing, story and cinematics are always expected to be good in their's the gameplay that evolves the most and that's why I want to see it! I don't even want to know nothing from the story before playing
John Marston is back
I love the way R* play with gamers. When everyone wants a gameplay trailer they show up story trailer and no one can say anything ( I think this one was good enough to keep my mouth shut)
Release date is far enough for a gameplay trailer.
@LaNooch1978 Nah stay here on the bright blue cool side
Besides RDR is on PS Now anyway.
look amazing as hell.. we have 5 more months left and 24 days left now. Spyro Trilogy, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Spider-Man will keep fans busy until this game come out
Looks really good, day 1
@jacobia I played a demo for 1 cowboy game and most of another, maybe Gun, but it always felt like too much effort in slow motion for playing a game when I could be watching a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western instead.
But I also never ever wanted to play a JRPG. They always looked so slow to me, w/ turn based fighting options. snooze. Give me a platformer or fighting game any day. But then I played FFVII and played almost nothing but JRPG for years after that, every thing else seemed like pointless button mashing.
So I think if I did play this, and took the time w/o rushing to really get into it, I'd really get into it and enjoy it, but I don't have the inclination to start and this trailer is doing nothing for me.
This trailer for Mafia 3 made me really want to play it. I never did b/c the reviews were pretty bad, but I still remember the trailer. And it's brown like this, in a real life situation like this w/ no superheroes, just people talking, but it seems like there's a whole lot going on. Also a lot of cussing so feel free not to watch it if those words offend you. Oh and violence. And blood.
@Neolit Me and Sammy are bemused by the amount of people saying this trailer does nothing for them. The game's 6 months out and even as a standalone trailer this is really, really good.
Only logical explanation is people built their expectations way too high. I don't know what was expected.
Good trailer but I think Trailer 2 is better, I don't like western criminal/heist story.
@rjejr What are ye talkin about? This new Far Cry game looks pretty good!
@DLB3 I know we probably won't see sh** like for GTA 5, there was no proper gameplay trailer...but that won't stop me from wanting it x)
@stupidget if its not for you why one agrees with you playa.word up son
@magiphone maybe you should go play halo.recore.forza.gears.and mario and zelda.people always complaining even if it looks great😒.word up son
@Neolit Dude you just told a guy there are short snippets of gameplay in the trailer but it's there I can't take you seriously.
And will I have fun is very subjective.
@ShogunRok I don't know I was expecting nothing revolutionary I was expecting gameplay I was expecting for them to tell me in a 4 minute video at least what is the world what can I do in that world you know little things like that and something about that multiplayer that they will put in the game...You know a trailer like that (like they did for GTA 5)
@playstation1995 everyone's allow an opinion Sideshow Bob!
@Octane I actually liked the FC5 trailers, looked like Sons of Anarchy: The Game. I don't play FPS though, gives me a headache.
@Hapuc Yeah I get what you're saying, but there's plenty of time for that. I'm sure Rockstar will start kicking the marketing machine into gear over the next few months now — we'll definitely see more.
Not a very exciting trailer. However RDR2 will probably be a very good game as it is a R* game.
I hope the heavy god rays are at a minimum and i hope dof has options like in Gta 5 on current gen. Bright vivid colors with only small amounts of fog and rain would be nice. Also i hope the region with snow is large.
I gotta admit that I am not even that excited for e3 this year. Why? Because look at all the amazing games that are coming out over the next 6 months. Spyro, tomb raider, Spiderman, Detroit, dragons quest 11, Vampyr, Red Dead, Battlefield V etc. I guess it's awesome to see what the future holds but right now we have too many games lol
Trailer did nothing for me at all. I loved the first Red Dead Redemption though so im sure ill enjoy this
I liked the trailer, even if I was expecting more.
The battle this year for the GOTY tittle will be between God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Spider-Man, I believe.
I love Westerns especially Back to the Future 3. Hopefully we get a cameo off doc and michael j fox.
Uh-uh. Give me Red Dead Redemption Remastered first
Nice trailer, I'm really excited for this game.
@rjejr Good trailer 👍. The language, violence and stuff doesn’t bother in video games. And again, it’s a similar thing for me, that I don’t particularly feel like investing my time in certain games even though they’re generally considered to be top of their respective genre. For example: most (j)rpgs, sports games, racing games, fighting games, moba’s...and any gta game. I would never say they are rubbish or stupid because that’d be can I have an opinion either way if I’ve never played them?? The genres that always attract my interest are horror, sci-fi and fantasy, a good story that I will want to invest in.
It’s awesome that there’s so many different types of games out there, lots of options for folks to choose from 🎮.
Sorry GoW, GOTY right there.
Sorry but as much as I loved Red Dead Redemption and being a huge fans of westerns in general I'm STILL not convinced to 'please be excited' yet.
There are so many games im excited for this year (and I'm still playing and excited by God Of War)unfortunately this isant one of them.
Show me some gameplay and hopefully things might change
RDR was my fav game last gen so yep I'm excited for this!
@Neolit how cute bringing up a highly lauded game that’s being called the best of the generation and easily goty front runner and comparing it to something that is totally different. Anyway I can almost guarantee gow takes goty this year which takes nothing away from rdr 2 whick looks amazing but it’s just most likely going down like that. Oh and can you explain what supposed filler there was in gow.
Never played the first one (previous Xbox fanboy sorry!) and wish they would remaster it!
@eltomo no doubt this game will be amazing but I don’t see it beating gow for goty just like gta 5 couldn’t beat tlou
@rjejr if reviews caused you to skip Mafia 3 then you completely missed out. Also, it’s not all “brown” in it’s visuals. Great story, fantastic sound track, good visuals and decent gunplay mechanics. You can probably pick it up on the cheap now and I’d give it a solid 7.5/10
@THEH4MM The first Red Dead Redemption? It came out for PS3 as well as the 360 🤷🏻♂️
@jacobia WOW how did I miss that then? Oh dear /hangs head in shame!
@THEH4MM No, indeed not! An individual who has an AT-AT in their avatar shall never ever never never succumb to shame. Particularly over a video game 😎
Trolls....... Trolls as far as the eye can see!
Anywho.... Im guessing that besides the trolls the people who are not feeling it etc simply havent played RDR. Rockstar could show me a vid of a dog takin a poo with the RDR2 logo and id be pretty damn excited lol
@Gmork___ only trolls I ever see are on the business end of my Leviathan Axe in GoW😂
My god this looks incredible, Red Dead Redemption was the best game last gen and is the best GTA game ever made. I cannot wait for this game
There's only 1 thing which could be a deal breaker: if you have to tap X to sprint. It sucked in all their previous games & will suck here too if its in. We have analog sticks for a reason Rockstar, for the love of god please no tapping X to sprint!!!
@Neolit my bad I read it as you saying gow didn’t do it well
Not really hyped after this. I mean, I loved RDR and more of the same will just do. But ... I don't know. I'm way more hyped for TLOU2 and Death Stranding . Even before this trailer I was pretty much in the hype train for RDR2... Anyway I'm in for day one.
@hadlee73 I'm in the same boat as you.
Since there are many complaining about lack of gameplay, I watched the trailer again and I think there is actually some brief gameplay glimpses in there. The fist fights, and the one dude tackling the other dude, the shooting from the horse to rob a stagecoach, and the part taking cover and crawling through the burning building all looked playable.
The trailer didn’t hold my interest at all. Can’t wait for the game (still a day one purchase) but if I knew nothing about Red Dead or Rockstar, based on that trailer alone, I wouldn’t be interested in it. Not sure why, just wasn’t gripped by anything.
I’m surprised to see so many on the internet thinking the same though.
(By the way, I’m a huge Rockstar fan)
Wow, 100 comments in and not single beg for a switch port, i'm impressed! Or maybe I already have those people blocked
Trailer got me all hyped up to find the time to dust off my PS3 and play the first game.
Since I doubt Rockstar will be announcing a RDR1 Remaster at this point, game is releasing in 5 months.
(I'd be happy as heck if they did though...)
After all this time and the studio behind it, I expected it to look a lot better. (Or IMO at least less animatronic.)
I'm a little surprised. I thought the game would look better considering it's from Rockstars, who obviously have been raking it in like crazy with GTA V. I really liked the first one so I'll still buy it for the story but hopefully this won't be a disappointment. And pray to God there won't be microtransactions -__-
Haven't even watched it. Still buying it.
I was expecting the trailer to be a bit more.. coherent. Lots of talking but I got very little sense out of it all. Quite boring to be honest.
Watched it a couple of times and it's done nothing for me dampened any hype I had for it tbh
@DLB3 Ok so that's not the point.
@Neolit Yeah I would like to see gameplay like I don't know you know gameplay not in cinematic style i mean gameplay you control a guy they show you a mission or something and that's it nothing too complicated and nothing too hard.
@DLB3 So Gta is Gta Red Dead Is not I extremely know what Gta will show and what will it be about like every Gta.
But I have zero to no idea what Red Dead is except Cowboys and it's set in 1899.
I don't know how gameplay is i don't know combat works With Gta they didn't have to release one trailer because you know what gta is and you know what you are getting.
@DLB3 If they ain't gonna show me any gameplay now then don't show me anything until those 2-3 months in advance.
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