One of the biggest complaints lobbied at No Man's Sky is that it doesn't have the multiplayer one of the game's programmers, Sean Murray, suggested it would. If the below box art for the recently announced Xbox One version is to be believed, however, the feature could well be on the horizon.

A little while back, Murray announced that a substantial update for No Man's Sky entitled NEXT was on the way this summer. It was described as the "largest update so far", leading many to speculate whether multiplayer, or possibly even VR support, would be included. This new artwork, which was posted on Twitter by user PeacefulGamer, features what appear to be four player characters, implying that multiplayer will be present in the game.
Other conclusions being drawn from the box art are that the NEXT update will also implement ringed planets and super-sized flora and fauna, increasing the variety in the creatures and the environments. An official unveiling of the update should emerge soon.
What do you think of No Man's Sky's cover art on Xbox One? Is the game getting multiplayer, and if it is, would you go back and give it a try? Don't get lost in space in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 25
While that is amazing news, there is absolutely no chance i will revisit after getting the platinum upon release.
Yeah but didn't the original box art state multiplayer until Sony stuck a sticker on the top? I never dipped and might be interested once this new patch is made known...
I'll never ever play this game again unless they add huge dinossaurs and way more creatures like the trailers from before release
@Rudy_Manchego yeah i think it did
"Some Men's Sky"
I've been fooled once, it's bound to happen again
This needs horrors from Bloodborne to be randlomy generates atrocities. Make the randomness create strange nightmares and I’ll jump in. Land on a planet and just go nope, I’m out.
I'm praying for VR for this.
I went back briefly last year but got distracted by other games. Adored it second time round and WILL get back to it eventually.
@RogerRoger got it on launch day and played it quite a lot at first but I think overall its my least played ps4 game(that I've actually paid for)oddly enough its never been deleted of my hard drive even when I've needed a little room I've always deleted a game that I play way more often...weird.
Ewww screw this game. it has alot mix reviews and some negative reviews
Maybe I will buy it, depends on what they add in patch. I was very excited for it but waited for launch and got dissapointed by reviews... It is good that they didn't let this game die because it has so much potential.
Not again!
@YeYa As one of the few people who was never disappointed by No Man's Sky, I implore you to give it a try if you haven't. The massive outpouring of disappointment in the game is largely based on faulty expectations, and fueled by the developer's overpromising or not I think that's a shame. The disappointment at launch might have been justified, but the hatred for No Man's Sky has long since crossed from legitimate into trendy. More than any other game, I think you get out of No Man's Sky what you take in with you.
query "No Man's Sky"
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Unless this NEXT update comes with a built in £14 refund then I’ll steer clear...I thought I’d bagged it at a bargain price too...but alas not!!
I wouldnt go back to this even if it was a PS+ game
I'm actually playing it right now and kind of looking forward to the update. Not interested in multiplayer at all so I hope NEXT will be about something else. It's the biggest little game I've played and I really like it. Definitely has its flaws but also memorable unique moments. Not for everyone I'd assume but if you're into this isolated kind of exploring you might want to check the game out
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm lets face it is anyone going to believe anything from them till its DL on your console to check
Considering the huhe updates they've had so far, largest update yet does seem pretty bold. The soft multiplayer so far was pretty cool in a way. Still go back to it from time to time, decent game.
I still love this game. I thought it was great without all the patches. It’s even better with the patches. I guess I’m one of those weirdos. LOL
i love the game,i have over 567 hours in so far,have platinumed the game.got six exotic ships,one diry great big star destroyer freighter and a great rare as hell alien multi tool.im also getting it on the xb1x in the summer so i can do permadeath.....i grew up watching b movies like forbidden planet so this kind of game is perfect for me.oh and there are huge dinosaurs in this game ....8meters tall some of them..
@NoxAeturnus Thanks for advice! I am now waiting for them to announce new stuff they are going to add in NEXT update.
I haven't played NMS for a couple of months but I've left it installed on my Pro in the hope that VR support is released for it. If this is in the next update then my VR Headset will become my virtual space helmet and I'll start the game from scratch again
good VR and I'm in. No interest in multiplayer tbh.
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