We’re building up to Sony’s E3 2018 press conference with various features and articles, but we still don’t actually know whether the company’s going to hold one. Yes, it would be strange for the platform holder to skip its annual on-stage theatrics, but the reality is that it’s yet to confirm the date, time, or location of its briefing.
Assuming it sticks to its usual schedule, we’d expect the presser to take place at 6PM PT on 11th June, but that’s just an educated guess. In reality, the Japanese giant may be planning to change things up, hence the delay in getting invites out. Alternatively, it could just be binning the whole thing off – although we do know it will have a large presence on the E3 2018 showfloor itself.
We’d expect the company to reveal its plans later this week, as it’s leaving things really late at this stage. Obviously, we’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything.
Comments 32
Sony isn’t going to be at E3 conformed.
PLOT TWIST: There wont be one
PLOT TWIST 2: There announcing PS5, E3 explodes
Does Sony need E3 at this point?
They’re sitting comfortably. It would be a great swerve if they decided to skip E3 to double down at PSX.
I really think PSX should be the highlight of the PlayStation calendar.
They'll have to really bring it this year to compete with Nintendo. Smash will overshadow any new fighting games so I don't see Sony announcing Playstation Battle Royale PS4 lol. They really need a Metroid Prime 4 style announcement but I can't think of any major franchises they could resurrect. Maybe a new Team ICO game? At this point i think to avoid being beaten, they should not take part in the first place and focus on PSX.
@Fight_Teza_Fight They don't need E3, but I don't think they should ignore it. Rightly or wrongly, there's an expectation from fans that they need to fulfil.
I do agree that it should be E3 and PSX, though. The Gamescom and Paris stuff just seems to muddy the waters; do E3 and PSX every six months instead.

@Fight_Teza_Fight yes they do need e3.and they gonna announce in a couple of days.sony is chilling like a villain right now.word up son
@nessisonett to compete with Nintendo.is this a late april fools joke.Nintendo is not a competition.we talking about PlayStation e3 and you bringing smash bros😂.PlayStation got to many games coming.PlayStation is the best console ever.from a underdog in 1995.to the king of gaming.PlayStation is the g.o.a.t.word up son
Sony knows the world can't handle Knack 3, that's why they're not attending E3.
they are not going to skip it.
even if they don't have many new games to reveal,they still have a full show that they can fill with just gameplay from ghost of tsushima,days gone,TLOU,spiderman and death stranding alone.
they might not "win" e3 with that,but i don't think that winning e3 is their goal right now seeing that they are the leading console market by far. besides if they show gameplay for all the games i mentioned above than their show will still be spectacular.
and sometimes it's just better to show much requested gameplay of already revealed games than announcing games that are still years away from being released which i admit is a fault that sony does fall for.
The time and date reveal in 2016 happened on May 17 by the way, and the year before it happened on May 15. It's a bit later than last year, but it's nothing unusual I think. They could drop the date and time at any moment now.
Last year, the Paris game show was better than the E3 showcase
I'd like to see them announce an earlier time than normal. The usual 2am conference is a bit late for my liking.
@get2sammyb They're keeping quiet to spite you. Maybe they'll just do a video "Sony Direct" instead.
@Octane Thanks for the timing perspective, I like perspective.
The whole conference will be in PSVR only.
The big surprise this year is that Sony isn't doing a press conference.
This is getting interesting.
@get2sammyb I fully expect them to attend E3, but if you’re ever going to skip a year, this might be it?
If they’re going to stretch themselves thin, then why open yourself up to criticism?
I like the way Rockstar just does whatever it wants, no reason why Sony can’t either. Mix it up a little bit.
Just wishful thinking of course. It’s going to happen.
what does it matter anyway we know they are going to be last and at a time when most people can't watch it just like every year because MS always gets the best slot (probably because it's an american show, the american company gets the prime time)
honestly whoever gets the prime time slot should be rotated each year
@playstation1995 if Sony wanted to compete w Nintendo in terms of Smash they can bring out the superior PlayStation All Stars word up son.
I wonder will Sony be dull or be interesting this E3... thier PSX was quite the sleeper...
@nessisonett Let's see what ports of Wii U they will announce this time. xD
Sony will be at E3 cannot wait to see what they have coming!! I feel like a FOOL lol
Amazing how every now and then the comment section turns into console wars. Can we leave the whole "Who wins E3" debate in the past? As a PS4 and Switch owner, I hope both have great announcements
@PS_Nation As a Wii U owner unfortunately I can safely say that they've already announced ports for every decent Wii U game haha why do you think I also bought a PS4?
I might request not work that day if I can get three weeks notice. I usually watch all of E3, but I won’t be able to with work this year. I like a 2-11 shift, but it’s not friendly to events in life.
@nessisonett They are still to announce a port of Paper Mario. Hope that happens...
not having a conference would probably the biggest surprise they could announce, short of announcing PS5.. i'm expecting a functional but unspectacular showing. unless there's some commissioned second/third party exclusives, struggling to see what rabbit they could pull from the hat.
TLoU2, Death Stranding, Dreams and Ghost of Tsushima gameplay segments. New trailer for Medieval remake. Release date for Days Gone (I'd guess Feb/Mar 2019) Long shots: God of War expansion DLC, another Bluepoint Games remake.
3rd Party stuff: Destiny 2 Year 2 Expansion, Black Ops IV, RDR II, Spyro remake. Longshots: Housemarque's stormdivers (maybe console exclusive - don't recall platforms being announced in the reveal trailer).
Stuff that seems to have gone unnoticed/disappeared into the ether: Wild, Concrete Genie. Deep Down!?!?
Lol for a console producer not turning up to an event like E3 is like a champion sportsman not turning up to compete cos they keep beating the competition. Sony needs to be at E3, so the competition can step up their game! And possibly, seeing the best perform at anything is inspiration for all of us!! On a different note... what's happened to Nintendo Switch? My mates bought Zelda BotW, Mario Kart, Splatoon just before xmas 2017, but since Jan '18 have lost all interest!!! Haha expecting the mud pies!!
It feels like every comments section for these kinds of articles has fanboys arguing over the console wars even though it's 2018. Disgusting
Well, this would be one way to hand the competition a ton of momentum. Nintendo is already going well and will definitely have some games on display. And I think MS is going to have some big news this year, I don't buy into the whole it's make or break for MS but it's as close as you can get.
This website and Nintendo Life are sister websites and there are rabid fanboys on both sides who like to migrate between the sites to sh*t on good news for 'the enemy.' Not surprising really, console-specific websites will attract people who have a preference and some of those people take things to the extreme. Then you have the fact this is the internet and people love to troll and you get the fanboy wars. I agree it's disgusting but it is what it is. Most people aren't too bad it's just the conventions and the sales articles that bring out the worst.
I'd be dumbfounded if they didn't cover E3, more than likely they're just holding off on an announcement until sometime next week.
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