While it doesn’t happen very often anymore, we love it when a game announcement comes out of nowhere and rustles our jimmies. Atomic Heart had the Push Square Slack chat aflutter earlier this evening, as we fawned over Mundfish’s BioShock-esque first-person shooter. Due out in 2018 on the PlayStation 4, the title’s set in an alternate universe “during the high noon of the Soviet Union”.
According to the title’s Steam page, you’ll play as a special agent, who goes radio silent after being assigned a mission by the Soviet government. “Unfold the secrets, restore peace and order, and show the Motherland what you got,” the blurb concludes. If you don’t do anything else with your day, make sure you watch this trailer – it’s mental.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 14
"Soviet Shooter Atomic Heart Has the Best Trailer You'll See Today"
Seems funny after posting that Become Human article.
That looks freaking amazing
Great song, great trailer. Reminds me a bit of Bioshock. Sadly it's not my kind of game but I wish good luck to the developers.
Oh wow! This looks so freaking amazing!
An instant one to keep to keep an eye out for! Looks brilliant 😎
@thebakerswife Haha, trying to think of something similar, but I’m afraid I can’t Trump that....
That is a good trailer, one to watch!
@thebakerswife well done!
Wow, that's different
Wow, that is, er, wow. Yes please!
Holy cow!!! This looks unique & incredible! Is it officially coming to ps4?
Consider my jimmies rustled
o m g this looks fantastic wtf is that at 0:21
This trailer has me intrigued, will wait for a review though.
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