We’re sure it’s a complete coincidence that Bigben Interactive has released this new Tennis World Tour gameplay footage on the same day as AO International Tennis’ worldwide launch. The video shows legends John McEnroe and Andre Agassi going head-to-head, although we’re hoping that the encoding is to blame for the choppiness of the action – surely this is going to run at 60 frames-per-second on the PlayStation 4?

It’s also really disappointing to see McEnroe playing right-handed, despite him being a lefty in real-life. While we’re sure this oversight will easily be fixed, the title’s been bigging up its inclusion of the iconic American, so surely it can’t be serious with such an amateur unforced error like that?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 9
Considering most people are right handed having McEnroe be a lefty would be a bit much for a tennis game I think. Though the game should have the option for all players to be right or left handed depending on the person playing. (I think they made left handed Link right handed b/c of the motion controls in TP.)
Then again I suppose it doesn't really matter with button presses now does it? I haven't played a non-motion tennis game in 10 years, I just refuse.
@rjejr Of course it matters. The game's billing itself as a realistic tennis game and it's got a lefty playing right-handed.
Like you say, it's not motion controlled so it shouldn't make much of a gameplay difference. My guess is that they haven't motion captured anyone playing left-handed, but even then can't they just flip the animations?
Oh my god!!! this game keeps looking worse and worse. This game was supposed to be the system seller for me. Maybe my hopes were a bit to high.
Yeah as oversights go, having Mc as a righty is poor... And it does matter, especially for sports games, whether tennis or golf and even football (with feet obiously)
Anyhoo, dont like that card system or whatever it is thats in the video
That doesn't look great does it. Was it just me who couldn't really see the tennis ball most of the time? It looked like they were playing invisible tennis!
The last great tennis game was the Pete Sampras one on the Mega Drive.
I'll wait for footage of the final product before making up my mind about the game, anything else is just jumping to conclusions.
@get2sammyb Since you're the tennis video game expert here, have you ever played a left handed tennis player? Maybe they tested it and they had an all right handed test group and nobody could grasp playing as a leftie?
Just throwing it out there.
So,I watched half the vid, then I was getting motion sickness from the court swaying back and forth like a pendulum. Do they always do that in tennis video games? Maybe the camera was just too far out so I normally don't notice. I think when tennis is on tv they don't swing the camera back and forth like that as if they are filming the whole set form one of those pirate rides.
If McEnroe had that Federer forehand, he would ripped Lendl in 84 FO.
Apparently every player serves like Federer in the game. Gasquet, McEnroe and Agassi have the same service motion...
Top Spin 4 only has 2 serving issues (Federer Pinpoint, Sampras Serve not starting in the coiling position).
At least Agassi Forehand and Backhand seem on point.
Gameplay wise looking good.
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