No expense is being spared marketing Insomniac Games’ new Spider-Man title it seems, and in addition to the absolutely enormous mural that Sony’s erected for E3 2018, it’s also splashed out on this amazing animated billboard which overlooks a junction in Los Angeles.
The eye-grabbing full-motion video wraps around a building, and is positioned near to a set of traffic lights, so is sure to capture the attention of both pedestrians and drivers in the area. It’s worth remembering that the release is still over three months away – just wait until the marketing machine kicks in properly.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 17
Be greater spiderman hahaha.word up son
Wow.hopefully theres no accident while those people are driving looking at spiderman.e3 is almost here hype.2 hype.word life.word to your mother.word up son
I wonder how many people catch that out of the corner of their eye and think "Wow, it's really early to be promoting Spiderman 2, it's not out until next year."
Actually I take that back, most people probably just think it's for Avengers Infinity War until they really pay attention.
Though I suppose a few geeky dweebs might think it's for Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse out Dec 14.
Trailer - since it's been kind of quiet.
Really is a big 16 months for Spiderman from Avengers 1 to Spidey 2 plus this game, the animated movie and Avengers 2. Would be a good time for someone to release the complete '67-'70 cartoon on blu-ray, would make a nice stocking stuffer.
I'm looking at this and thinking, are people in L.A so laid back that nothing phases them?
It's hilarious, people just going about as if its all 'Meh'
Damn that music in the ad!!.. so epic and seriously hyping me up.
Also either that screen is seriously sharp & the colour contrast is insane, or the picture is super imposed in that twitter video.
Frickin awesome.
That's cool
Thank God there's no mass evac in New York...

New york is the greatest city in the world word up son
@Turismo4GT that made me watch Key and Peele videos for the rest of the afternoon instead of working... noice one
That’s a freakin awesome ad, well done Sony.
@Perryg92 it looks like a mock up to me. Probably a visual before sign off.
@rjejr I'm really looking forward to that Miles Morales Spider-Man film, even though it is animated.
2018 will definitely be the year of the Spider-Man ...2019 if you count Spider-Man Homecoming sequel.
@nathanSF I imagine that's the case, L.A. does this sort of advertising so much the citizens are used to it.
Either that or they just don't care about Spider-Man.
@nathanSF I live in LA and that’s my reaction when I see these kinds of advertisements, most of the time. I haven’t seen this but, some of them really grab my attention, at night. They can really light up an area. But, I never really pay much attention to what it’s advertising. I wonder about some of them, though. They can be really distracting in certain areas. That’s just what drivers need out here in LA!
That is pretty sweet, also, that music... it's brilliant, i really hope that's the actual theme because it's a soundtrack I'd consider purchasing. Also it reminds me a little of the homecoming theme.
These last couple of years and the next 18 months are a big deal for spidey fans. Excelsior.
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