The embargo has lifted on hotly anticipated threequel Kingdom Hearts III, and a bunch of brand new PlayStation 4 gameplay footage has dropped as a result. You’ll find two direct feed clips in this article, showing Sora sprinting up a cliff-face with his Disney friends, before he battles the Heartless in a loving recreation of Andy’s bedroom from the Toy Story franchise.
There’s still no date attached to this role-playing game, but it sounds like confirmation will come at E3 2018 – presumably during publisher Square Enix’s press conference. We must admit, technically it looks very sturdy, running at a relatively smooth 60 frames-per-second with a very clean and consistent art style.

We can’t be the only one that wished it would do away with the Final Fantasy-esque characters and just focused on the Disney heroes, though, right? Is that an unpopular opinion?
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 34
"do away with the Final Fantasy-esque characters and just focus on the Disney heroes,"
So, Disney Infinity? Or Disney Universe? And it's game 8 or so in the series, so a little late now. Though if they finally finish it up this game that would be nice. I just bought 1-6 remastered on PS4, still need 2.8. If this gets a year long season pass I should be ready for it when the game is finally done. Or wait for the PS5 "Complete Edition".
I have to admit this looks very good.
"We can’t be the only one that wished it would do away with the Final Fantasy-esque characters and just focused on the Disney heroes, though, right? Is that an unpopular opinion?"
in fact they should have a proper FF world, maybe IX's as that would fit the Disney aesthetic
Been waiting for KH3 since 06 not cool ! All of the new gameplay they have showed the past 2 years looks amazing . Fingers crossed for a release in Nov-Dec .
@oatmealwarrior92 @FullbringIchigo Do you think it's going to be accessible to people who've never played the franchise before? I think everything looks really good, I'm just put off by the story stuff right now.
I love the look of pretty much everything else.
Thiis looks amazing word up son.wow😱💜💚❤💪💞
@get2sammyb to be honest that's a big no. When you travel to the different Disney worlds they play out as the movies so newcomers will be good on that front . But the actual story is pretty complicated at this point. Playing the games or at least watching the cutscenes is your best option to 'fully' understand what's going on .
Wow that looks pretty amazing. Made me smile. Also much smoother than the Final Prologue whatever episode in 2.8.
@get2sammyb Dream Drop distance (ironically the game with the most confusing story) did have a library type thing to get up to speed on the story from previous games. Maybe this would have something similar?
@get2sammyb honestly, NO i don't think it will far to much has happened in the story which is why i don't think it will be a great seller on the XB1 as most XB1 owners probably never played the series before
if your interested in the series the PS4 HD collection is pretty cheap now, you should get it
@FullbringIchigo @oatmealwarrior92 Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately I don't think I'd ever have time to play the old ones. A shame because I do really like the look of the gameplay and the presentation is very impressive in this one.
Looks good.
Hopefully we get a release date at E3 next month for goodness sake.
I'm all for patience and whatnot, but this wild goose chase is starting to get old.
It seems Nomura has confirmed that a release date will be revealed during E3
Source: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201805/18157488.html
@get2sammyb they do require a bit of time that's true but i think they are worth it so if you ever get the chance you should
This really looks awesome but I only played the first game (which I absolutely loved!)but as much as I've thought about buying the collections on ps4 so I'd be up to date on the story,I really don't think I'd have time.And I wouldn't want to buy this new one without playing the others so...looks like I won't be playing it anyway..
@get2sammyb id say if you are interested, read a wiki and jump in. Yes its a conclusion to a trilogy but its become so convoluted over the years with all the spin offs its difficult to know what on earth is going on even if you have played the games
God i need this game so badly
@Rob_230 That's kinda what I thought. I was like... I bet even fans don't really get it, so I'll probably be no more confused than them.
I'm trying my best to avoid anything KH3 related so I can have that surprise when visiting the worlds agains, its not be going well.
@get2sammyb 😂 ive played them all and have literally no idea whats going on. It involves people in black hoods and there is a loose resemblance in each world to the disney film represented, thats about as good as my knowledge goes these days because the gaps between games have been ridiculous.
Its been over 10 years since KH and i have no intention of playing it again before this. It will still make more sense than ff15 so you will be fine 😎
It looks super good. I've been going through KHII Final Mix, so my excitement is pretty high right now. As a fan since day one, I can't wait!
@get2sammyb I've always kinda simplified the plot in my head, so I can't say I've had a lot of difficulty understanding it, since the game's standalone is usually digestable enough. At the same time though, the most current KH game I've played is the original Birth By Sleep on PSP, so what I know might invalidated by 3D or the mobile game.
Either way, I think the gameplay has always been the series' shining point (Especially in KHII and BBS, but not Chain of Memories), as well as being able to explore the Disney worlds, so I think the games are worth a try for those reasons alone.
Sooooooooooooo good. I'm gonna cry so hard when i finally play this
Never played KH...since it's been 6 years since the last release, and 12 years since KH2, I wonder if I can get away with never playing any of the previous games!
I guess I can always watch the "movie" versions on YouTube to save some time.
Looks awesome! I need to finish KH 2 before this comes out!
Also I agree with you guys...couldn't care less for FF characters...
I'm happy my favorite Disney/Pixar franchises are in this...Monsters Inc and Toy Story! Makes the game 1000% better
Wait, is this the new FFXV DLC?
I'd be hyped for this, if I didn't have like 5 games in the series to get through first.
Playing thru all games in order. Just started BBS. Story is convoluted but I have managed to not get lost. Very good games and I normally dont play jrpgs.
This one looks amazing. Still.hoping for 2018 release.
I'll get this game for sure, the story is all over the place and even though I have played some of the other games I don't really know what's going on. Doesn't really matter because the moment to moment makes sense and they are just fun to play so who cares if you are not caught up. Start with 3, then go back and play the others if you are interested, then play 3 again and enjoy it for a whole new bunch of reasons.
I will say that this is taking FOREVER to release though. It looked incredible in first footage, now it just looks brilliant.
@Kidfried I reread my comment and I didn't mean "Complete KH Collection", I meant "Complete KH 3" w/ all of that games DLC. Sorry for the confusion.
And I do realize KH3 doesn't have any DLC announced yet, but it's Squenix, and it's 2018, so I'm assuming it will. Hopefully not for 2 years like FFXV though, 1 year is plenty.
I would never have played it if it was only Disney characters.
Answering the question, I would like more characters of Square-Enix, not just Final Fantasy. The game looks great, I really hope that Big Hero 6 and Zootopia are available in the game.
@Kidfried Oh sorry. I'm just going to end it here.
@PS_Nation Big Hero 6 is confirmed to be in the game
Bring on the Twin Peaks world, with doppleganger Sora, Gordon Cole Goofy, & Diane Duck
must be ps4 pro footage.. it appears to be running 50-60 fps.
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