The whole cross-console saga has been rumbling for over a year now, and whichever side of the fence you sit on, it’s perhaps fair to say that Sony’s response hasn’t been great to date. Veteran executive Shawn Layden, talking to Eurogamer.net at Gamelab in Spain, has given perhaps the most reassuring statement from the organisation yet – although it’s clear the company’s public relations team have him on a tight leash.
“We're hearing it,” he said of the backlash. “We're looking at a lot of the possibilities. You can imagine that the circumstances around that affect a lot more than just one game. I'm confident we'll get to a solution which will be understood and accepted by our gaming community, while at the same time supporting our business.”
While he doesn’t really say anything of meaningful substance, this is a reasonable response from Layden – and the best comment that the company’s given on the matter yet. There's obviously a helluva lot for the platform holder to consider here – including potential impact on its bottom line – and Layden, to his credit, is upfront about that. It’s not a definitive yes, but it’s not a no either – and it’s at least confirmation that the firm is not sticking its head in the sand.
For us, the foremost priority should be sorting out the Fortnite account lock. It’s simply unacceptable (and unprecedented) that playing the game on the PlayStation 4 poisons an entire account, so that needs to be sorted out. As for the whole cross-console thing, we penned an article explaining Sony’s reluctance in this department.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 48
In Layden I trust .
Maybe sony will cross-play with switch only, so fortnite player had to choose who to play with, either pc/smartphone/switch and ps4 or pc/smartphone/switch and xbox1. That will put microsoft in difficult position since their console is less popular than ps4.
Switch is not getting important AAA games (cod / battlefield series) so cross-play with switch is "safer" than xbox1 since xbox1 is direct competitor to ps4.
@wiiware And what happens when Switch outsells Xbox One? Wouldn't that then make it the real competitor as closest in market share, even if it is devoid of "important games"?
Though ultimately...
They should allow cross-console play but only if you're logged in to PlayStation Network on the other systems. I think that's the "solution" to all this.
All this ruckus for Fortnite, I completely get why Microsoft are pushing it - if people can play with there friends on PlayStation from an Xbox they won't need to buy a PlayStation over an Xbox.
@JoeBlogs Sony were pushing for Cross Play last gen but Microsoft werent interested (if I remember rightly)
...or if MS drop the requirement for a user to also register an XBL account that might ease the process. It obviously works without this as we've seen via the multiple "accidental" enablements of it. Would MS be pushing it if it wasn't positively impacting their MAU?...I don't think so!!
@get2sammyb Because clearly you need to sign in to Nintendo Network to play against Nintendo users on Xbox or PC? Or Xbox Live on Switch?
Because sure, let's encourage a world where you need to pay Sony, Xbox AND Nintendo their respective fees to get the full online experience on any one given platform. You got $140 a year for that?
@RedMan33 But this also works the other way.
As the only friend with a PS4, I want to play with my numerous other friends. What's easier for us as a group? They buy a system each that they don't want nor need, or I buy one?
@get2sammyb I agree, "only if you're logged in to PlayStation Network on the other systems"
@Knuckles-Fajita I was just saying that's why Microsoft are pushing so hard they don't want to lose potential sales on a console that's already looking like it's struggling
@get2sammyb Reminds me of how a person has to be logged into a Battle.Net account along with your PSN account to play Overwatch on PS4.
So for clarity, at no point in Rocket League or Fortnite do you need to log in to Xbox Live/Nintendo Network if you're on the opposite system.
On Switch, you use NN. On Xbox, you use XBL. To play with another system, send them a code, they join the server.
With Fortnite, same thing. I want to play with someone on Xbox? Add them to my Epic Friends, and boom. At no point do they need to sign in to NN or I need to sign in to XBL.
The only time you need to do that is with Minecraft, and signing in to XBL, because that is a Microsoft owned property and their game.
Every other instance, you can play just fine without signing in to anyone else's account system.
As such, Sony allowing cross-play with the caveat its done via PSN on other systems, is not a solution. Sure it gets crossplay, but its no less overreaching than Sony locking Epic accounts. It won't be a good move and just generate more backlash at the obviously paranoid old men in charge that you prats keep defending with the "bottom line" argument you stated you don't give a toss about multiple times but do "When it matters"
@Knuckles-Fajita You want to play with PlayStation Network, join the PlayStation Network. Microsoft makes you sign in to Xbox Live for Minecraft on Switch.
This is a happy medium that actually gives Sony a business incentive to support it, because no matter what any of the platform holders are saying, none of them are doing this out of the goodness of their own heart.
If I was Sony I'd provide the tools for developers to include a PSN login into their games on all systems. Allow cross-play with PS4, as long as you're signed in to PSN.
If people don't like it, then they clearly don't care enough.
Their solution is going to be - if you want cross-play on a Sony console buy a PS5. Expect that announcement early next year as they "build PS5 from the ground up to be the best console for cross-play compatibility". Or something to that affect.
@get2sammyb Yeah but the only reason Minecraft does that is because Microsoft OWNS the game.
You NEVER need to do that for the other cross platform games, so what is this gross overreaching you are suggesting?
You want to play with Switch or Xbox Live? Just do it. You don't need to join. Just go do it.
But here comes Sony adding another huge asterisk to the equation.
And no, none of them are doing this out the goodness of their own hearts. But there is a lesser of two evils and forcing PSN on people isn't the answer. Just do as the others are doing, it's not hard.
Then again this is the network that sucked at data security and cant even let you change your username so who knows, with a structure built by rank amateurs maybe it IS the hardest aspect of it all.
And sure, there needs to be a business incentive. Sony doesn't want to lose money. Fine, whatever. Doesn't stop the lower selling consoles that will never catch the PS4 losing money does it? That doesn't sound like it benefits them at all if we use the "Its about money" argument. Evidently the other companies don't care about it, when THEY are the ones that need it!
Wouldn't it have been easier for Epic to have made accounts possible through themselves and you signed into that account across all systems. You can then maybe still sign into PSN in a way to earn trophies but stats and progression are saved via Epic
@rjejr I hope that Sony has a better selling point for PS5 than that. What a dismal pitch that would be.
@Knuckles-Fajita Sony isn't going to do it for reasons that we've discussed ad nauseam for the past year. They're just not.
I don't care how the other guys are handling it; Sony has the largest install base and a competitive advantage. If you want access to their substantial playerbase, then you should have to log in to a PlayStation Network account.
I'm proposing a solution for people who want cross-console play, which supports Sony's business objectives rather than recklessly removing a significant competitive advantage.
If people so desperately want cross-console play, then I'm sure they'll consider signing up to the PlayStation Network. If they don't, then they can continue living happily without cross-console play.
Certainly it would suggest to me that if people aren't willing to join PSN for cross-console play, then they weren't really all that bothered about the prospect to begin with.
@Knuckles-Fajita You're missing the point, though. Unlike Nintendo and Microsoft, Sony's the market leader — it has absolutely nothing to gain from opening crossplay as it stands.
What Sammy's suggesting gives Sony a way to leverage the deal more in its favour.
It would even be better if you could sign in to PSN because you'd be able to add friends, send messages, maybe even party chat. Just like you do on PS4. All within the boundaries of the PlayStation Network.
Yup, prioritise the console lock Shawn. Thats what has upset most people. You can worry about the cross console play elements after that
Please Shawn, don’t worry about this, this is not an issue. Keep delivering the great exclusives, that’s what we want.
@Knuckles-Fajita "And what happens when Switch outsells Xbox One? Wouldn't that then make it the real competitor as closest in market share, even if it is devoid of "important games"?"
There is a big difference between units sold and market share though. In my opinion, they do target different markets and while they may cannabilise each other, those numbers are predominantly small.
@PS_Nation But it is an issue when your competitors use it in their advertising campaigns.
@NintendoFan4Lyf To us maybe, but to sony and everybody else, big series like that is the reason to buy console, there's people that only buy and play cod every year.
@Knuckles-Fajita No, as long as the switch isn't getting important games like new cod/battlefield/assassin creed/destiny, the switch isn't a competitor to ps4, it is a supplementary system. Even big japanese game like dmc5, re2 remake, and sekiro is not released on switch.
Crossplay doesn't matter that much. The real issue is unlocking people's Fortnite accounts.
Glad to see Sony recognizing the problem officially and not just giving a non-answer to the question. I think having to link a PSN account is fair from a business standpoint (though not having to shell out for PS+ on a separate console), as long as another Fortnite-like issue doesn't arise. Of course there are other options as well.
Very, very glad that they actually admitted that it's an existing issue, even though their legal team probably asked them to bury their heads in the sand until it blew over initially.
I believe Sony is fine as is... Gamers care about the games and some care for Sony’s exclusives & Single Player Games only which this only affects Online Multiplayer games
I wonder if Sony can get away w charging those who want to Cross Console Play w thier platform $10+ basically PS+ cost... Sony can make a fortune off of it may be anti-consumer but they make more revenue, the consumer gets thier Cross Console Play that they so wanted & you can even free your 3rd Party accounts possibly too so long as you’re a subscriber.
@get2sammyb "What a dismal pitch that would be."
It would still be better than "asynchronous game play".
That was the Wii U marketing strategy in case you missed it.
Meh, who cares?
Sony have made it clear they do not want cross play. So not sure why they are putting out these comments.
Nobody cares except a few who keep b******* about it. I want to say one more thing i hate BR, Fortnite and companies who acts like they are the good guys. A good friend of mine was laughing he said a company is losing big time if they need to team up with the competition to catch i guess he is right.
@rjejr I suspect Sony would do something like that, tbh, would make a smashing check mark in the system's feature list
@Knuckles-Fajita There is one reason MS is doing this they love to kill their console they can push their crap with Windows anyway. Its always easy to preach a open if they need your platform in the future. I hope i can find a easy way to get rid of Windows in the future soon without getting ripped of by a tax evading named Apple. I may need to learn how to use Linux. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser And when you learn Linux, Sony will tell you it will run on their system, then patch that feature out leading to them being sued?
@Turismo4GT "a smashing check mark in the system's feature list"
That's all I meant for it to be. sammy got a bit carried away w/ the "selling point" of PS5, but if you work your way down a checklist - web browser, Twitter, Youtube, games, ultra4k blu-ray, cross console compatibility - well it's better to have it there than not have it anywhere.
I do agree w/ sammy w/ the PSN account. Well as long as it's easy to set up in a web browser or app w/o needing a Sony console. Xbox accounts are easy on PC and Nintendo accounts are easy on PC to tie together MyNitneod and mobile games. If you need an Xbox account to play Minecraft on Switch seems only fair you need a PSN account to cross play with your friends on PS5, PS4 or Vita.
I still think it's weird they didn't start w/ Rocket League, that seemed like the perfect neutral corner console game. Now they are kind of backed into a corner. If they would have allowed it w/ Rocket League then they simply could have blamed Minecraft on needing an Xbox account.
another story tomorrow & the next day so bored of this now just no move on or say yes move on
Although crossplay aren't that important to me (rarely play MP) but I can see the benefits of having them. I mean its like a server merges in MMO. If one platform see a decline in player count, players jump off their chosen platform and find other players on other platforms.
@get2sammyb Microsoft makes you sign into XBL because they own Minecraft. It's no different than signing into an Epic account for Fortnite.
I have a idea Take Fortnite off PSN then Epic will fix their account syatem. I play several paid games on PC and PSN. Everyone of them require new accounts and you to purchase in game Items again on each system. Why the heck is Fortnite something special just because its crossplay they expect stats and purchases across all systems? Next they will cry for COD and Battlefield stats and purchases to be shared across all systems. This will cause a big loss in revenue for add on DLC for all parties.
This is a No-maybe, they aren't going to do it but don't want to hear more griping.
Lol, yeah get on that Sony. If the solution is requiring a PSN sign-in, unless it's a Sony-owned game with internet capability, no thanks I'll keep playing on the other systems. That's just an extra step I don't have to deal with currently.
@get2sammyb I've lurked on this site for awhile, but made an account to share this, I live in Detroit, this is in the news here:
Personally, I hope Sony stick to their guns. It's a vocal few, and repetitive stories like this, which are behind it. 99% of us don't give a damn.
As I've said before, Epic could provide a relatively simple solution to the Fortnite/Switch issue if they wanted to. They haven't, and maybe it's them who the fans should be whining at.
"Confident of solution"
You either do it or don't, there's no puzzle to solve.
Cross play would be nice, but I'm in no hurry to see it happen. PS4 4 Life .
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