If there was one thing at Microsoft's E3 2018 press conference that stung most for PlayStation fans, it was the announcement that Ninja Theory – the cult favourite developer of Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, and Hellblade – had become part of Microsoft Studios. Despite over a decade of games on Sony hardware, this undoubtedly means the studio will no longer be releasing games on PlayStation consoles.
In the aftermath of the announcement, many voiced their disappointment, calling the developer a "traitor" that has abandoned its own independence. The studio has, after all, been outspoken about its fondness for independence in the past, despite the financial hurdles that entails.
Despite our own disappointment at losing a beloved studio, however, we should perhaps take a step back. There are always two sides to every story, and Ninja Theory is keen to voice the reasons behind its decision.
In the video above, the developer outlines why it decided to sell itself to Microsoft. Those in the know might remember in 2013 the rumour that the developer was abandoning console gaming in favour of the blossoming mobile market. Those rumours thankfully turned out to be false as the studio went on to develop one of our favourite games of 2017, Hellblade. But perhaps there was some spark to that rumour, after all, as co-founder and chief "Ninja" of the studio, Tameem Antoniades, explains that the studio almost disappeared entirely four years ago.
It's worth remembering the number of studios that have closed down in recent years, a figure in the hundreds that include Pandemic and Team Bondi to name just two, and while Ninja Theory's games have been consistently good over the years, they've never really set the sales charts alight.
It is perhaps understandable, then, that, when Microsoft comes in with an open chequebook promising both creative independence and access to a significant marketing team and budget, the studio would listen.
Critics may argue that Microsoft's track record is against it; we all saw what happened to the once great British studio Rare, after all. But in the current gaming climate where even powerhouse studios such as Visceral – working with the Star Wars license and led by former Uncharted director Amy Hennig, for Pete's sake – are being shuttered, financial and creative security is paramount.
So, give the video a watch and remember the good times. Thank the studio for all its great work and remember that, in a wider context, even if we may never again receive their games on PlayStation, we're all better off if the firm sticks around. As PlayStation fans, it's a bitter pill to swallow, but we wish the company all the best.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 93
Ninja Theory's honestly been one of my favourite developers over the past ten years so I'm definitely salty about this. I totally "get it", though.
Microsoft has clearly been desperate for a Naughty Dog-esque game for ages now, even going to so far as to buy exclusivity to Rise of the Tomb Raider just to have something to compete with Uncharted 4. Ninja Theory's different to Naughty Dog, but they do have a knack for story-telling, and they definitely make games within that realm.
As for Ninja Theory, I've always felt like they're a flop away from financial disaster, so I can see why they want that security.
It's a strange pairing, though. I know Microsoft's trying to put forward an image that it's changed, but I could never imagine them funding a game like Hellblade personally. They probably will considering their current predicament and how desperate they are to change perception, but you've got to wonder how long that's going to last.
If nothing else, short, linear story games don't really jive with Microsoft's whole Game Pass strategy, but I guess if it's just one title in a wider portfolio, they're willing to eat the costs in order to get people through the door.
Like I say, I'll be interested to see how long this lasts. We're probably not going to hear from Ninja Theory for a few years anyway, so we'll see.
I'm just happy these people get to keep a job and creative freedom.
The thing about Rare is that it was a long time ago now, so it's possible that Microsoft has warmed up to the idea of letting studios become more independent. Rare is at least free from the chains of "designated casual games developer"
basically put, making games is expensive and MS offered them the money and support they needed
fair enough
Remembers MS have closed down studios and cancelled many projects! 😬
Yeah this one stung.
I don’t see myself buying a MS console in the near future or investing in a gaming PC, so I’ll unfortunately be missing out on their games.
As long as they release their next game on Windows, I'm good. Still stings, but completely understandable.
See you on the Windows side Ninja Theory, please don't touch Devil May Cry ever again and we'll be square
Microsoft has the deep enough pockets to buy the studio. Odd choice going for Ninja Theory since most of their games aren't massive sellers.
Heck, outside of Hellblade, I didn't know they made DmC, Enslaved and Heavenly Sword.
Oh well, not a massive loss in my eyes. If I want to play any of their new games, I'll just get them for my Xbone or PC.
I find it hard to believe that Microsoft has become this developer friendly company, allowing unfettered Kojima-esque freedom to take all the risks and time required. This is the same Microsoft that just recently canceled Scalebound and shuttered Lionhead Studios.
But I must admit, there is sweet naivety to the following:
“We want to take bigger creative risks and create genre-defining games without the constant threat of annihilation,” Ninja Theory’s creative head Tameem Antoniades said. “We want to make our own games, our own way, and not be told what to make and how to make it. And above all, we want to protect our team, our culture, and our identity, because that, in essence, is Ninja Theory.”
They obviously don’t know Microsoft. RIP Ninja Theory.
@get2sammyb finnally sammy you got your avatar back.phil Spencer face was so creepy.word up son😂😀😱
Best of luck to them, hope it works out.
Thanks for everything, Ninja Theory, especially Enslaved. Have a nice Trip.
@playstation1995 I'm glad to be back.
Could the article not have told us why? I don't really have the time to watch the video. Sorry to be a pain!
It’s understandable, many studios closed recently. But it’s sad that Microsoft purchased them, just look what happened with Rare, one of the best gaming studios before MS. Can’t expect so much freedom with MS too, they really don’t like new ips and single-player games.
I dont think it would be good for Ninja Theory. Just take look at other MS studios.
if I'm honest I have only really played Enslaved that they have made do they own that IP?
@get2sammyb I don't see why MS wouldn't have backed Hellblade in the past. Its not as if they haven't had any single player story driven games. You also have to take into consideration that things change, you have to evolve and things at MS certainly have changed in the past few years. They certainly aren't the only ones either to close studio's as Sony have too - what happened to Evolution Studios or Guerilla Cambridge? Lionhead hadn't exactly gone from strength to strength to strength, F3 wasn't met with critical acclaim, then they released some 'indie' style games before trying to copy Evolve that disappointed many fans...
Rare is a difficult one - they say they weren't limited to Kinect, didn't really hit the heights with Perfect Dark, Banjo Nuts and Bolts and games like Kameo and Viva Pinata had more of a cult following. Killer Instinct is still going of course and they announced a new Battletoads game. Sea of Thieves is a departure from their recent output. I believe you are only as good as your last game so they do have to step up and can't keep on living on past glory.
I can understand why Sony fanboys are upset at the news but as a gamer, I think its great. Its secured the future of Ninja Theory who only made Hellblade on Sony consoles first because they couldn't afford or risk to make it on Xbox too. It could really have back fired too with its subject matter.
If you really can't bring yourself to buy an Xbox, no doubt you will be able to play their future projects on an MS Win10 PC if not on Steam too. You would think that Steam is in competition with MS so maybe they will keep Ninja Theory for their own store and as a MS exclusive.
@David187 I'm not sure if Ninja Theory own the Enslaved IP, but it was published by Bandai Namco so it's more likely to be owned by them.
Only real bummer for me is the dashing of hope for an Enslaved sequel on PS4
Curious to see How well they do with the financial backing...Aurevior Ninja theory
I've never felt the urge to play a Ninja theory game and don't get the hype, but I wish them the best of luck
They had one game I liked (Enslaved) and one game I really liked (Hellblade). I have a PC so I'll probably get to play their next game if they make one for this gen (unlikely). All in all, even though it was surprising to see, I don't really care.
Best of luck to Ninja Theory. They will probably need it.
So much for independent publishing and development. They tried, I guess?
I watched the vieso earlier in the week and while I think it is a shame I also understand it, to a degree. Hellblade was a risk but I felt it was a shining example that a AA title, for lack of a better word, with care and attention and a good price point, could make money. Now I feel the result is that it just attracted big money.
At the same time, this model is still highly risky and is always one flop away from disaster. I think Sony in 2014 would have funded Hellblade, not sure now. I hope MS are true to their word but the downside of any owner is that if strategy changes, they are doomed. If Phil Spencera big investment plan fails and he is thrown out, there is a risk.
Either way, I am glad they are still making games. As long as they aren't forced to make a funko mobile Halo game or something.
I’m must say it was disappointing loosing a studio like ninja theory to MS but we should wish them good luck and hope for the best for them. They seen genuine and humble studio and having an apportunity to expand there ideas in gaming without worrying about there studio closing down. Hopefully Sony can counter MS moves by acquiring some studios like insomniac or from software but I guess they have enough studios under there helm to be successful from this generation and on.
heaven and hell its all I like, good luck to ninja theory.
@viciousarcanum And so has Sony. What's your point?
Enslaved is one of my favourite games of all time so this makes me sad. That said, i understand the move and wish them all the best. I hope microsofts track record doesnt come back to haunt them! Wish Sony had gotten in there first as ninja theory offer something different. I would love Sony to buy quantic dream and insomniac, but i guess that won't happen
There's two things that need to be shut down right away and it's the ridiculous narratives that only MS closes studios (Sony has shuttered a lot of them as well) and that what happened at Rare is MS' fault (talent was leaving, Nintendo saw it and took advantage of a newcomer looking to make noise). MS also doesn't get the credit it deserves. Some studios, like Bungie and Bioware, did their best work for MS. Look at both now. Ninja Theory is a great studio and this could absolutely work out. Disappointing if you only game on PlayStation consoles but some of the fanboy spin put on this needs to stop.
I don't know if Insomniac would sell, Ted Price always talks about how great it is that the studio can make its own decisions. It is big, has a lot of money and its games tend to sell well (at least on PlayStation). Wouldn't hurt to ask though. I think Quantic Dream and Bluepoint definitely need to be, and could be, snagged by Sony.
They aren't leaving PlayStation. They are leaving the independent market. They were never financially or contractually tied to PlayStation specifically.
I am happy for them Iook forward to playing the games on the microsoft system.
Sony cancelled a big game from Santa Monica Studio earlier this gen and was close to shutting it down, which may have meant no God of War for PS4. The point? They all do this. It's not like MS buys studios looking to close them up for fun.
@Gamer83 "was close to shutting it down". What? Source?
I've never played a Ninja Theory game and even though people have tried to push me in the direction of Hellblade, I could never really bring myself to buy it. Nonetheless I'm all about new IPs and creative freedom so I do recognize how important Hellblade is to the gaming landscape.
Regarding the purchase by Microsoft I understand that decision. Microsoft has a buttload of money but a serious lack of true exclusives, especially with regard to Naughty Dog/Sony Santa Monica-tier story driven single player experiences; Ninja Theory makes great story driven games but was always one financial flop away from failure. So I can see this working out but I really am not sure. Microsoft could have changed their stances on their first party teams but they could just as easily have bought the studio for recognition to give the impression their beefing up their first party but then task NT with a battle Royale game or something.
This is definitely a wait and see for me.
@3MonthBeef many thinks wrong with your post.
First of all, plenty of excellent movies, music albums and video games sell bad(ly) or just not enough to be considered successful. Quality has little to do with sales.
Platinum games made games that were praised by critics were was almost bankrupt until Nier: Automata came out. It wasn't that their games weren't good. They just never sold well enough. Becoming mainstream is no easy task.
Second, Heavenly Sword was praised for its graphics because at the time it came out, that's what stood out the most. The jump from ps2 to ps3 was huge and that was one of the first ps3 AAA games released.
How can it have been a movie if the story is "trash"? You make no sense. You can't have it both ways.
Heavenly Sword, Enslaved and DmC were focused on gameplay. Only Hellblade was story-driven. So, again "do you value being guided though a story with some gameplay sprinkled in", you make no sense.
It seems like you're cherry picking to support a view while you can find just as many (actual) faults in every company.
Bethesda closes down: "makes sense considering all the bugs"
Nintendo studios close down: "makes sense since all they do is Mario and Zelda".
Its a shame, as I do enjoy their games and have no intention of ever owning an Xbox. I can't fault them for trying to survive though. Hope they come up with something amazing. Christ knows Xbox is sorely lacking in exclusives
I was recalling this article from earlier in the year. Shutting down was the wrong word.
Meh, if it was Naughty Dog or a top class studio I would be furious...but this dev did what 3 games in so many years, all of them cult classics with reviews around the 8 mark...
Don't get me wrong I like their games, but we could lose way better studios!
I wish them the best, I really loved Enslaved and had always held out hope for a sequel.
They are a talented team, not doubt about it, but I dont think they are capable of reaching the dizzy heights of Sony's best studios.
Given MS's track record I really hope that their next game is a commercial success because MS won't hesitate to shutter them if they don't get the returns they expect.
Sony should buy Sega.
I saw the video but frankly their words are as hollow as a politician's. It's all well and good that they wanted financial security but don't preach about "independent AAA" and the importance in "owning IP" when your prepared to sell up as soon as the first corporation comes sniffing along, especially after Hellblade was successful (largely thanks to the PlayStation community). If they wanted to sell they could have let it be known publicly but they didn't. I'm sure companies like Ubisoft, Square Enix, Sony, Codemasters and Starbreeze would have considered them, especially when their stock was quite high to begin with. But no they wanted to go with a company that doesn't have a good track record of making high quality single player games and ties the studios they do have to one franchise. Mark my words one or two things is going to happen to them:
1. They make a great game that does well and gets tons of plaudits and sales, only now they have to keep making sequels for over the next ten years (ask 343, Turn 10, Coalition and Lionhead before they closed)
Or 2. They make a decent game that barely sells cos the xbox fan base don't really buy single player games only games all that much (see Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Recore and Alan Wake) then they end up making smaller scale games before been shut down. And you know what? I won't shed a tear for them cos they made it clear this week how much they valued mine and fellow PlayStation gamers's custom. In short Ninja Theory "you goofed up"
@themcnoisy I've been saying this for a while, imagine how much of a sign of intent that would be if Sony bought a publisher rather then a studio. Sega or Capcom would be perfect, I wouldn't say no to KOEI TECMO either but it wouldn't have the same impact. Pity I'm not John Kodera cos that would have been making a fair few phone calls last Monday.
This is the EXACT same thing that Xbox players said when they found out that Bungie published Destiny on the PS3/PS4, I happen to be one of those people that said it, and I stick to it. The fact that Ninja Theoryis leaving PlayStation is a sweet relief, cause now I'll be able to stick to my "native console" in the future without having to pull out my PC or PS4 to play their games (and I'm thinking about selling my PS4, all I used it for is Bloodborne. Plus I want the Switch, and I don't plan on playing Fortnite on the PS4 anytime soon, with Sony acting like a spoiled brat with the cross-play policy they have. They didn't even extend the courtesy to allow me to continue using audio CDs, so it was manditory for me to also get the Xbox One to continue to use them!!) I'm just watching and waiting for Sony to pull their head out of their fourt-point-of-contact (military vets will know what I mean when I say that,) because they have lost sight of what made them kings of modern gaming. If you are stumped and don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't really played on a PS2, have you?
@ApostateMage Seconded! Enslaved was an awesome game 👍
While Xbox lacks exclusives, PlayStation lacks basic features that people STILL use on the Xbox One. In order for my setup to be complete, I have to have BOTH systems, which was a shock for me because I'm used to only needing the PlayStation.
Your probably wondering, case and point? PlayStation won't allow me to use discs from older generations anymore and instead opts into you STREAMING your games for $10 a month (need I mention, some games I play DON'T make it to the streaming service and instead are locked to the native console?) PlayStation also won't allow me to use the audio CDs that I own, and instead opts into STREAMING, once again. Xbox provides all fhe features that PlayStation does, plus the two that I pointed out, and it was those two features that I pointed out that kept me on PlayStation.
Exclusives aren't too big of a dealbreaker for me, as I play mostly multi-platform games and PC/Xbox exclusives such as Halo, Gears, and WoW. And while I need to pay a $60 membership fee to go online like on the PS4, I aslo get free games I can keep NO MATTER WHAT ONCE AQUIRED vs. having to remain a PS+ member.
And, while I'm ok with a digital every now and again, I PREFER PHYSICAL GAMES, making Xbox the ideal system for me (with Nintendo consoles a close second.)
My long winded comment boils to this, its not exclusives that some people get consoles for... its multi-platform games that have the best experience on the one system, as well as the features of the system itself.
@themcnoisy we all know that's NOT going to happen. You'd be trying to buy one of the biggest companies in gaming history, no. 1, and no. 2 you'd piss off so many people and with the HATE Sony is getting over their cross-play policy and Fortnite... you'd have protests, riots and Hell on Earth.
Haven't played their games so I'm indifferent. All developers have to follow the money if they want to survive, that's my take on it. With smaller developer like this, their loyalty is with their company and its employees first and foremost.
The facts are: Microsoft needs to sell more Xbox-es and promote their PC platform. Especially as Valve's vision is to move away from Windows and the Xbox is struggling to compete with Playstation.
I highly doubt Ninja's next game will appear on Steam. Having it exclusive to Microsoft's own PC platform is the smartest move, considering how well respected the developer is with the PC community. Microsoft needs big titles and games.
@Aiodensghost I'm pretty sure you still need GWG to play those games cos MS changed that policy for X1.
Sony does streaming cos it's the only way to play PS3 games on the system, there won't be an alternative cos it's impossible. As for audio CD's well most people listen to Itunes and Spotify anyway so was hardly a big loss.
As for Sega, they maybe a big name but their not a big player anymore, making a possible acquisition more plausible. As for any backlash? Well what are the angry Internet people going to do about it? Answer: Nothing.
Oh well good luck with luck NT. You wrecked DmC for me and HellBlade wasnt even that good so no complaints here.
@Gamer83 I see. Still that's nothing more than speculation from the author.
@3MonthBeef "And besides are you actually equating, in general, that just because something looks good it automatically must be telling a good story? That's quite a low bar. There are plenty of movies that look great but tell a terrible tale."
Well, as surprised as I was by Phil Spencer’s announcement, I am keen to see what games Ninja Theory can create with Microsoft’s financial backing, because in my opinion, Ninja Theory are a great little developer that have made some awesome games. Unless they’ve already got something in the pipeline, I would imagine that their first game for Microsoft Studios will be on the next Xbox.
Gonna miss them but i wont support them anymore for the simple reason i dont play on PC and i will never buy a Xbox. But the best to them Sony FFS please make a new game with Nariko. 😆
TLDR; Money.
After Sony recently said about wanting to double down on first party output (maybe after getting wind of MS's intentions) I'm surprised they didn't make this studio one of their own...
Never played any Ninja Thoery game, all the games look average.
@eltomo Really? Genuine question: what games do you like?
@jacobia most games, but there are 100 games like a Ninja Theory games, most of them better.
Being a long-time Sony fan, this definitely made me feel bitter towards Ninja Theory after learning they were bought by MS. Though I can respect that they want to stay in the industry, MS haven't really had the best track record with maintaining their own studios. Just look at Rare and Lionhead studios.
I had not heard this. That's awesome, to me. It ensures they can still make the great games they're known for, & most adults own both consoles anyway. The younger gamers will eventually, even if they prefer one over the other, as it's not a loyalty worth missing great games for. Also, competition is great for gamers, else we would be force fed utter garbage at a premium rate.
@David187 not sure, but it was multiplatform, because I played it on 360.
@MadameSprixie see, i have always loved gaming period, but only used PS consoles for exclusives & xbox, 360, & x1 for multiplatform games, mainly because the controller. I couldn't care less about Rare & Lionhead only sold wolf tickets, so it's really odd hearing all of the people that like Sony consoles better care about those 2 devs closing. Sure, I'd rather more game devs than less, but I like Forza, Forza Horizon, Halo (until 5), the Remedy games (alan wake & quantum break), & some folks like Gears (not me), etc on MS' console, not Fable. I never played conkers, so not even sure what people like Rare for before MS. It's just very odd that the people that don't like MS, only seem to like the studios they closed.
Edit: I'm not trying to claim that u said u liked those studios. Sorry, that's how it sounds after I read my comment. Urs was just the last comment I read that mentioned those 2 studios, after seeing several other posts mentioning them in a positive light, as if they liked the games those studios made, then MS shut them down.
@twztid13 Those were just examples really, I don't just like Sony but I prefer them over MS. What I was saying is that MS's track record of maintaining developers hasn't been the best, hence my displeasure. So I wish Ninja Theory luck with their new partners. They'll need it.
@MadameSprixie ueah, sorry, i edited my post. I realized it sounded like I was directing everything at u when i reread it, & that wasn't my intention.
@twztid13 No worries, the reason I mention those two companies is, since they are/were both UK companies, prior to their purchase by Microsoft, they were widely celebrated studios. Same with Ninja Theory, and I just fear history may repeat itself with them. But who knows yet.
Kinda glad to hear that they're gone to Microsoft(Microsoft needs help with making games) plus it's the second time they've left Playstation. For me Heavenly Sword was the only title that made a real impact, their other titles lacked heavily.
For the Fortnite idiots, please sell your Playstations and go grab a Switch or Xbox please I beg you!!!!....the less of you Playstation the better!
Glad I bought Hellblade already while they were independent. I tried supporting them with my $30. It’s not my fault.
Now I need to get around to actually playing Hellblade. Enslaved and Heavenly Sword were great, imo. I would have liked sequels, or even remasters.
I don't think it's a great loss for ps fan that ninja theory is bought by microsoft, hellblade is good but their other games is jut ok. I'm still glad it's not insomniacs
I hope xbox has the capability to nurture ninja theory to become a better studio, although I have doubt after seeing the state of their first party release this year.
After the weird enslaved trippy part of game and then hellblade going all schizophrenic... It seemed to me ninja theory was trying maybe a tad too hard to be 'different'... Like the kids who draw black circles in the dark weird places, whilst everyone is out in the daylight having fun. Hope they find their mojo with Microsoft and hit the right notes with their next game.
I found it amusing how they flashed up that massive list of close studios. On the video. But if you look down that list most were actually owed by publisher’s. 2 were actually owned by Microsoft who they’ve just sold themselves to and 1 was owned by Sony.
The only way to be safe as a third-party studio is be commercially successful. This is only different for a first party studio if the game is good enough to cause additional console sales.
They made 4 games, I've played three and finished zero.
Really I'm not going to lose any sleep over this one.
Sucks to see them go but to be honest I’ve only liked half of what they’ve done. Enslaved is a great game and so is Heavenly Sword. Neither game is getting a sequel so...
i think MS had splash out on developers apart from disaster launch all down to MS themselves they have struggled catch up and delays lack exclusives has hurt. In run up to next gen consoles I think they need to come back swining for the fences.
"many voiced their disappointment, calling the developer a "traitor" that has abandoned its own independence"
All of these many can go to hell so their unfortunate human selves can finally move on with their own lives and no longer find themselves trying to parasite on and meddle with others.. We fans may be disgusting by nature, but there are few MORE disgusting things about fanship than accusing any creator of "betrayal". At least this article aims to be the voice of reason, and this is always valuable regardless of how many it will wake up.
Best wishes to the studio and may their choices pay off in accordance with their hopes now.
To be honest I couldn't care any less. Hellblade was way too overrated.
@Aiodensghost Cool story bro.
Loved Enslaved, but never bothered with Heavenly Sword or Hellblade, so it's a big 'meh' from me.
Yeah, of the studios announced, the only one I cared anything about was Ninja Theory. That said, when you look at the impact as a whole, you're talking about one game every 3 to 4 years. Hardly anything to get too worked up over. It's not like the Playstation has been suffering from a lack of exclusives the past couple of years...
@MadameSprixie Even if that were to happen, they could go back to being indie.
@eltomo Name 5 games that are like Hellblade. Or even 1.
@3MonthBeef Let's watch the insults, if you can't respect others in your comments then don't post at all.
Thanks for understanding
@hadlee73 Several MS studios have made great games. It's not like they've all made terrible games and were then shut down.
I don't think the analogy with Trump works.
I wish Ninja Theory the best, I just hope Microsoft makes good on their promise of creative freedom.
Even so, I don't feel so good about this.
In my memory, Ninja Theory always complaint about lack of freedom from various publisher they worked for... Pretty surprise they agree to sell out to Microsoft which had bad reputation in this regard...
We lost NT, but get Remedy in return, which is a good deal for me..
is it completely unreasonable to think maybe MS have altered their stance on micro managing their studios in the way Sony does?? just seems to me like we have some MS employees in here that apparently know everything
@LaNooch1978 Was I addressing you directly? No I wasn't. And it's pretty rich that you take something out of context to try and make some kind of meaningless point.
They did a great job with hellblade. Smart move by Microsoft.
I'm sad to see them leave PlayStation, but wish them the best in the future.
I just don't understand this either / or mentality - surely most people on here have more than one console? :/ MS are lining themselves up to smash it out of the park next gen - with the likes of Playground being solely MS and offering games like Forza Horizon 4 FOR FREE (via Game Pass which is pretty much essential) so Spidey on one console, Horizon on another, etc. - and for those hardcore gamers - Zelda on Switch!
It's a real shame to see Ninja Theory leave PlayStation, but at the same time I'm very excited for them and have to applaud MS on making a great acquisition. Wish them only the best for their future games.
@Jake3103 ok thanks for info
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