Gravity Rush 2’s servers were scheduled to be shut down on 18th January, but a fan campaign kept them alive until 18th July. Of course, that’s less than two weeks away at this stage, and so Kat’s biggest fans have taken to Twitter to petition for the title’s online longevity yet again. At best, they want Sony to keep the online component intact a bit longer – but if the worst comes to the worst, then they’re asking the platform holder to update the title so that all of the content will be available to newcomers. Currently you need to partake in some online activities to unlock everything.
To be fair, the game is by and large an offline experience, and closing the servers isn’t going to remove much from the release. But the precedent it sets is a poor one: the game’s barely even 18 months old, and while the online functionality is largely superfluous, the title certainly deserves better support than this. Campaigners are using the hashtag #DontForgetGravityRush on Twitter and sending it in the direction of Shawn Layden and Shuhei Yoshida, who are in charge of Worldwide Studios.
Just remember if you do take part to make your point politely; there’s nothing to gain from being rude, unreasonable, or outright offensive.
[source gravityrushcentral.com]
Comments 40
Those Kat fans can be quite determined I hear..
I don't mind if they take down the online elements if they make the rewards from those available to everyone. As long as there are online exclusive outfits and whatnot, the servers should stay online.
They definitely shouldn't be taking them down, but if they do, they really gotta make the rewards available to everyone.
Why this game failed so badly is beyond me. Quite sad, really.
When the servers were about to be shut down in January, I rushed on and did all the online components quickly before we knew they were extending things. The final prize for doing everything and getting enough Dusty Tokens is a very useful talisman. A lot of the other prizes are outfits and furniture, etc. Getting everything took a little effort, I focused solely on doing the online challenges and searches and it took me about 2-3 weeks as I recall, and that’s with joining a boosting community. You can only do so many online challenges and treasure hunts per 24 hours, so you can’t grind it all in a couple days. There is a component of luck too, because sometimes challenges don’t show up. In other words, get started ASAP if you want all these optional items.
Worth a try, 18 months is definitely too short a time. Bad form to shut servers down that quickly even if they're not essential to the game functioning as intended.
Just release it on PS Plus please Sony and then the online activity will rise incredibly.
This is rediculous. Now this is the arrogance @Gamer83 has been talking about. Even if the online elements aren’t that big, it’s insane to have them gone already. It’s not even been two years. Sony not keeping this up out of principle is worrying and doesn’t bode a good omen. Let’s hope they just they hear the fans and then cancel it altogether this time.
It's a shame, but if Sony does happen to shut the servers down, hopefully they'll make all of the prizes you get for doing it achievable through story progression or just unlocked right away.
Still haven't gotten the GR1 outfit yet. I'm too lazy to grind out the dusty token.
@Jaz007 Depends how many people are playing, though. While I do agree it's poor form, if you've only got ten people playing, what's the point?
@get2sammyb Because its a multinational corporation that can eat the costs quite handily?
I was kinda tempted to get this game, but closing down the servers like this left a sour taste in my mouth. So instead this game became a lower priority for me, and I focused on getting other games instead.
All they have to do is make the unlockables available in another way
@get2sammyb It’s the confidence that if you buy a Sony product that it’ll last. A trust you can have. If it costs them a lot, I would understand, but this can’t cost that much relatively speaking. If they do this, I don’t know for sure that Sony will keep a product alive (I’m not talking about extra AAA Vita games) as a matter of principle. It makes buying Sony products more of a gamble.
I hope I can get dusty token without going online/doing treasure hunt, I've been playing gravity rush 2 for a couple of days, the hunt is limited, sometimes I have to wait next day for a new treasure hunt quest.
Players got 80 dusty token for doing 1 treasure hunt, if there's no other way to get dusty token without online, at least sony has to patch it so doing treasure hunt will give players more dusty token.
@get2sammyb I think he has a point. It would be weird if someone bought the game later this year. It wouldn't even be 2 years old, but the online part was completely missing.
Now, I don't think it's that big of a deal, because it's just extra stuff, and only a very minor part of the experience; nothing is mandatory. But keeping it online till the PS5 is the least they should do I think.
@wiiware Yeah I've been doing the same. I still have a few more things left to unlock but it's 1000 Dusty tokens between each reward. I bought the game a couple weeks ago because I remembered the server shutdown was coming and had to look up what I might miss out on. Rather be safe than sorry and unlock them when I can.
Yeah, I think this has been known about for a while, but I still don't like it. This is also partly why I'm not the biggest fan of online-only games and worry to some degree about the digital-only future all these companies (even Nintendo) want. I could deal with it, but, it only benefits them and they can play silly little games like this, or worse, cut access to certain games entirely if they feel it's warranted.
As for Sony, this decision on its own doesn't get to me because like I said it's been known for a while but it is one thing on top of others that have happened since this new idiot took over from Kaz Hirai that doesn't bode well for the future. One of the dumbest things is what's going on with Amazon. It's funny crossplay is getting all the attention when a fight with the biggest online retailer is a much bigger deal.
@get2sammyb Indeed then put out a patch to auto unlock
@Jriibz Cant blame Sony for poor sales can you. Blame the boring snoozefest releases who make millions without any effort. Sites who report make 25 articles about Fortnite a game that deserves your money..... 😑
What's really funny about the Fortnite love is you know even if it was EXACTLY the same game it is now, but had EA as the publisher, people would be screaming how it doesn't deserve your money. I never blame websites, advertisers, whatever, when certain games succeed and others fail, and I don't blame them for covering ones like Fortnite, which have exploded onto the scene. But the double standards and hypocrisy in some of the reporting is hilarious.
@wiiware @ArkhamKnerd I would recommend joining a Dusty Token farming community. There are several if you search. Then add a bunch of people from the community as friends and they will send you easy challenges to beat so you can farm tokens. There is still time constraints and a lot is left to chance but you’ll start getting more consistent challenges that will help you get them quickly.
@Jaz007 Sony: For (some of) The Players
@Gamer83 I just dont like Fortnite nothing good came from the game at least for me and the games i play.
And please make a special tab for Fortnite so people can check it.
Never see article updates about Monster Hunter World only if we get cross game content.
Dont get me wrong everybody to his own. But its a pity everything gets buried under the weekly updates collectables.
@Gamer83 Double standards are nothing special to be fair and dissapointing and i get where you are coming from.
And man i hate free to play, service games, multiplayer only and people acting like Fortnite is something more then free for all with no respawn with some building.
Plus people going mental when a company ask some money for small microtransactions and others get a free pass.
Monster Hunter World is the perfect example what i love in a game. Storymode, optional multiplayer, free updates and when did we a article about that. 🤔😉
@BowTiesAreCool That makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
I love the PS4 but I think it's a tremendous insult to Gravity Rush 2 (which is wonderful) and its fans to shut down the servers so quickly. Bad form, Sony!
@naruball The game got near-zero marketing, and releasing so close to a heavy hitter like RE7 and a surprise hit like Yakuza 0 didn't help.
Being Kat is suffering.
The release timing certainly didn't help. I think Horizon Zero Dawn also came out pretty close to it and that was eating up Sony's marketing.
After looking up the rates of dust token acquisition and the absence of strictly online trophies, I decided against rushing to buy and play the game before July 18 after all - got many other spendings this summer and it would still feel awkward to jump over most of the first GR (which I already have on Vita) into a spoiler pool for the sake of a couple outfits. But these trends do make you wish that such stuff weren't locked to online activities in the first place. Spend extra on rewriting the necessary parts and risk demoting previous player efforts to "early buyer bonus" in some customers' eyes? I could see the companies being reluctant to do either, and as we would do well to remember, they have ZERO obligation to do either. So I'm really tempted to wonder if opting against the implementation of such stuff to begin with might be a better solution.
Yes, the availability countdown extends to DLCs and patches as well, but those can be generally expected to run as long as the online stores do (which is usually QUITE A WHILE - Wii eShop, for instance, is only closing its doors next year); online play server maintenance seems like a more vulnerable budget point these days.
@ArkhamKnerd How to get 1000 dusty token between each reward? I only get 80 token.
@Th3solution Thanks, I'll try to find it.
I don't see why they just don't make a patch that allows you to get dusty tokens every time you do a side quest or win in a trial mission, that would have been better than locking certain content behind a dead online service.
This is why I hate games being locked to online, it ruins the game as a whole, especially for completionist, plus that equipment you get that give you unlimited energy is literally the most useful thing out of the entire game. In many cases it's impossible to beat many online ghost competitions without it.
@wiiware No I meant you need 1000 more tokens for the next reward after earning one. So it takes a lot of treasure hunts of earning 80 tokens to get the next reward. I looked at a list of all the rewards so I know what I still need. Still have one gesture, outfit, and talisman for sure so I have a lot of tokens left to earn.
@ArkhamKnerd Ok, I thought there's a way to get 1000 token while doing treasure hunt.
@malbhet That's a good solution, or give players dusty token as the story mode progress.
@Neolit I would argue customer trust is worth the money and furthers profits in it’s own way. I mean we see what happened when EA and MS didn’t put any into customer trust, and it didn’t do well for them.
@naruball The answer is pretty sad yet simple: Sony didn't make any effort to make anyone aware of the game's existence.
@3MonthBeef While I'm sure that's true to an extent, there have been non AAA games that have done pretty well. How come this one didn't?
Were psvita fans (who also own a ps4) pissed? Were ps4 owners simply not aware of its existence or did they dismiss it as a psvita game the way they did with Tearaway?
@ThroughTheIris56 that definitely didn't help.
the online features are simple. it is true.
but an meaning a lot to me
they bring a lot of extra fun to the game
see the photos of other players portraying a moment is wonderful for me.
Some photos can be like a spoiler that you realize later.
like the pictures playing with raven or the saghasi tracks. or photos of shared treasures and the ghosts of other players
to my point of view this has to do with the different dimensions and time lines that converge in the game according to the plot. what makes it more interesting c:
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