As anticipated, DONTNOD will pull back the curtain on Life Is Strange 2 around Gamescom 2018, with the sequel set to be officially detailed on 20th August. There’s a new teaser trailer embedded above, which features dash cam footage of some kind of road accident – although it seems that the crash is caused by some kind of telekinesis blast, so looks like we’re back to superpowers again.

It’s still hard to really infer much from this, although The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is available to download from the PlayStation Store now, and apparently will tie in to the sequel. Are you looking forward to this new instalment in the Life Is Strange series? What are you expecting out of the plot? Mouth off in the comments section below.
Comments 25
I have this horrible feeling that Life Is Strange 2 will be a superhero story, and it's going to be about Max, Captain Spirit kid, and some others all getting together and becoming this teenager supergroup.
I feel like it's the worst idea ever, but I can also really see it happening.
What do you mean - I'd be well up for this, especiallly if it was Samuel L Jackson who gets the team together. How could throwing random disparite characters together in a unsbutle bid to sell more games not be a winner?
That said, if they do go the team up route, they should rename Max to Captain Hindsight, because at the end of the day, her powers didn't really help.
How could you not be excited? You literally screamed this game's name when you see the developer before your brain catches up that its a different publisher!
Buy it and love it! You know you want to!
Even if it is freaking insane.
This teaser trailer confuses me,is it like life is strange and its prequel about high school kids,or is it like captain spirit,elementary school?I hope its not elementary school ,nooooooooo!!!
@Rudy_Manchego It's not what I want or liked about Life Is Strange. I vastly preferred Before the Storm because it was just grounded character relationships.
Any time the original Life Is Strange stepped away from that and leaned into the superhero, sci-fi stuff it went totally off the rails. The only bit I'll accept was the scene where Chloe was a paraplegic.
To be perfectly honest, I don't really trust DONTNOD. I'm an absolutely gigantic Life Is Strange fan, but I thought the first series really went off the rails, and after the success it's had I can just see them doing something really stupid. Like turning it into a teen superhero recruitment story.
To follow up on my last post,not sure if this helps to figure out what this game is about. The date in this teaser trailer says October 2016,while the captain spirit demo took place December 2016.
@get2sammyb No, to be honest, I hope that DONTNOD do a more anthology style approach and just tell good stories that people care about rather than focusing on the worst elements of the original series. The time travel mechanic was OK but it was pretty played out by the end.
@get2sammyb we only need Max and her time bending powers
@Rudy_Manchego Agreed.
@get2sammyb sounds like Chronicle or Heros. Kinda hoping that power doesnt belong to the main character. The time travel mechanic was very much central to plot of the original as well as the characters themselves. If max had used telekinesis to save chloe i dont think i wouldve liked the game as much lol
I loved Life Is Strange for the small reasons that made you smile, like waking up to alt-J.
@NintendoFan4Lyf its really cheap by now and doesnt consume a lot of your time. 8-10 hours at most.
I'm not into mushy teenage stories but this game was pretty good.
Please don't let Max in it, she did my head in, in the first game
I agree with Sammy the supernatural element made LoS too gamey which wasn't it's strength.
I really liked the time powers in the first game; I liked Max as well. I could not stand Chloe, though! That game is guilty of giving me a crisis of conscious, after that bit where you see Chloe as a paraplegic. It made me think of all the people I find insufferable and how much better they'd be if they just happened to get into a car accident and were bed bound....
I killed Chloe without any hesitation at all. It was a really obvious choice.
@Constable_What you did WHAT?! Have you no compassion, man? As semi-annoying as Chloe was with her hard-ass wannbe, hella-this hella-that teen angst persona, I couldn't just off her. Again, have you no heart, man?
@Turismo4GT What can I say? I'm a pragmatist.
Especially when the person I'm sacrificing for the fate of a whole city is about as annoying and obnoxious as an eye floater with a blow horn.
Also I've seen enough Doctor Who to know that no matter what you did you wouldn't be able to "save" Chloe. You'd just keep saving her until eventually the whole universe was destroyed, and both Max and Chloe would have to live with that.
Killing her is a mercy.
@Constable_What well when you put it that way...
My next play through, Chloe's dead.
Sorry, Max
@Constable_What I kinda have to agree. Haven't played the last couple episodes yet cause I find the game kinda tedious, but it seems like Max has some Stockholm syndrome or something. Chloe is just constantly irritating, but Max is always thinking something like "It's so great to be hanging out with Chloe again."
Im as big a fan of LIS as any but cant say the captain spirit demo really did much for me the way LIS did. I just want cloe back lol.
@Turismo4GT She's lost her a few times already. The way I imagine it is that it's like losing a loved one with some sort of terminal degenerative disease. You can move the sun and the moon around and back again and it wouldn't make a lick of difference, and after they eventually leave this Earth there is sadness and grief. You wonder how you are going to live without them and if you could have done anything different, and then you feel relief. I think that stays with people more than the death of someone close. The burden of carrying someone's whole world on your shoulders is replaced by the stark realization that what you were doing for that person was a burden, and it stings when that hits, and you don't know how you're going to live with yourself, and it's almost as if you were trying to save them, not because they needed saving, but because you needed to prove to yourself that you're a good person.
Life is strange like that, I reckon.
@KirbyTheVampire The beauty of LiS is that it really shows through Max and Chloe's relationship how hard it is to just let go of your past. Letting go isn't giving up as long as you can pick yourself back up, and that's the message I took from the game.
I would definitely recommend you finish the game. Chloe is incredibly irritating, but that's the point of her character, and her character arc is finished beautifully at the end of the game. She symbolizes the burdensbthat Max carries with her as well as her childhood. It's really go to see it play out firsthand. I got the game from Plus, and I was quite happy with it for that.
@get2sammyb I love that idea and would replay the game to death if that ever happened !
@ToddlerNaruto 🤮
@get2sammyb To each their own Sammy, sorry that my comment made you puke.
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