Pre-orders for Metro: Exodus just went live over on the PlayStation Store, with a Gold edition advertising a complete version that bundles together the game, a dynamic theme, the official soundtrack, and the title's season pass for £74.99.
What is a little suspect, however, is the description of the product itself. It reads: "The Gold Edition includes the Metro Exodus Expansion Pass, granting access to all new adventures in the post-apocalyptic Russian wilderness. Exact contents still to be determined, but expect hours of gripping single-player, story-driven action of the highest quality!"
It seems a little haphazard to be asking people to drop £74.99, which is taken from your account immediately upon pre-order, for content that not even the developer itself has set in stone, don't you think? In other words, this is one season pass you definitely want to avoid putting any money down on until we get concrete details. This type of advertisement probably shouldn't be going on the PlayStation Store until the developer itself knows what it's selling.
What do you think to this? Promise some content in the comments below.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 19
That's an odd one.
it should be illegal to ask extra cash for a special edition when the devs don't even know what that season pass will have.
this is going to be the next thing after lootboxes isn't it?
charge more for something,without even the devs knowing if that something is worth it.
I hope it's a green baseball cap. Best deal ever if it's that.
After the Ni No Kuni 2 issue I think all season passes should be detailed before they are purchasable. I understand the creative process might dictate that things change over time but just pay an extra $20 or so for whatever the revs might come up with down the road is as much "Gambling" as they say lootcrates were. Besides not having a roadmap for co tent means you might get DLC in 2 month (DB Fighterz) or 12 months (Ni No Kuni 2). I would like to know that BEFORE I pay extra.
Does anybody believe they knew what was going to be in the Ni No Kuni 2 season pass that it took them 5 months to announce and a year to release? And I doubt they know what all 7 parts of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider season pass is either. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they know what the City season pass is for Spiderman, reads like cut content to me.
And therein lies the season pass dilemma. Announce you know what it is, people complain "cut content". Announce you don't know what it is, people don't want to pay. I really wish companies would go back to releasing complete games and making sequels. Or like H:ZD announce the dolc months later when they know what it is. I'm OK with free updates and patches like GoW, game+ and photo mode, but mostly b/c free. But these $20 and $30 season passes are out of control. Switch is getting Dragon Ball FighterZ months late and the extra parts still cost extra. 😛
Sounds like the kind of sales pitch you would find on a dodgy kickstarter project. Not what you would expect from an established developer.
I dont know why anyone would put money down for something where they dont know what the contents will be.
Yeah... Maybe get people excited when you know what it is instead of having them get frustrated like with Ni No Kuni.... Some of these practices which were good ideas are starting to get out of hand.
Hmm... I think I'm just gonna past on this one and pick it up a year or two later.
At least give a roadmap?
Say, bonus stuff at launch, single player expansion few months later....no?
Trust us...
Surely their can't be many that pay for pre-orders like this though, especially with it still being 6 months or so from release?
Unless you're super rich and like burning digital currency, I can't imagine why anyone would stump up money for this now.
@jdv95 ''We'll see how much we get paid first, then we'll determine the scope of the DLC that's included in the season pass.''
If people are happy to pay for something they've never seen, let them. It's their money, their problem.
But that means they're cutting "Exact contents still to be determined" from the main game! I as a consumer am entitled to that content!
Welcome to modern gaming
Season passes are big business but I truly don’t understand why.
@rjejr +1 this man, so much. I miss the days of gaming when we got full games...
@ToddlerNaruto Thanks for the +1 notification. Made me go look and I had 7 hearts. I usually don't pay any attention to those b/c w/o a -1 option it's kind of unfair. Everybody gets a trophy.
@rjejr I wasn't referring to the hearts system but you're welcome XD.
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