We asked Sony to clarify its PlayStation Experience plans earlier this week, but didn’t hear back. Fortunately, fans have been badgering PlayStation Blog man Sid Shuman on Twitter – and have finally got a comment out of him. “No news to share,” he said when asked about the possibility of a PSX 2018. “Hoping to have more insight soon.”
It’s a non-answer really, but we suspect Shuman’s hands are tied. As we reported earlier in the week, PSX 2017 was announced all the way back in June of that year, although the platform holder did reveal PSX 2016 in late September, so there’s still the possibility of it confirming its plans in the coming days. Either way, the company needs to clarify whether or not this event will be returning for a fifth year soon.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 19
News: No news...

que the "sony are arrogant" comments...
anyway they can still announce it.
i actually suspect that they will leave their public e3 shows in favour of PSX in a few years.
maybe a sony direct thing for e3 and then a full scale public show at PSX where sony can go all out without having to focus on weird show formats to "beat" the other devs.
I don't think they have much to show...
Playstation Meeting 2019!
If they have nothing to show, might as well not have one. Or pair it down to just doing demos and the like which I think Xbox still does for its 'X' events in Canada. At least that was still the case a few years ago. There's stuff Sony can let the press and public demo, try new areas of certain games, etc and give interviews. Wouldn't be a terrible idea but with PS4 probably closer to the end than we think, announcements are going to be few and far between.
Paris Games Week is from October 26th till the 30th so we should know one way or the other by the end of the month.
If the rumours are true and PS5 comes out late 2019 then Sony usually host a PlayStation Meeting style conference.
But what I would do is have PSX in February with a two day show bookended by two keynotes: 1. Will be all about PS4 stuff and 2. Would be cryptically called "Future of PlayStation" which we know what that will be about.
@adf86 Now we're talking! That's a great idea.
@get2sammyb Maybe they are just contemplating taking you up on your idea of copying the Ntineod Directs, in which case, be careful what you wish for, b/c those only get announced 24 ours before they go live. Try planning your vacation around those.
Obviously an event with a live audience needs to rent a venue, and give out tickets, so they need more time, but a Youtube video, 24 hours notice is all they need. See Nintneod Switch reveal Oct 2016.
Sony will have a live show for the PS5 launch. I just hope they don't let mM take up 12 minutes of it with a game that never releases. But for early December, just show stuff during TGA instead.
@ShogunRok maybe my imagination running away, but with all the hounding those guys and girls of PlayStation get on a daily basis, I can imagine Shuman finally losing it and spilling the beans on PSX/PS Meeting, PS5, PSVR 2, Vita 2, etc live on Twitter. At 140 characters per post. All while making that face before the Sony hit squad comes to his cubicle to 'deal with the anomaly in the system'.
Now, PS5 announcement looks imminent!
I hope they still make a PSX for the fans, even without a conference.
Maybe because there's not much left to show for big AAA ps4 games, I think all sony 1st party studio is making ps5 games now.
@Turismo4GT The hero we deserve
Guess I'll play my Xbox One or Nintendo Switch in the meantime.
@get2sammyb Just found out on PlayStation Lifestyle that Capcom Cup will take place on December 14th to the 16th in Las Vegas. Capcom Cup of course is usually hosted alongside PSX.
@adf86 The plot thickens.
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