While it might not be a particularly high profile release, one game we're very much looking forward to is Tetris Effect. It was announced during the lead up to Sony's E3 2018 press conference, and it's looked absolutely stunning from the beginning. We knew a 2018 launch was the aim, and fortunately, Enhance has just announced a concrete release date. Clear a line in your calendar, because Tetris Effect is coming to PS4 and PSVR on 9th November.
We've not seen a huge amount about this game, but the mix of the peerless puzzling gameplay of Tetris with intoxicating audiovisuals should make for one heck of a trip, especially in virtual reality. With Tetsuya Mizuguchi on hand, this can only be gold, right?
Are you looking forward to Tetris Effect on PS4 and PSVR? Score a decahexatris in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 12
Can't wait for this. It's going to be magic in VR.
Remember, remember the 9th of November. I'll be there day frigging one.
Looking forward to this one i watched the Tetris champ play it on psvr on youtube some time ago and it looks amazing to play.
Legit hyped.
Day one. Looks amazing.
I haven't bought a Tetris since the original on Gameboy, but this is one of my most anticipated games of the year.
Hopefully Beat Saber is out around the same time too to give PSVR a bit of a boost before christmas
Great news, very much looking forward to playing this one.
My birthday too, ha. This game looks awesome, PSVR is a must-buy with so many games and support.
Yeah will be picking this up. Not a game I really wanted in vr so wasn’t that hyped when it was announced but now the idea grown on me. LookIng forward to review
Hope both VR and Normal come together. Looking forward to this game. That video of one of the worlds best tetris player playing on VR was a fun watch.
Physical release would be awesome. Tetris is my jam.
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