We’ve been made to wait for Media Molecule’s Dreams, which the gaming community revels in pointing out at any given opportunity. To be fair to the Guildford-based developer, there’s no blueprint for what it’s doing here: its PlayStation 4 exclusive is truly unique, and while its roots can be traced back to LittleBigPlanet, no one’s made anything on quite the same scale as what the British studio’s delivering.
And it’s doing it all without crunching. For those of you who don’t know, crunch in the tech industry means a period where everyone works forced overtime in order to meet a project’s milestones. Naughty Dog is infamous for this, purportedly being in a state of crunch pretty much all the time. It means that you extend work hours so can technically get more done, but it’s obviously an enormous drain on the well-being of employees.
Speaking with Game Informer, co-founder Alex Evans said that Media Molecule doesn’t crunch because it’s “too 90s”. When you consider the culture at the Sony subsidiary, it’s not a massive surprise that it takes such a laidback approach – the LittleBigPlanet creator is the hipster of the games industry, after all. But next time you criticise how long the title’s taking, perhaps you should consider your stance on crunching at the same time.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 28
Take your time boys!
Good for them. Crunch culture shouldn't be tolerated in the game industry.
As weird as it may sound, I kinda want them to take their time and bring it to PS5 also. I feel that it's a little late at this point, and I fear that the game will be short-lived. Maybe as a cross-gen title, but with a long beta on PS4. I don't know how they could do that without disappointing those who are looking forward to it.
@Octane I think you want to get it out to the biggest audience possible, which PS5 won't have at launch. So they should definitely stick with PS4; they can maybe port it to PS5 later, and that shouldn't be a problem as long as it's compatible with everything.
@get2sammyb That is true, but that's why I think a dual release would be good. On the other hand, Dreams is a game that benefits from the extra horsepower more than any other game, since it limits the amount of things you can do.
The community revels in pointing it out because the time between the first reveal and now has been large. Every so often we hear some news about the game. They should have announced it when there was less than a year to go before release.
I agree with octane it should be a PS5 release.
@hotukdeals You're right, no one would have said anything if Media Molecule announced nothing for five years. There wouldn't have been any rumours or speculation about its status at all.
@get2sammyb Maybe a port to PS5 will not be needed. Hopefully Sony are smart enough with the next gen and allow us to play all our PS4 games on their next piece of hardware. We can dream right? (See what I did there )
Do you think this is a make or break game for MM ? If Dreams isn't a commercial success would Sony close them down ?
@oatmealwarrior92 No. They're profitable and they're a prestige team.
This is fine, I rather wait for the game patiently rather than having the game early but at the expense of it's creator well being.
Also major prop to sony for allowing it, that's why most of the great talent on sony 1st party studio is still there
@get2sammyb Are they really still profitable at this point? I feel like Sony has to be questioning that. LBP2 was obviously a success, but I don’t think Tearaway was, financially. (Great game, but Vita killed it). So it’s been 7 years since they had a profitable game.
According to Wikipedia, they have ~50 employees, so I guess they don’t need Uncharted level success every 2-3 years, but still...7 years is a long time.
😂 all this talk about if they should release it on PS4 or PS5, and here I'm thinking what happened to the backwards compatibly, seriously if PS5 doesn't have backwards compatibly they really gonna shoot themselves in the foot
@get2sammyb Not having a crunch culture at work is a good thing. But it's something that should have been announced 5 years ago, up front, that the game is going to take a very long time. You can't announce a game, say betas are going to be released for 3 consecutive years, then after all of that fails then say - oh, don't listen to us, we're just slackers. Now it sounds like an excuse, 5 years ago when they were all gung ho about this during the PS4 unveiling they should have said - dont' expect this for 4 or 5 years yet, we're slackers, we dont' do crunch, that's so 90s.
From your article yesterday - "Media Molecule’s been saying that Dreams’ beta will launch “this year” since, like, 2015"
That has nothing to do with crunch or not, it's just sloppy on their part. Somebody needs to read to them the story of the boy who cried wolf during their nap time at work.
I'd rather the employees making my games be treated well. The practices that these companies are allowed to get away with really suck.
If I had nothing going on then I wouldn't care about their well being via crunch time. In all seriousness, I'm glad they're prioritizing quality and well being over money.
@get2sammyb @hotukdeals @octane I dare say this was Sony's plan all along. Wait till the install base was nearing its peak to release what will be a somewhat niche title. It makes sense but that still doesn't change the fact this was 1st revealed 5 and half yrs ago and still does not have a release date.
Hopefully once I finish my degree, this culture will be less prevalent.
@rjejr Realistically no developer is going to announce a game then say that it's 5 years away, that just kills any momentum and hype people would have. The chances are MM wanted Dreams out by now but I can pretty much guarantee they would have faced a lot of unforeseen technical issues. Cos not only are they trying to make a literal "create anything game" but also a whole new engine to accommodate it and on top of all that it has to support PSVR as well. That's an awful lot for a studio that isn't that big in terms of employees.
@adf86 "that just kills any momentum and hype people would have."
I'm afraid the delay has killed the hype for a lot of people over the past 5 years. And they really probably should have focused on getting the base game out and adding in PSVR support later. Skyrim waited what, 10 years for PSVR support?
I just deleted way too much info about the oft delayed beta that I think last time I posted you scolded me on for repeating myself, so your welcome, you dont' have to read it again.
@rjejr If their ordered by Sony to do VR support then they won't have much choice. And I don't know if the hype has been killed at all, people are just wanting the chance to try it now. I just don't see why having to wait a long time for a game (especially a hugely ambitious one) is a problem.
I'm happy to wait longer for a game, if it means employees can avoid unnecessary stress and have energy and motivation to continue making games.
I wouldn’t of thought anyone would deliberately intend to have a crunch. Isn’t it what happens in the run-up to launch if you encounter unexpected problems and don’t want to delay your game.
@adf86 It's not the waiting that's the problem, it's the prolonged teasing, some might say lieing. Eventually some people just get fed up and move on. There's a reason that "poop or get off the pot" is a well known idiom, most people don't like waiting on others who dawdle. The fact that "dawdle" is an actual word accepted by my auto correct must mean something too, unless you know of a use for "dawdle" in a positive light?
@ZeD @get2sammyb I would seriously hope that PS5 is back compatible, at this stage I have that many games in my backlog that I could see myself not getting one if this feature is not included, if MS do this then it would seem to be a massive plus in their favour...
@adf86 "I just don't see why having to wait a long time for a game (especially a hugely ambitious one) is a problem" - it's not a problem at all. Or to put it another way, it's a first world problem. I'm genuinely jealous of people who complain about game delays, I'd love to swap their problems with mine! My own hype for this game has dimmed quite a bit over time, but I still hope they go on to sell a million copies and raise £25-30m for them/Sony - We need these type of outside the box, genuinely gamer focused dev teams for the PS5 and beyond.
great to hear
Thanks Sony WWS for their patients & toleration.
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