Sony has revised its fiscal year forecast for PlayStation 4 hardware sales up from 17 million to 17.5 million, as the console has reached 86.1 million units shipped. The staggering statistic means that the Japanese giant’s current console is in roughly the same ballpark as the PlayStation 3’s lifetime total – despite it still not reaching its fifth birthday.
Things are looking healthy for the conglomerate overall, with the company pushing its full year profit forecast up 30 per cent. This is the second time that the firm’s increased its forecast this year, with the organisation now anticipating operating income in the region of ¥870 billion (~$7.7 billion), up from its previous estimate of ¥670 billion ($5.9 billion).
PlayStation is the driving factor behind the change, as the gaming business alone brought in revenue of ¥550.1 billion (~$4.8 billion) for the quarter ending 30th September, while only its mobile division failed to turn a profit. All units combined, the firm made a Q2 profit of ¥239 billion (~$2.1 billion) – a far cry from the heavy losses of past years.
[source sony.net]
Comments 29
@Shepherd_Tallon Agreed! After a raft of PS3s after some faling with a YLOD, the PS4 (launch model and now a Pro) have a been a refreshingly smooth & slick piece of kit with no failures.
Also, at 86.1 million units, doesn't that mean that the PS4 has already overtaken the PS3? Not bad for a console that they said there wasn't a market for...
@Shepherd_Tallon It's been really good so far, I agree. It's definitely up there for me.
@sanderson72 yeah i think both the PS3 and 360 ended up at about 73 million each at the end of the last gen
on a side note MS have said that XBL users are up to 57 million active users but they still wont release how many XB1's have been sold and as XBL users are also on P.C and even Switch for Minecraft we can't take that number as how many XB1's have been sold, they just say that sales are up on last year
great news put they dont want to blow it all by going back too the arrogant Sony of old
@FullbringIchigo Closer to 85 million IIRC.
@Octane yeah your right, the 360 was at 85 million and the PS3 was at 83.8 million, my bad
I always love the pic you guys use for articles like this one.
"PS4 Closes on 100 Million"
"console has reached 86.1 million units shipped"
Even at 17m per year it will still take nearly a yearly to reach 100m, and that 86.1m number is shipped, not sold. I don't see a year away as "closes in" but that could just be me. Let me know when it hits 96.1m next summer, then we'll talk about milestones. Holiday sales come first. And Switch and Smash/Pokemon are out there, I think most of the big PS4 games have released by now, though Sony will win the price war, Slim's will be practically given away this holiday.
If Sony announces PS5 in Feb for a fall release with full backwards compatibility 100m may be another year away for PS4.
PS3 is in the rearview mirror now though, so that's good.
@Shepherd_Tallon Totally agree, as I've said on here before, PS4 feels like PS2 reincarnate for me.
Wow congrats to sony, I think in the end ps4 will be the best selling or the 2nd best selling console of all time
To think before ps1 launched, some Sony execs doubted going into gaming. Yet now it proos up the empire. Amazing stuff
PS4 is better hardware, and generally a slicker experience, but imo the PS3 library was much better.
Even crazier to me, is the fact that the software sales for the PS4 is over 850 million units. Included was the 75 million units last quarter of Sony. That‘s around 10 games per sold console. That‘s simply mindblowing.
@leucocyte please elaborate how the ps3 library was much better — considering the best ps3 exclusives were ported to ps4 with superior remasters, i cannot buy that argument. the ps4 is essentially the cream of the crop of ps3 games plus all the new exclusives of the current gen. there is little to no reason to go back to ps3 with the exception of maybe 12 noteworthy games that never got ported over to ps4.
The last couple years have moved it up my list for sure. I have it behind only PS2 as far as all 6 PlayStation systems are concerned.
@Neolit to be honest i don't think anyone really knows the true numbers except Sony and MS
@FullbringIchigo @Neolit Around 85 million; that's all that matters in this case. Give or take a million or two; eh, it's a small margin! I can live with that. As long as we're not arguing about a 10 million difference, it doesn't really matter!
@Octane True, still it's great numbers for both Sony and MS
That’s what happens when you have great exclusives. PS4 will be considered one of the best gaming devices of all time, imo. It has a huge support of Japanese and western developers, PSVR and the best exclusives around.
If the PS4 didn't exist I'd actually play my Switch. Too many good games are always coming out. PS4 is killing it.
I am soooooo HAPPY for SONY And glad that most of the internet(and that includes 90% of gaming sites) didn't manage to destroy SONY's PlayStation name in the PS3 days.
@Shepherd_Tallon "There's probably an unwritten pop culture rule about how we're supposed to wait 10 years before saying something like this, but PS4 is one of my all-time favourite consoles"
^ This
@NintenGuy why did you get a Switch lol?
Because of Games, Games, Games... And more Games.
PS4 release schedule has been amazing.
@Porco - for the most part, the games that were/have been remastered, i already played on PS3, and so consider them part of the previous generation of games. with the exception of the last of us and diablo iii (which i didn't own before), i don't own any of those games on PS4. they were developed as part of the previous gen - the fact that they got remastered is largely irrelevant to me. most franchises haven't improved this gen either.
killzone 2 & 3 are better than shadowfall.
infamous 1&2 are better than second son.
little big planet 2 is better than 3.
uncharted 2 is better than 4 (though 4 is still a great game).
battlefield bad company 1 & 2 are better than any of the PS4 battlefields/battlefronts
arkham asylum & city are better than arkham knight
mass effect 2 & 3 are better than andromeda.
and those are just the ones i can think of off the top of my head that i played in both PS3/4 era.
sony also had resistance which was a good series, in fact resistance 3 was a great game, now it has no flagship shooter at all - the shooter market which used to be quite diverse, with titles like bioshock, bulletstorm, crysis, F.E.A.R and so on, has become quite narrowly focused on just a few big titles. MAG did 256 players before people even thought about battle royale and 100 players. there were other great series like dead space (well 1 & 2, not so much 3) too. there were a load of what you might call 'AA' titles, not exactly classics, and certainly had flaws, but offered something different. spec ops: the line, binary domain, vanquish, dark sector, enslaved: odyssey to the west.... i have almost three times the number of games on PS3 than i do on PS4.
@wiiware I don't think that any console will get round to topping the PS2's 157 million units but it'd be nice to have the PS4 clear the hateful Wii.
Because I like owning every system. (Lol!) It's nothing more than a dust magnet until Smash Ultimate.
@sanderson72 I think ps4 can do ps2 number if sony sold it at $200 along with $400 ps5, just like apple sells iphone xs at $1000 and iphone 8 at $600.
@leucocyte fair enough. i am looking at it from a different perspective — that of someone who has never owned a console in their lives and one day picks up a ps4. all the essential ps3 games are on there in the form of remasters (true, a few ps3 games are missing), as well as the ps4 library which to me runs circles around most of the missing ps3 games. all in all, if one were on a deserted island and could either take a ps3 or ps4 with them, the ps4 is the clear winner since it is a perfect melding of the ps3 essentials — last of us, uncharted collection, god of war 3 are all there — plus new remasters not found on ps3 such as yakuza kiwami 1/2, odin sphere, ratchet and clank/shadow of the colossus remakes, bioshock collection, arkham collection, etc and of course everything else ps4 has to offer from current gen.
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