A great game will often leave you longing for more, and Marvel’s Spider-Man is a shining example of that. While it’s a relatively painless Platinum Trophy to acquire, we’ve been staggered by the number of players who’ve already seen the title through to 100 per cent completion – especially when you consider just how many copies it’s sold so far.
Time for an expansion pack, then? Good news: the first part of The City That Never Sleeps trilogy will release on 23rd October – and speaking with Polygon, lead writer Jon Paquette has promised fans to expect something both familiar and fresh. “We see how people are reacting to certain characters,” he said. “We see what people enjoy as part of the main game and then we ask ourselves, ‘How do we give them more of that?’”
With the first DLC pack coming less than two months after the main game, we’re sceptical of just how much feedback Insomniac Games has taken on board – but it’s guessed correctly anyway, because we definitely want to see more Black Cat, who will be the star of The Heist. “It’s not that her story was originally put aside,” he continued. “It’s just that the team is choosing to go back and flesh her out.”
[source polygon.com]
Comments 23
Can't wait, been itching to play some missions in it.
Let us play as her and everythinf will be perfect
If it gives u more challenge points I'll pick this up. Im struggling to get enough for all the suits keeping me from the platinum. I've everything else. Gutted
Can't wait for the DLC!
Give me stuff to do with the final suit from the story! I did everything else in the game before finishing the story so I got that super cool suit aaaaand the game’s over. Hahaha
That and... more suits, pl0x.
n.i.c.e . nyc best city ever word up son
Can't wait for the complete edition for $20 next year
It would be cool if she is playable.
@shonenjump86 @AFCC
Agreed. Black Cat is awesome, I'd like to see some of this game from her perspective.
I’m with you @LaNooch1978...the additional Prisoner and Sable crimes are nothing but a grind and add nothing to the game overall...my only gripe in an otherwise exemplary experience!!
Looking forward to this once they've all released and would so much rather play as Black Cat than as MJ - I tried to enjoy the forced stealth sections with her, but the only one I enjoyed was her final one. Admittedly they were important for the story, but just wished they were more fun, as I really enjoyed the bits as the other playable side character...probably just me being easily irritated though!
@LaNooch1978 I really wanted that plat so pushed through, but man, those extra street crimes were a tedious grind! Haha, not grinded that much since optional post-game GoW stuff in April!
It will be awesome if Black Cat is a playable character.
It’s teally difficult for me to buy dlcs, but Spider-Man is special.
@TomKongPhooey what I did was do a play through with out getting all gadgets and not fully upgrading gadgets and you should have enough to craft all suits mate.
I've just gotten 100% campaign progress though I'm still missing some suits and secret photo ops. I'll definitely get this. I loved every minute of this game. I was not expecting it to be so good.
@TomKongPhooey don't know whether it helps but you don't need all the suits, the trophy pops before getting the secret photo ops suit (think thats the one that needed all the challenge points, apologies if wrong...)
Will it make MJ less of a spoiled, tantrum throwing brat? Will it give me more repetitive checklist chores? I am severely disappointed by the game, so I don't expect the DLC to change that. DLC that was announced before the game even released, by the way. What a horrible practice for a mediocre experience.
@Useyourname I thought you wouldn't have played it to judge since you said you were "voting with your wallet" when you complained about the DLC before.
Announcing the dlc before the game was stupid but I thought the game itself was fantastic. Even on how fluid the controls, movement and combat were in the game it sure is not mediocre. But if you didn't like the story then each to their own I guess. I would like to hear what in your opinion is a top rated game?
@adf86 Yeah, I had a moment of weakness. One of many, to be honest.
@starman292 I liked the story just fine, except for one thing at the ending (you might be able to guess what if you've seen it). I also felt the Sinister Six were rushed through the latter part of the game. It was just bloated with pointless side stuff.
My top rated games of the past few years are very unsurprising, probably: God of War went way beyond my expectation (though I skipped the busywork of Niflheim and Muspelheim); I liked Horizon ZD a lot more than I thought I would; Doom 2016 is pretty much the perfect game; Ratchet and Clank was way better than it should have been; Yoku's Island was completed in about two sittings; Iconoclasts in three, despite the heavy handed story; Bloodstained Curse of the Moon tickled all kinds of nostalgia as did Axiom Verge. I also quite like the new Tomb Raiders, while I can't stand the scriptedness of Uncharted and The Last of Us.
Oh, and Witcher 3. That is one awesome game. Deserted island material.
Fair enough probably just a difference in taste. They have said the dlc will be quite story based and will flesh out some of the characters so I'm looking forward to that. I still need to try horizon I've heard good things about it!
@GKO900 The game is a Complete Edition for me already not waiting a year for that good games with good value are worth the full price for me. Maybe ill double dip with a Complete Edition of its all on the disc. 👍 😜
@Flaming_Kaiser Maybe it really is but I truly hate the idea of buying something full price so they later release the full thing for even less of a full price, now if it didn't have dlc then it would've a day one for me and it also came out when DQXI release a game that it is complete and has offer me 80 hours already and I still on the 3 act
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