Sony’s PlayStation Classic Mini console will come pre-loaded with 20 iconic PSone games, and we’ve compiled the full list of games that you’ll be getting as part of the package. With the full lineup of software confirmed, the platform holder's assembled a large and varied lineup of software, which spans everything from legendary Namco brawler Tekken 3 to JRPG Hall of Famer Final Fantasy VII and much more in between. Read on for all the PlayStation Classic Mini’s games, and don't forget that you can find out where to buy and pre-order the PlayStation Classic Mini console through the link.
1. Battle Arena Toshinden (PS1)
A PSone launch game that has a significant place in PlayStation lore due to Sony billing it as a ‘Saturn Killer’ – despite it later being ported to SEGA’s system. The game originally was up against the likes of Virtua Fighter, but it would go on to pave the way for titles like Tekken and Soul Edge. It hasn’t exactly aged well – some would say it wasn’t great in 1995, either – but its historical importance cannot be overlooked.
2. Cool Boarders 2 (PS1)
The late 90s are renowned for their obsession with Xtreme Sports, but before Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and SSX, there was Cool Boarders. Originally developed in Japan by UEP Systems, Sony would eventually take control of the series for its third and fourth instalments, but the second game, with its anime-inspired characters and slick arcade gameplay, was ahead of the curve in many ways. It was a big seller, and helped to create a market on console for future board-based sports games.
3. Destruction Derby (PS1)
This rough and ready racer from Psygnosis is fondly remembered for its chaotic racing that encouraged high speed collisions. Cars would take more than just superficial damage, too – you had to worry about damage to your handling, the engine, and more as you bashed your way to victory. Its inclusion on the PlayStation Classic is no surprise; it's a fan favourite for its fun, unique, and boisterous brand of vehicular action.
4. Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
Arguably the most famed JRPG of all time, Final Fantasy VII was significant because it saw developer Square move production from the Super Nintendo to the PlayStation. Leveraging the additional storage space of the fledgling CD-ROM format, the title used ground-breaking full-motion video and polygonal graphics to tell one of the genre’s most beloved yarns, with protagonist Cloud Strife and his iconic Buster Sword recognised around the world.
5. Grand Theft Auto (PS1)
The Grand Theft Auto series has come an awfully long way since its first incarnation, but that doesn't mean this game is short on Rockstar's trademark bite. This birds-eye view of the series' now-iconic cityscapes provides a miniature playground for you to carry out dastardly deeds as you aim to rake in huge amounts of cash. GTA is a force of nature these days, so it's great that we're able to see where it all began with its inclusion on PS Classic.
Comments 72
Ridge Racer Type-4 is so good. I always loved the presentation surrounding that.
Oh shame, I thought the complete list was already out!
Let’s wait patiently, then ✌🏻
We need Medievil, Crash, Spyro, CROC pls pls pls and also MGS1...
Who am I kidding we need Hakchi for the psone classic 😂
Don't like being pedantic but I had a Negcon on import from Japan before RR4 released.
I'm sure I played RR2 with it. Long time ago now so I may well be wrong.
@FullbringIchigo Of course!
To be honest I would prefer them to add bc for PS1 on PS4 but anyway I may get it depending on the games.
@AFCC Resident Evil, Megaman Legends, maybe some Brave Fencer Musashi too. More importantly, they should also make them available on the PS4
Unfortunately 3d games aged so bad both on graphics and controls that honestly I don't have any interest in this.
All those games are great btw
Complete with polygon folding? Tekken and RR might still be OK but most of the games won't have aged very well imo.
I think the games will look better if they're the NTSC versions and not the horrible PAL iterations.
@get2sammyb "Guide: All PlayStation Classic Mini Games"
Seriously? 5/20 <> ALL
There's trolling, and then there's this. At least go back and edit "We Know So Far" onto the end of the title. Just copy and paste mine, I promise not to sue you for plagiarism.
How about change the title to "All Playstation 1 Games on rjejr's Shelf". At least that would be more accurate now.
It pains me to this day I traded in Xenogears and Legend of Dragoon. 😠
if they were wise they would put both legend of dragoon and suikoden 2 on there along with parasite eve
Hopefully this will remind the world that Wild Arms is an awesome franchise that's ready for a revival.
@get2sammyb Just a heads up that the FF8 box art is shown for Final Fantasy VII instead of the famous meteor logo.
@nessisonett Haha, good catch. That's @antdickens' fault. One second!
Nice,FF8 box art on FF7 background 🤣
Edit. It's changed now 😂
Soul Reaver and Brave Fencer Musashi please!!!
Hopefully, Castlevania SOTN makes the list.
Also, Tomb Raider, Suikoden ii, Tony hawk ii, tactics ogre, and the 'master of unlocking'...
It need tomb raider 1, metal gear solid 1, soul reaver, street fighter alpha 2, castlevania sotn, final fantasy tactics, suikoden, and many many more.
Man I wish sony just sell digital ps1 games on ps4 instead, there's so many ps1 games that I want to buy and play again
They could do with doubling the games on there 🤣
Tony hawk would be a good one too.
Tekken 3 still surprises me, but I'm not complaining. Been wanting to play that again.
If a Crash game is there, I swear it better not be the first one. The game is tocks compared to 2 and Warped.
This isn't all 20, that's just the first 5. I feel so epically trolled right now....
Tekken 3 is totally brilliant.
Can't see it happening but I'd love to see the Original Tony Hawk's 1 & 2 on there
Destruction Derby 2 would also be a good one
Why are some people complaining? It's a PS1 original mini. Sure the games look a bit pants now but sure, that's the way they were, I'm sure they will have loads of different settings and filters you can apply to the games.
I for one love the stickless controller, friendly reminder of where the design came from originally, SNES controller 😊.
I love the whole package, can't wait to get it and add to my collection.
I'm sure they will release a ds1 with thumb sticks next year with 20 more games or something, in multiple colours or something, or a PS1 mini, slim?
Then maybe a PS2 mini! They'll prob get that out before Nintendo even think about GameCube on the switch, let alone a GCN Mini.
I'm v happy with this anyway.
@MadAussieBloke I'm waiting for them to screw up the Mega Drive mini first... plenty of time to ruin the Saturn.
Anyone remember Tenchu: Stealth Assassins? Would love to see Syphon Filter on the list too.
@MadAussieBloke YOU can't - Sega can!
Not sure I'd buy one because I already have most of the PSone games I want readily available on my PS3, but if Sony manages to get Resident Evil 2, Metal Gear Solid, Twisted Metal 2, Crash Team Racing and Tomb Raider 2 added, I'll consider.
Klonoa. I’ve just finished playing it and I loved every minute of it. Can’t believe I missed that one back in the day, I would have loved it. Having it on this mini console will ensure others get to be as pleasantly surprised by it as I was.
Title seems very clickbaity. 5 games out of the 20 it'll get is not all the games.
Easier just to buy a PS One at 25% of the cost and then pick up any games you wish. Includes adaptor.
Please let Rollcage be included!
The truth is that PS1 has so many classics, it’s difficult to choose only 20 games.
@MaccaMUFC yes. 2 great games there. Tenchu2 was an ace game. Great shout that one. We need 40 games on this one 😂 hopefully we can mod it, get rid of the fodder and til it full of the games we all desire.
@PS_Nation damn right. You need atleast 50 games just to start to cover the really good AAA titles and you'd still be missing a few out.
Maybe next year Sony will make a PS Classic 2 before they make a PS2 Classic and include the DS controllers and games that make good use of them? Whatever those may be. Was the Bruce Wiils twin stick shooter Armageddon on PS1? What about that 3td person game MKD?
Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Twisted Metal, and sprinkle in Megaman Legends. As much as I would like Parasite Eve to be in this (which might be) I want them to give it a full remake. Impossible games I want are Rugrats and My Disney Kitchen. Finding Reptar and feeding Mickey some burned pancakes now that was dope.
I don't really mind, if the games haven't visually aged-well. My only problem is the lack of analog sticks. I'm probably in the minority here, but I never really liked the D-Pad on the PS1. In my opinion it always felt stiff unlike the SNES or Saturn's D-Pad. Although I'll probably still grab the PlayStation Classic as a collector's piece, I feel that they missed an opportunity with some fans who were more used to using the Dual Analog sticks, plus for probably not adding Ape Escape to it, since it requires the feature.
omg Ape Escape on this would be a blatent reason to buy the console for me I loved that game and spent many a rainy summer day going through looking for monkeys in the huge levels
Legend of Dragoon please.
@Octane what about some goddamn TENCHU
How rad would it be if they included the demo discs from the launch Playstation?! The manta ray and t-rex tech demos were so fun to fool around with.
Also...I would love these:
Heart of Darkness
Kileak: The DNA Imperative
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Battle Arena Toshinden
Colony Wars
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
"Hi! We're releasing a new PlayStation Classic Mini with 20 games. But we're not telling you what games are included upon announcement. Why? Well, we don't believe you need to be fully informed before you emotionally impulse buy it! Gotcha! Now, go buy it!"
errrrr, thanks Sony...
I thought about buying FFVII on Switch, but if the lineup continues to impress me further, I may have to reconsider... Give me Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Metal Gear Solid, and Crash Team Racing, and I'm completely sold!
I hope dey include 'Alien Resurrection
I would love them to include trophies, don't think it is possible though!!
@hypnotoad I also had a neGcon controller. Still got it along with my original PS1, Ridge Racer, Ridge Racer Revolution & Ridge Racer Type 4 which included an extra disc with an enhanced version of the original Ridge Racer. It worked excellent with all of them once you became used to it.
Updated and completed.
No Legend of Dragoon, Twisted Metal World Tour, Parasite Eve 2. 😭
There are to many great PS1 games to make everybody happy.
Parasite eve, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Silent Hill, Metal Gear 1 Vr, Tenchu, Rave Racer.
Cool that's saved me £90 anyway canceling my order what a rubbish lineup part from Syphon Filter, ridge Racer 4 , Metal gear ( Thats on every system for cheep ) , & Wild arms.
@rjejr I still have Legend of Dragoon. What a game!
Nice write up, some solid games in there. Could be a better line up but not bad at all overall.
Some good, some bad, Rainbow six uninspired and 3 similar puzzle games, the japanese release seems to be more 'playstation' thinking sega could very easily trump this with a saturn mini...
Battle Arena! I had the demo, played that so much!
Meh, a few interesting ones ... but I'd much rather just re-buy a PS1, and only buy the games I'd actually enjoy. I don't like the idea of paying for a default set of games I won't like.
Why would anyone buy this when it adds nothing new and limits you to 20 games? There are plenty of second hand consoles available cheaper with a vast choice of second hand games. Pointless rip-off to add to Sony's previous attempts to resell it's back catalogue to people who have already bought it!
Why isn't every Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Crash, Spyro, etc. game included? Trash.
I was really expecting to see at least one, if not all three, Tomb Raiders! Especially after Square put a stop to the remaster that was in production!
I would’ve also personally preferred one of the best PlayStation games of all time, Final Fantasy VIII!
No Z buffer's! No sale. The list doesn't inspire me.
I'm really surprised the original Ridge Racer is not there. That game single handedly launched the PlayStation.
I have to say the PS1 days totally passed me by and, to be honest, I'm grateful for that because the graphics have aged so badly compared with the likes of the SNES. Not interested in this in the slightest.
Any 20 of a combination of these games is better than the crap already planned for the western ps1 classic...
Panzer Bandit
Tobal 2
Herc's Adventure
Jade Cocoon
King's Field
Rapid Reload
Strider 2
Tail Concerto
Trap Gunner
Evil Zone
Legend of Dragoon
Parasite Eve
Beyond the Beyond
Valkyrie Profile
Bushido Blade
Battle Arena Toshinden 2
Guilty Gear
Biohazard 3/Resident Evil 3
Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis 2
Blood Omen Legacy of Kain
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Castlevania Chronicles
Final Fantasy Tactics
Vagrant Story
Chrono Cross
Front Mission 3
Brave Fencer Musashi
Arc the Lad Collection
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Bloody Roar 1
Bloody Roar 2
Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV
Nightmare Creatures
Nightmare Creatures 2
Hmm not the best list but if I have some cash around release and I can find one in a store I'll snag one. If not. no harm no foul. OG persona is a nice get.
It should be at least 40 games, lol.
PS1 has many beloved classics, everyone will have a different list of wanted games.
I used to play Croc, it was a really cool 3D platformer.
The 90s was also known by videogame mascots.
I'm not that impressed with this list, I think i'll skip this unless there is a way to add better games
i mean... c'mon, you can play FF7 on everything nowadays, it wasn't needed, and no Symphony?
Not even Mega Man X?
Just imagine... Psycho Mantis would've known that you played Symphony on your classic too
The more I look at this list the worse it gets and I have no regrets about cancelling my pre-order.
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