Your PlayStation Plus games for December have been revealed, marking the final selection of 2018. On PlayStation 4, subscribers are getting SOMA and Onrush. Joining them is Iconoclasts, which is on PS4 and Vita via cross-buy.
The rather good Papers, Please is also on Vita, and PS3 users get Steredenn and Steins;Gate.
What do you make of December's lineup? Will you be playing any of these games over the holidays? As always, don't shoot the messenger in the comments section below.
Comments 66
I've heard good things about SOMA, but I won't be playing any of these for a long time.
Iconoclasts? That's good for me, I've been wanting that game for quite awhile.
Great month, overall! I'll definitely play Onrush, and I've waited a long time to play Papers, Please.
Don't sleep on Iconoclasts either, people
Surprised that Onrush is one of the games - only released in June this year. Soma isn't really my preferred type of horror game - I am not keen on the hide and seek horror genre but I will still add both of these to my download list - because I can...
Onrush sold poorly leading to redundancies at Codemasters - inc Game director Paul Rustchynsky - maybe that's why its offered...
Well I have plenty to be getting on with such as the Spiderman DLC, God of War, Castlevania, Red Dead Redemption 2, Tetris, Astro Bot and plenty of PSVR games so I'm good
Own Soma & Iconoclast, but I’m happy with Onrush!
Should make for a nice distraction.
Had SOMA for ages I've just not been able to get into it, Onrush I'm looking forward to having a blast at, only hear good things
None of these games have Santa Claus, I’m disappointed.
got all 3 humbug
Well that's pretty good, I haven't had a plus account active for most of the year but I'll sign up again for Onrush I reckon.
Well at least there games recently this gen, though aside from maybe Onrush and Iconclasts, not too much for me.
I mean, I have Grip for the racing - and already have PP.
SOMA any good?
Onrush is one of my favourite games of this year glad more people will get to experience it. Already got SOMA but havent played it yet its on the backlog list! I have been tempted a few times by Iconoclasts glad I have resisted the urge to buy it solid month I feel.
Great month! I've been meaning to buy and play SOMA, but just couldn't convince myself on pulling the trigger to buy it. Now I have no excuse which is fine by me.
Excellent list, though nothing for me personally. I'd rather play Steins;gate on psvita, no interest in Onrush and Soma and, of course, I bought Paper, please a few months ago...
Quite happy about Onrush and I'll give Ironclast a go but don't fancy the others.
Still,where will i find time for more games to play between Dragon Quest XI,Detroit Become Human,Spyro Trilogy,Monster Hunter World,Lego Incredibles and Assassins Creed Odyssey??And that's not including my Switch games and possible Christmas games..
Very happy with Papers Please Iconoclast looks pretty fun as well!
SOMA is excellent, for anyone who hasn't played it. As is Papers, Please.
I've actually been wanting to play Iconoclasts, and Onrush... I'll try it.
Not a bad month overall.
Will give Onrush another go no that it's free. Was underwhelmed by the beta but why not now. Iconoclasts looks interesting as well, decent month imo.
Pretty decent I'd say.
Played Onrush beta for a couple of races go instant deleted not a good game.
Good for me not got any of them and glad for Papers please been thinking of buy it for a year now
I played a bit of Onrush on Xbox but it didn't really click with me. It's another solid month overall though imo
I'll take Iconoclasts and run, been wanting to try that for ages!
Soma is pants and I deleted the On-Rush demo after an hour-ish
Merry Xmas!
Eh, not surprised.
Hmm both sides have eh offerings
Xbox does have Dragon Age 2... Although that’s it...
Bought iconoclasts in a summer sale and it's great. Papers on the vita will be fun too, hopefully using touch screen can help to shave off a few precious seconds while processing documents!
SOMA - always wanted this in Ps+. Thanks Sony!
Very happy with all of these - especially Iconoclasts as I've been wanting that since it came out and had finally decided to get it in the current PSN sale by 30th once I was certain that it wasn't in December's Plus lineup 😉 Still, quite surprised it's in Plus line up though. All games I don't have for once lol.
Ha ha I nearly bought Iconoclasts in the sales and DIDNT! For once I win.
Got Soma ages ago, still not played it. Tried Onrush on the free weekend, didn't enjoy it at all.
Still a sweet selection though
I'll give them all a go, was going to get Iconoclasts in the sale but even better it's on plus!
Nice, i don't have any of these but would have bought them all eventually so great month for me !
I might give Onrush a look, the others I'll hang on to for when I ever clear my backlog
EDIT: Just had a read of the Iconoclasts review, I'll probably play that as soon as I get the chance, looks good
Is Steins Gate cross buy with PS3 and Vita?
Great.. if u aint got em... only one I dont have is Onrush. Still, could be worse.
Just bought Iconoclasts in the flash sale!!!!
Hate it when Sony does that.
SOMA and Onrush look interesting but I'm more excited for Iconoclasts and Steins;Gate and I watch some gameplay of Papers, Please because some people here say it was good but it looks boring just like Steredenn a generic shmups, overall a good month though
Already got SOMA, and quite enjoyed it. Never tried Onrush as it would never sign in for me during the beta, but I was never that fussed about it anyway, and won't bother now either.
Bit of of a 'meh' month/year end. That said, I only ever get a few during the year that I'm bothered about, but it still works out worthwhile.
Surprised by the lack of comments regarding Stein's Gate. It's an absolutely incredible visual novel and I highly recommend giving it a shot if you don't already have the game!
I am looking forward to Iconoclasts, Sterdenn, Paper's Please, and Onrush which I don't have! Soma looks meh, but overall December's plus lineup is amazing!
The only 1 of these I know about is Onrush. Was surprised to see all the good comments, maybe I'll get something new I like to keep me busy until Santa brings us 4, and counting, Switch games at Christmas.
Its a great month. Sadly i have 4 of the 6 titles, but great for those that dont own them
Gonna give SOMA a hard pass.
I'll probably give Onrush a shot.
Iconoclasts I am definitely looking forward to!
Papers, Please is great!
Good month!
Awesome, I was just considering buying onrush.
Is papers please just Vita? Looks pretty good. I'll give onrush a shot if it has split screen local multiplayer.
I've almost bought SOMA on multiple occasions so I'm pretty happy with that
For those of you that like atmospheric horror with a crazy ass story, SOMA is amazing! Honestly one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, make sure to play it at night with headphones!
@TowaHerschel7 Personally I'd be really excited for SteinsGate IF it was the Vita version or crossbuy, but seems it's gonna be free for PS3 only - I enjoy visual novels, but not on a big screen, sitting up! Just feels so weird to me and most PS3 games don't have remote play option. Will probably pick it up on Vita when it's next on sale though
Not bad honestly! Happy with this selection...SOMA I've already seen a playthrough but want to try it. Onrush I'm curious to try honestly! And Papers Please is a blast!
Good month for Christmas
Amazing month. I have no idea what Soma is but Onrush has been winking at me all year.
I done goofed and didn't buy PS Plus when it was $40 last week. I bought too many other things for myself and other people that I just completely forgot to. I'll just wait for another sale, pretty much most of the games I'm playing are single-player anyways.
Dam it picked up onrush in the last but one sale. Hopefully it'll get a new patch as won't run correctly on my machine. Graphic and textures all over the shop. Had the same issue with Uncharted 4 but was patched out later down the line. This seems to be a small issue with some launch machines. Enjoy ur games! Hugs
Papers, Please and SOMA have been in my wishlist for a while. I’ll be bringing the Vita home for Christmas break so PP is a perfect game.
Really happy about Onrush. I have been wanting to give it a shot.
A damn impressive month and one of Vita's best on my eyes. I may peek into Soma and Iconoclasts even despite owning the former on GPD (provided it'll run well, of course) and eyeing the latter on Switch. Absolutely checking out Papers Please. Both PS3 titles are thankfully going Switchward themselves, and Steins;Gate is another particularly impressive addition anyway.
Onrush is welcome, too, it seemed fun from the beta... but IIRC, the same beta revealed the age-old remote play control problem. Unless they added button remapping in the full release, of course.
SOMA is a great game. Got it at a sale a while back and was very pleasantly surprised. Great story.
Ah yes I've been waiting for iconoclasts. Almost bought it last month. Onrush is getting a download as well. Great month for me.
If it wasn't for iconoclast it would just be another easily forgettable month cheers Sony 🤨
Iconoclast is nice, I was waiting for it to be discounted . I also want to try paper please, too bad steins gate is not ps4 version though.
Well, let's hope Santa Claus can bail me out and give me something to play over Christmas.
Not interested in horror games so not bothered about SOMA. I'd try Onrush but don't really have time to game online so the fact my Plus expires this month isn't such a bad thing based on Decembers offering.
@bindiana SOMA is a short game, you can finish it in about 9 hours
Onrush and Iconoclasts - sounds OK to me!
Soma is a great game but still these two Niche categories are a let down for me
Nope I’m not playing these games they just ruined Christmas by giving us these bad games
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