The Red Dead Online beta is now live on PlayStation 4, or at least, it is if you bought the Ultimate Edition of the game. We've been playing around with it for most of the afternoon (was that a stealth brag?) and so far it seems pretty good. It already feels a lot more fleshed out than GTA Online did when it launched, and it appears to be impressively stable in terms of performance.
There is one potential issue that's already got people riled up on social media, however. At the time of writing, there's no way to set up a private game session. In other words, you're always going to be in a world with other players, and yes, they can kill you.
Now there's every chance that there are no privacy options because this is a beta -- Rockstar may want everyone playing together so that the servers can be stress tested properly. Still, if you were hoping for a quiet time either alone or just with friends, then right now, you're out of luck. What's more, there's no passive mode like in GTA Online.
Were you hoping for private sessions in Red Dead Online? Pray they get added so that you can avoid grief in the comments section below.
Comments 18
@NintendoFan4Lyf For reference, in GTA Online you could set up a private session either alone or with friends.
Does it have a passive mode like GTA Online? I think I'd get sick of being griefed by plebs without it.
@ApostateMage Nope, not yet anyway.
@Bliquid There is but it's worth pointing out that Red Dead Online has its own story with missions and everything in between. It's literally the same structure as RDR2 except you can play with friends.
An online story mode sounds pretty good but is your online character voiced this time or will I just have to pretend than my cowgirl sounds like Sadie Adler?
@NintendoFan4Lyf Even though it's called GTA Online, other players are actually a problem and the worst part of the game. If this game is similar, other players are a problem too.
@ApostateMage The latter, player characters are mute.
I get to have a go on Thursday, can't wait to try it out!
I don't want to play with people who continue to bother others. Im sure this will be fixed after the beta.
I really do hope they add Private Sessions soon, like in GTA5 Online. I understand the whole "stress testing the servers" thing and I'm okay with it, but just like on GTA, I agree that players are a bit of a problem. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some PvP fun now and then, but when I got online today to try Red Dead's Online feature, it was more of an annoying pain to play the game than it was fun. After just over an hour online in free roam I had a long list of Pro's and only one Con... other players. I probably spent nearly half my time online just trying to get to a mission that was practically next to me on the map because every time I respawned I was nearly immediately killed by one player or another. I also quickly found I wasn't the only one having this problem, as many of the other players were vocally complaining they just wanted to do a mission and were sick of getting killed repeatedly. I even tried to fight back at one point, but having a new character with few weapons and low ammo, I found it just as hard to even get to a gun shop, let alone get to my horse after respawning. Me personally, I play (mostly) on private sessions with friends on games like GTA because of people who have nothing better to do than kill everyone and everything that moves. I'd rather enjoy the game, do missions, hunt and fish, upgrade and customize... they even have stuff specifically set and designed just for PvP and I do partake in those activities, but randomly murdering every player you see, often repeatedly, just because you can? It's childish! Which I think is truly the best word for it as, so far in my total experience, most of the time it turns out to be children doing this. No offense is intended by this, but if all you want to do is kill each other, then either go play one of the PvP activities or get on another game that is built for PvP like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Overwatch, or even Fortnite. I mean, that is what those games are all about.
@Pendraidos That is what I'm afraid of the reason I really hate to play GTA is the community not giving you a milisec to enjoy a game. I just want to play with my friends and not been shot every sec I play. That random killing other players, go play shooters or so. It would be better if there was a PVE option or a passive mode, so I hope they put that in RDR Online so I can enjoy hunting and missions with friends.
@D_D Personally, I think they simply MUST add the ability to play in Private Sessions, otherwise a massive chunk of players will be pissed and not just PvP haters. Like I said, I myself do enjoy PvP, but not the way most people seem to partake in it on GTA Online as an example. As for Passive Mode, I for one disliked it in GTA as many players always seemed to somehow find ways to glitch or cheat the system and still kill a passive player. Instead, what I think Rockstar should add in it's place is a system more like what most PC MMORPG's have. For example, require a player to invite another to a duel and have a 3 sec timer count down to start after the other accepts. They could even give players PvP settings similar to passive mode and identify the plays with a colored dot on the map, such as PvP Enabled (red dot) open to fight anyone, PvP Neutral (white dot) invite option required, and PvP Disabled (blue dot) no pvp period and auto reject invites. That would definitely make most players happier and hopefully give everyone what they want. It wouldn't even be that hard for Rockstar to program such a thing in the game. Plus, it would allow players to still play with randoms, meeting new people and making new friends, without upsetting anyone. Hell, the only players who would or should be upset after that would be those who just want to kill everyone, which to them I'd repeat my original statement of, "go play a PvP activity or another game built around PvP."
@Pendraidos , I agree 110%
@ShogunRok It sucks as it.
hopefully rockstargames give us invite only sessions solo sessions closed friend session so we don't have to deal with these tryhards and griefers
i think rockstargames going to take notice that people are getting sick of Griefers in red dead online it only be right to give us what we want and that is invite only sessions so we can enjoy game with our friends so we don't have to deal with all those annoying griefers
Just closed my game when I saw a red player chasing me. Ugh why isnt there just an option for private lobbies or lobbies with everyone unable to kill eachother. Every time I pass someone I always need to be cautious of them. I enjoy online only for the pvp/pve specific modes, I dont want pvp in free roam unless theres some kinda dueling system that both parties have to agree on.
Hopefully they add options for invite-only. And it's not 10 y/o's just doing it, grown children in their 20's and 30's doing it too.
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