If you’ve been following the Sony forum scuttlebutt today you’ll have been in for a ride: rumours of everything from studio acquisitions to game announcements have been rampant – all, as you’d expect, based on zero evidence. The big rumour right now, though, is that the platform holder is apparently skipping E3 2019, with an announcement due any moment now.
It’s wild speculation that seems to stem from a Reddit post, which to the best of our knowledge has since been removed. We must stress here that we’ve been unable to verify or corroborate any of this – it’s, to the best of our knowledge, just forums freaking out about the possibility. But with the company scrapping PSX 2018, it’s worth some discussion we suppose.
The line of thinking seems to be that Sony has played all of its cards already, and while there are titles like Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding still to come, they’ve been present at plenty of press conferences already. Some have suggested that after E3 2018, where the Japanese giant generally disappointed fans, it simply can’t pad out yet another show with the same four games.
The alternative angle is that it may be preparing its own kind of showcase, which we’ve seen other publishers like EA begin to do. The reality is that a lot of these companies no longer rely on E3, as they all have their own enormous YouTube channels and social media followings with which to make announcements independently. It’s not impossible we suppose.
The part of the rumour that falls flat for us is the fact that this will all purportedly be announced imminently. Why, if it’s true that Sony’s skipping E3 2019, would it say something a good seven or so months ahead of the event itself? And near to the anniversary of the PlayStation 4’s launch, no less? Nah, we’re not buying this one at all.
Update (21:00 GMT): A Variety article has been published and pulled stating that Sony will miss E3 2019, forfeiting both its usual press conference and show floor presence. The original piece referenced some kind of announcement in an Entertainment Software Association press release, but there's currently no further information and the article is offline.
Update (21:15 GMT): Sony has confirmed that it will not participate in E3 2019.
Comments 41
Yeah, I think this can safely be thrown out the window.
if true they’ll probably upload a prerecord video for updates on the big 3.
"it simply can’t pad out yet another show with the same four games."
Hence PS5 announced in March, games shown off at E3 for a holiday 2019 launch.
PS5 announced at E3 for a 2020 launch.
If there's no sign of PS5 anywhere at E3, yeah go ahead and skip it. But they wouldn't announce that until the spring. But it will likely be there.
Reddit 🤣
Talking about ''Wild'', what's going on with that game???
Anyway, if true, definitely no PS5 in 2019. Skipping E3 could mean they want to save up all the PS5 games for the inevitable PS5 reveal. And they probably don't want to reveal the PS5 before the 2019 holiday season.
They most likely will be there.
ps5 reveal or tease at the event may be included regardless of a 2019 or 2020 release date.
was hoping you wouldn't write an article about this, now people will just read the headline and freak out.
I thought your were being serious for a minute and I think that actually makes sense. If E3 is not about the PS5 then what else?
A lot of people seem to be latching onto something ZhugeEX has said, something about some news within the next 24hrs, possibly next gen related. It's hard to tell cos there's like 300 pages of comments.
Yeah i'm not buying this either, besides, hasn't Sony already confirmed that it has more unannounced PS4 games in the works before the PS5 rolls around ?
Even without those there's still games like Dreams and the Medievil remake that could be shown off alongside the already big titles announced plus third party games, E3 is a great marketing tool that i doubt they'd just let go of.
After how bad this E3 was, I wouldn't blame them.
I do hope that E3 won't be gone anytime soon I really would like to go to LA and see it for myself once in my life. Hopefully it's still a big gaming expo and Sony etc are still there but I can see Sony own Experience being there main stand because it would save money and it's there own show.
@toadie That's true but a lot of people always seem disappointed when a game is shown that we've already seen before. If Sony went to E3 and the biggest things they showed were TLOU2, GoT, Death Stranding, Medievil and Dreams then a lot of people are going to be like "but we've seen them already"
@AdamNovice Yeah i guess expectations for E3 do go through the roof lol
This is why i think it'd be good for Sony to revive some of their dormant I.P like Sly, Ape Escape etc with smaller dev studios, games like Days Gone take a long time to develop whereas they could use these mid-tier style games to fill the gaps in these times when they're announced but not quite ready to release, but then would people even be happy with that level of announcement ? people always want more haha
@AdamNovice would not count on any next gen sony related news any time soon other then the rumors and patents.
the most we might get is a news article about another dev already making a ps5 game like that square enix article,but nothing from sony's mouth.
i expect offical ps5 news from sony somewhere next year.
nah but they may not do a live show and instead go with a pre-recorded one besides XBOX always gets the best slot (imagine the American company getting best billing at the American event *sarc) and PlayStation the worse so most people don't even watch the PlayStation event live anyway
(X) doubt
E3 has slowly lost some of its shine but c'mon now
@AdamNovice Do you have a link to that page? I've heard it before, but I couldn't find the source.
It could be true - after all EA and MS had their own venue (although MS's was very close to the E3 venue) and maybe Sony will do too to cut down on costs etc and just have Sony fans in the audience - could still have their briefing at its usual E3 time and be bunched in with E3 - like EA's and MS's were - even have their briefing shown live at E3 even if its actually taking place in a different venue.
That would still be technically not be at E3 even if they have their own event at a different site during that time frame. You could say they are 'skipping' E3 because they are not there in person and hosting their own event.
I don't know why so many people seem to think a no show at E3 means no PS5 reveal in 2019, PS4 wasn't revealed at E3 it was first shown off in February of 2013
PS5 here we come
@JJ2 Yes, that post was serious. I've been saying all year Sony's E3 2019 would be mostly about PS5.
@AdamNovice Persistence and determination! I found the post lol:
@Kidfried He posted it this morning. It's been a long day in that case... Unless it happens within the coming hours.
Edit: This morning in US time, so early afternoon for us. I'll give him a little more time. If it hasn't happened tomorrow morning, I'm selling my copy of Knack.
@Kidfried ZhugeEx knows what he's talking about, that's the only reason why this is credible in the first place.
@Octane even if it is something,what could that news be?
a official ps5 tease? a next gen game tease?
inb4 it's an announcement that next gen will focus on streaming games
@jdv95 I have no idea to be honest!
@Octane i think it could be a next gen game reveal with a special next gen feature that will showcase or atleast hint at the first new ps5 features.
They'll be there. That said I hope it's not just the same handful of games they've been prattling on about for years now.
Well that aged well.
https://www.gameinformer.com/2018/11/15/sony-interactive-entertainment-is-not-attending-e3-in-2019 it's true people
April fools joke came out early I see.word up son
tbh this points to a ps5 release in 2020 for me.
either that or sony will just leave e3 behind forever to focus on their own thing,regardless of a new console.

I mean, Sony wasn't really, "padding out the show with those games."
It made a conscious (and in hind sight, dumb) choice to focus on those 4 games they were making, instead of talking about smaller exclusive titles, or any of the Multiplats that ended up getting shown off at the MicroSoft Conference. If they wanted, they could've easily had a 2018 conference that wasn't all Just 4 Games, and if they really don't have anything new for 2019, they can still announce other people's stuff that's going to come out on their Console (just like they did before 2018).
@Kidfried @Jaz007 yeah, safely, right?
People have written off E3 too many times already in the past two decades and it's still going, still important as ever.
Both of us then. Agreed.
It's might be a special event then
"Nah, we’re not buying this one at all."
ROFL. Smooth...
well now i feel stupid lol xD
That's a bit concerning..
If they skipping E3 on mid 2019, this probably means the PS5 won't be readied by end of 2019?
If Their plan is to release on end of 2019, Doesn't make sense for them to give up the press during E3...
Sony Direct 2019
Sony have already shown the TLOU2, Days Gone, Ghost, Dreams Stranding, GranBlue Fantasy etc. are still to come for the PS4, mix in with huge 3rd party blockbusters incoming we can still expect plenty of life for the dated console. Sony have done their job with the PS4, it's time to slowly wind down and prepare for the next generation. Sony can afford to skip 2019 E3 since the sales of PS4 are now on cruise control and everybody knows what to expect. Sure Sony can put on a fun little multiplat show like MS did, but there simply isn't much impact. It's not arrogance - it's a move that makes sense.
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