Those eternal teasers over at Capcom are at it again, this time with producer Jun Takeuchi hinting at a project that "will make our fans think, 'wow, they’re making that?'" A surprising new game from Capcom, then? Sounds like it, but what could it possibly be?
The first thing that sprang to our mind was Dragon's Dogma 2 -- a project that's long been rumoured -- but then is a sequel to Dragon's Dogma really that surprising? We suppose that it depends on the context of the eventual announcement, among other factors.
At this point it really could be anything, but at least Capcom seems to be back in form. Between Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 both launching early next year, alongside Monster Hunter: World which has been a huge success for the company throughout 2018, the Japanese publisher is getting closer and closer to rediscovering its excellence.
Do you have any ideas as to what this mystery project could be? Take some wild guesses in the comments section below.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 59
Dino crisis remake
@Amplified yes please!
@darkswabber well that would certainly surprise people but we know that's not gonna happen, sad life indeed
@Shepherd_Tallon now that will be surprising indeed
Rival Schools, Mega Man Soccer Dino crisis! So many options!
Last Ace Attorney? Excellent.
Last Monster Hunter? Excellent.
Last Resident Evil? Heard great things.
Last Mega Man? Great.
Almost all of their upcoming stuff I've heard about is exciting to fans of those respective franchises.
Capcom is back, and I can't wait to see what else they come out with!
Another collection of Disney games would be exciting for me
Forgotten Worlds!
@Amplified That would be awsome. Maybe Clock Tower, Haunting Ground. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser if they suddenly come out with another God Hand then that would be truly surprising
Okami 2, please!
Asura's Wrath 2!!!!! make it happen Capcom!
A new Rival Schools perhaps? People have asked for one for a while now
I would love a new onimusha and either a dino crisis remake or new sequel.
@bindiana Yes, definitely that too!
Any reveal is a 'surprise' unless its leaked before hand. A remake of an old classic, a sequel in a franchise or even a new IP can surprise people if they aren't expecting something. I would like to see Dino Crisis return but then if a remake or new game is now announced, it may not be as big a surprise...
A new Power Stone Lost Planet Breath of Fire Or Even Capcom Vs Snk 3 game
You missed Resident Evil 7...it for me, was the start of their revival. I'd go for Dino Crisis....PLEEEEEEASE!!!!
Dino Crisis would be a good guess. Capcom has been listening to the fans after the awful Resi 6, hence the amazing Resi 7 and upcoming Resi 2.
Dino Crisis is about time
It's onimusha, there's reason capcom remaster the old game for ps4
Capcom are killing it as of late, so I'm excited. It's gotta be Dino Crises, right? A new one could be so dope.
All bets are on Dino Crisis, and I would love Rival Schools, but I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and say, Power Stone.
Capcom takes back the Dead Rising franchise and makes a proper sequel to the flawed masterpiece that was Dead Rising 1 in 2006. Obviously not but a man can dream.
Viewtiful Joe 3, developed by PlatinumGames! Yeah, probably just wishful thinking.
Resi 6 Remaster. Guaranteed.
Deep down or Mega Man Legends 😂
dragon dogma 2.word up son
Marvel vs Capcom 4 please please !
It will be Deep Down.
It would be awesome if it was a Dino Crisis remake/remaster for 1 and 2, but something tells me that won’t be the case
please do remake for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis.. Jill Valentine !!!!!!! she is one of my favorite RE characters beside Leon, Claire.. that's it
@wiiware (all platforms) unless the next Onimusha is a exclusive which prob would require some Sony money or Capcom would have to be
Hey let’s just do it here...
Rival Schools, super puzzle fighter or Onimusha please.
Okami 2 or Darkstalkers please!
If you really want to see a woman cry let this be SEGA vs Capcom XD
Darkstalkers! No no, Alien vs Predator! No no, Forgotten world's! Cadillacs and Dinosaurs! Capcom fighting jam!
"wow, they’re making that?" does not seem to be something trivial like the return of Dino Crisis, RE3 or Darkstalkers IMHO. It must be something totally unexpected, like an action Ace Attorney or Breath of Fire game, a fighting Mega Man game or something other as strange.
There was a rumor going around that Capcom wanted to make up for the shame of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. I wonder if it’s Marvel vs Capcom 4? If not, let’s go with Rival Schools 3.
Viewtiful joe 3 maybe? Hideki kamiya had a night out with capcom dev team 1 and he said on his twitter they talked about stuff that he couldnt say. I hope for a reveal at the VGAs
Mega Man Legends 3.
Do I dare say... Deep Down? Lmao, just kidding, that’s never coming out. 😂
Dragon dogma online (a realm reborn) ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
It's most likely a brand new Onimusha given how they are porting the first one to newer consoles. In fact I am certain it's a brand new Onimusha entry into the series now.
a full 3D Ghost and Goblins done in the style of Dark Souls
either that or a update for MvCI that adds X-Men characters
now those WOULD be surprising
Viewtiful Joe 3. PLEASE!
Capcom has so many good games is hard to guess which one but I would love a new Okami game
I'd be shocked if Itsuno was already working on Dragon's Dogma 2 before Devil May Cry 5 is even out the door.
I really hope it's Darkstalkers 4.
C'mon Capcom, please make Darkstalkers 4 happen.
please let is be Lost Planet Remake
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi it's gonna go down like that agent game from rockstar.
unfortunate since that game looked very interesting.
With how the world is these days, Mega Woman... or even a Mega Person game is in the works.... >.<
A dino crisis remake would be awesome. But they will surprise us with a dancing game or something stupid like that.
I would love this to be a new Maximo game !
Failing that, a Dino Crisis reboot, which is much more likely now i think about it.
"a full 3D Ghost and Goblins done in the style of Dark Souls"
They've actually already tried something similar back in the PS2 era, Maximo was the spiritual successor to GN'G, it received one sequel, both were great, i'd love the series to return someday.
@Amplified I never played it but i heard a lot of praise so i can hope. 😁
These are the games/franchises I want revisited:
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Demon's Crest
Final Fight
Ghosts 'N Goblins/Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Knights of the Round
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Lost Planet
Magic Sword
Saturday Night Slam Masters
U.N. Squadron
Theres one thing ive always wanted from capcom. STREET FIGHTER SPIN OFF featuring all new characters and NO returning SF characters.
This game would not be meant to take over as the new sf but rather to compliment it and give a platform for capcom to try new things without shunning all the sf fans who simply want the same old characters etc.
If anyone is interested in more details etc please feel free to join my FB group
@belmont OMG new Breath of fire would make me lose it...
@Gmork___ nice idea u got there.
viewtiful joe or okami sequel?
Might as well get started on RE3 remake, RE2 has already knocked it out of the park from what's been seen. Wouldn't mind a Dino Crisis remake in the same style......
I'm interested.
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