Remember that awesome holiday theme Sony sent out to select PlayStation Network members for Christmas? Well, a handful of people believe it includes a secret PlayStation 5 tease. Crazy? You bet, but the theory is at least somewhat sound.
Over on social media, members noticed that the letter used for the ‘S’ in ‘Happy Holidays’ is different to the one in ‘PlayStation’ – in fact, the latter is actually spelled out with a ‘5’. Oh my god, next generation, here we come!
Well, no, actually – we reckon that this is probably referencing the PlayStation 4’s fifth anniversary, which it celebrated last month. We know the PS5 is coming, but we doubt this is the place that it’d get teased – good spot, though, Twitter!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 34
Clever clever, Clarisse.
The tagline should read High ‘S’.
Also I doubt PlayFivetation would be a good name for a future console.
"OH MY GOD the PlayStation 4 has the letter P and S on it, did sony just low key announce the PS5????!!!!!"
see that's about as stupid as this i tweets, not everything is announcing the PS5
I'm a graphic designer, would be interesting to find out the name of the font they used to see if that is actually an upper-case 'S' or a '5' as it appears to be. Because if it's actually a '5', well, see my first comment. As it is, it's open to interpretation.
@Turismo4GT Yep, that's also a possibility.
@Turismo4GT IF it is a 5 then i think it's more likely to celebrate the fact it's been out for 5 years
@Turismo4GT A variant of Oatmeal Stout?
@Rhaoulos Play5tation, the console that plays Wip3out and nothing else.
like seriously, these people are thinking way to hard lol
We're gonna get a lot of these posts aren't we?
Are we getting that cryptic now? Lol
@ThroughTheIris56 You better believe it.
We'll be seeing a new theory every month in 2019.
Well I think it is a PS5, developed by Sony in conjunction with the reverse vampires AND the saucer people to brainwash us into preordering a non bc console.
Oh oh. Pushsquare saying 'probably isnt' is intriguing. Hmmm
@ThroughTheIris56 until Sony actually announce it there will probably be a post a week
@orionreplay good shout that, close, but the 'S' and the '5' are different enough to lead me to believe that that's not quite it. Or the theme's designer put in extra work to modify the font just enough...
Does it make a difference either way? I mean, even if it technically is "teasing" the PS5, what new info has been learned? We already know it's coming. So we would know exactly what we knew before.
It’s the “S” of SOROS, the globalists infiltrated PSN.
It looks like a lovely theme, i wish they'd sent me a code for it lol
Can one tease something that's already been confirmed? In any case, this is quite a reach.
No code for me, why didn't they just send one to all Plus members?
This is a pretty crappy way for Sony to treat it's customers.
yeah i would be much more intrested if the rest of europe also got the code and not just america and the UK.
if there is 1 thing sony needs to be better at,it is treating their EU customers the same as their american customers.
not the first time they leave us in the dark,they used to do this with those 10 dollars voucher codes aswell. not hard to just make a 10 euro voucher code aswell is it?
It does look like a 5, but as others have said, how is that a tease for a PS5? Was there a rumor going around that they were going to name their next console PS6 b/c the Pro was really PS5? I think i't sa 5 for the 5 eyar anniversary. Which would explain this theme not being in Japan b/c that's not until next February.
If the next console is PS6 you read it here first.
@jdv95 im in the UK and dont have the code for the theme either. I think its Sony doing their usual random selection of the userbase
@tudsworth You mean the console that I would buy day 1? Bring the real wipeout back now!!
2097 / XL / Wip3out SE forever!
"We're not reporting on PS5 rumors"
Didn't last long now, did it
@jdv95 I’m from frickin South America and received the code. Maybe you guys are not allowing Sony to send promotional e-mails? See if that works.
@RedMageLanakyn Fall 2019 or March 2020 we’ll find out next year.
@PS_Nation I get emails from them all the time exept for codes and other gifts. And yes my settings allow them to.
They are just bad at gifting people because of that random pickings they do all the time.
I like the internet but it really has given a lot of boring people with no life a voice hasn't it.
Clever Clever Clari55e?
Of course it's a PS5 tease. If it was to celebrate the PS4s 5th birthday, they'd be much more direct. It would say stuff like "happy 5th birthday to PS4" or something like that. Make special birthday deals and what's not. This is not a coincidence. This is a proper tease.
@jdv95 Sigh, sorry to hear that. They should fix this.
Ok first of all it is definitely a 5. There is an S written in the same font in the word holidays. Second of all why be cryptic about celebrating playstations 5th anniversary? If that's what they were doing they would just come out and say " celebrating playstation's 5th anniversary", they wouldn't sneak a 5 in the way they did. The only logical explanation is that they are teasing the ps5.
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