Sony’s published a neat video touring its first-party studios in the United States, with the intention presumably to try and recruit talent to its teams. The video includes interviews from key personnel at Sony Santa Monica, Sony Bend, PixelOpus, and others. In the clip, the staffers talk about how each team has its own identity, but is part of a wider family.

One interesting thing of note is that Sony’s Visual Arts Services Group, which is located in San Diego and provides support on various first-party projects, is now listed as a game developer. We know that the platform holder has been building a team in this area, and it’s expected that it will take the reins of the Uncharted franchise moving forward, but it’s still fascinating to see it included in this clip.
Comments 42
That's the difference between both companies - Microsoft can buy up all of the studios in the world that it wants to - but the creative freedom Sony gives its first party studios is what allows them to thrive and release such critically acclaimed exclusives.
Next generation, the battle will be on.
That's not a puff-piece, it's a super market advertisement for MS's holiday shopping.
Anybody else see Nana Wallace and think she was Agent May, "The Calvary", from Agents of Shield? Took me a good 2 to 3 seconds to realize it wasn't her.
@Zombie9ers It's the way they're managed too. There's a good quote from David Jaffe on this here:
Well said
@Zombie9ers it also helps that most of sonys first party studios see one another as one big famlly even some second party studios likes insomniac and Quantic dream feel that way
San Mateo Studio? Who are they?
@hubertuss03 I think it's the PlayStation head office. They do some support work in addition to running the company I believe.
All well and good, unfortunately I don't find much fun in a lot of Sonys exclusives this gen. Ratchet and Clank and Bloodborne are the only two that pop to my mind that I can say I really enjoyed. Horizon was neat, too, mostly due to its fun combat system and dinobots.
Hopefully we'll see some more exclusives that are to my tastes.. doesn't look too likely at the moment though.
@kyleforrester87 Spider-man 2 will be more in line with your tastes 😜
I found that they support Insomniac with (Spiderman) and Impulse Gear (Farpoint).
Like Xdev Europe.
@kyleforrester87 You're quite picky it seems.
@MightyDemon82 haha, hopefully!
@InsertUsername Not really.
@InsertUsername how dare he have an opinion.
@kyleforrester87 Just looks that way to me. Nothing personal.
@IBeAGamer Right? That's just unheard of.
@InsertUsername it's cool
@IBeAGamer how dare it to be said ya opinion is really a little of to what most gamers see when playing the games lol
@get2sammyb Jaffe, what a legend.
'Hopefully we'll see some more exclusives that are to my tastes.'
I hope not haha
@JJ2 not into Bloodborne and R&C?
Absolutely. You seem to have limited tastes though haha. Uncharted ? Etc etc. Im not into list stuff
@Zombie9ers Exactly. Sony is doing great with their studios. MS is really desperate, just look at the xbots here on this site, they created an account here just to troll, that’s what happens when you don’t have games to play.
I do have a feeling gaming sites don't mind console wars at all. No talking about PushSquare particular but generally they seem happy with it all. I feel a lot of people are getting ready for next gen console wars. Haha
@JJ2 Console wars are fun, but Xbox is so irrelevant nowadays. The first device ever without exclusives, also the MS games are basically garbage that they need to give it for free on that service, also MS is so ashamed that don’t share the sales number of Xbox.
That’s not a war. xD
@JJ2 hmm not really, my favourite games of the generation are Nier, Fez, Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mario Oddysey, Alien Isolation, Driveclub, Resident Evil 7, Evil Within 2, Towerfall etc. Seems pretty varied to me!
Come on.. We r not going back to re stating your first comment etc etc haha I'm just going to use my warerslide to win the argument and move on here.
Dont misunderstand me though. I don't think console wars are fun, in particular the people wasting their life hating. I do respect fans who love their passion but despise the trolls even though they make me laugh.
@JJ2 Who's arguing? lol
@JJ2 do you really use Bing? C'mon man.
@JJ2 I honestly think Console Wars are stupid. Call me what you want, but I'd rather see all three companies do their best and produce good games. That's what matters in the end.
You r right of course!
I do think though that the companies use their fanbase for their own console war which is real. Even though they show contempt and pretend to despise fanboys. Gamers going into this are often just manipulated.
Yea I don't really care.
It's the first Gif thingy that came up on my Sony phone haha
@JJ2 fair enough, I still use Ask Jeeves. Keeping it real.
@Zombie9ers Microsoft under Nadella with Phil Spencer taking the helm of Xbox seems like almost a complete new company. Personally I think they will try to emulate the management style of Sony in order to compete with it.
i hope the rumours of a new san diego studio continuing the uncharted franchise are not true. drake's story is done, and we've had six games already, and as much as i like them, i think it's enough. sony don't typically milk their franchises to death, and i'd much prefer we get to see something new from the new studio on PS5.
@PS_Nation I've been playing Final Fantasy XV and if you have so many games to play then why are you here being a fanboy?
@kyleforrester87 dont forget DQ its great!
@ellsworth004 I did enjoy it to be fair (although not finished, 70-80%) but im a sucker for a good soundtrack and DQ11s is basically unforgivable in my opinion!
@leucocyte I don't think it will involve Drake, it'll be more of a spin off. That way they can try some new mechanics and settings without it feeling like it steps on the previous games toes
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