For as long as we've known about Marvel's Spider-Man, one of the biggest conversations online was all about which suits would end up in the game. The PS4 exclusive wound up with a pretty large selection of costumes for Spidey to try on, covering outfits from the comics, the movies, and even some all-new creations. However, by far the most requested suit from fans is the costume from the Spider-Man films directed by Sam Raimi.
Even now, months after the game's launch - and days away from the release of the third DLC chapter, Silver Lining - people are badgering the studio about this specific suit. In a recent conversation between the developer and some fans on Twitter, one person brought up the costume, saying: "Come on, Insomniac. You said you were listening." The response from the developer is surprisingly candid.
Essentially, Insomniac Games is saying that, while it always takes on board feedback and requests from fans, it isn't necessarily going to act on all of it. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable approach, especially for a game as popular as Marvel's Spider-Man. Leaving aside the Raimi suit that everyone seems to want, catering for everyone's requests on a game like this would probably be impossible.
It's refreshing to see a developer give its players such a straight response, and while it's caused a bit of a stir, it's a fair answer. Insomniac can't and won't deliver on everything, and that's that. What do you think of this exchange? Is Insomniac right to push back against fans like this, or should it swallow its pride and give the people what they want? Swing by the comments below and let us know.
[source twitter.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 92
Good on them. I wish Konami were that open and honest about PES each year. Trying to liaise with them on twitter etc is the most frustrating thing in the world!
I pity the fool who criticises Spiderman
I can't even tell the suits apart to be honest. I didn't even notice the white on the new suit lol. As long as they're red, they're all the same to me.
I'm glad Insomniac has actually said something like this. I'm sure all developers and publishers listen to feedback, but it's not "anti-consumer" as the forums like to put it when they don't do exactly what a minority of keyboard warriors want.
Maybe there's a nicer way to say that?
Well in the article it says its what Everyone seems to want as opposed to a minority?
I understand what they are saying but I am not getting why it can't be included. Their publisher owns the damn design. My guess is Marvel is being petty about which movie suits can be put in.
If the games industry was governed by people on Twitter there would be no games industry.
As usual
Totally agree or totally disagree.
@JJ2 Well, "the most requested suit from fans" doesn't mean everyone. It's requested a lot by the people who want it, but the vast majority of people playing the game probably don't care at all.
'the Raimi suit that everyone seems to want,'
I mean I'm just quoting
Makes sense. And besides, gotta have something for the sequel.
Looking at another requested suit, I think their response to the black suit was a good approach as well. I agree that simply having it available would do both it and the symbiote story in general a disservice. If it does feature in the sequel, it will take center stage, and be Insomniac's take on it.
The most shocking part about any of this is that anyone is shocked that Insomniac won't put the worst Spider-Man suit in the game.
@JJ2 Context is a wonderful thing.
Amazing answer 👌
Whatever the spin, its still not a 'minority' regarding the requests.
It's once again people failing to understand that just because developers and publishers are listening doesn't mean that they will do what everyone tells them too. Most of the time people don't know what they want to begin with.
Imagine if Sony Santa Monica said to people "what do you want from a new GoW game"? I bet you it'll be along the lines of "more the same please".
@JJ2 Well I'm not particularly bothered about it so it's not everyone.
This is in my opinion, an absolutely ridiculous answer from Insomniac. Isn't the existence of the game itself an answer to the demand for it? So if a certain popular suit is in such high demand, why are they not including it? To me it seems like they are just being spiteful and childish to not include the most asked-for suit of all. Their answer for not including it is no answer at all.
@AdamNovice You are basically just repeating the article like a parrot. Good job! And in this case, fans know EXACTLY what they want, which is the Sam Raimi Spidey suit. There is absolutely no confusion about that.

@Dubya75 Leaving everything else aside, there's probably huge complications regarding rights to that outfit, seeing as it's from an older series of films that Marvel had far less involvement in. Seeing as this game is more in line with what Marvel is doing at the moment with its films, it makes sense that the more modern movie suits are in. I'm not sure Insomniac could put it in, even if it wanted to.
This is a childish and inpolite answer. Was it too bad to say "We heared you but this is not possible at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience" or something like that?
I think their position is fair enough but they could have worded better if they actually appreciate feedback
Ehhh, the classic suit is close enough to Raimi's anyways.
Honestly, the only suit I wish was in the game was the classic Symbiote suit BUT you never know, we might get it in a sequel in the future.
@JJ2 I think the amount of nice matched the original tweet. I think it's all about how you read the tone
@belmont yeah, well, it is, but this is a Sony exclusive game so we have to defend it no matter what, right? At least that's how majority here acts.
There's a difference between hear and listen. That answer was rude definitely, it just sounds like someone irritated wrote it. That's not how you communicate with your fans.
I personally don't care for this particular or any other suit, but if you can't do something at least explain why to your fans, don't bash them.
It seems like fans are only good when they buy your product and applaud you, but if they criticise you then they're like unwanted fans. Childish approach.
Umm no?
'Come on, Insomniac. You said you were listening'
Seems very polite and respectful to me.(talking about the tone of course)
I read it as a fan request
That was a good response. It wasn't overly fluffy of course but it was a direct answer to the accusation. Some gamers act like devs can just snap their fingers and indulge a gamer's every whim. We have no idea the licensing red tape over the suit/movies and there are plenty more comic costumes to choose from. Let it go. This is why we can't have nice things.
I bought the collectors edition with all the stuff and DLC. halfway through the Hammerhead DLC I gave up. it's all more of the same. fights with more goons and more mini-bosses. Ugh!
I don’t know what to say...?
Why does anybody want to be reminded of that trilogy anyways. (I acknowledge that the 2nd was good, but by far no classic)
Except it seems a lot of people do in fact want it. Doesn't mean Insomniac has to put it in, of course. I do give them credit for at least being honest. If all devs were as upfront as Insomniac has always been with fans the industry would be better off.
It's a stern, but fair answer. Pleasing all of the game's audience is extraordinarily difficult, and it's just not feasible most of the time.
"one of the biggest conversations online was all about which suits would end up in the game."
Don't let them distract you, this is all just about trying to make us forget the puddles we were promised. Demand our puddles back.
Do people not realize this is getting a sequel? All the suits you ask for will be saved for the next game 🤦🏽♂️
@kyleforrester87 #5 still the king of trolling, I see 😂😂😂😂
i don't really see the point in adding this one anyway, there is already at least 3 in that game that look virtually the same anyway
I want the Japanese 70’s TV Spiderman suit.
Looks like a perfectly sensible and reasonable response to me.
It's not like they called him a tw@ or anything... If anything, the "fan" looks the more rude of the two to me...
As far as I'm concerned they could have just said something like "we won't put the damn suit in the game, I mean... did you see it?! It's godawful, man"
People forget that Developers are not waiters. They are not here to serve every request you have. They will not tolerate your child attitude either. This type of behaviour is what strives Developers away from communities and the reason why certain companies choose to remain silent until they have to share stuff.
You act like a willie*, you get willie treatment.
*willie = male's genitalia.
@22 but why would they add a suit that's pretty much identical to the classic Spidey suit? Complete waste of time
The only suit this game is lacking is the classic black suit (symbiote), which Insomniac is clearly saving for a sequel with Venom in (or the game before, to set Venom up)
@FearIsUseful I think you are using it in the wrong person. 😁
Twitter guy whines like a spoiled teenager, who thinks he has leverage; gets talked to like a teenager. Good.
Wouldn't surprise me if the demand for this suit turns it into a premium downloadable outside the season pass.
It must be pretty though to be a game developer in the age of twitter. Teams cannot fulfill their vision as every nobody feels "entitled" to "demand" what they want in any given game. I liked Inmsoniac stance, even more so that this is just a piece of suit we're talking about. Listening to fans may derail whole games...
The new generation of gamers. 😁
I want it now
I want it cheap
I want more
Loved this game, it was actually my first platinum. It really seems like a missed opportunity though for not releasing any DLC suit packs. No story, just a pack of 5 suits. You know they would've made a killing on that. Maybe Insomniac took a firm stance against it, surely the suits brought this up as potential extra cash flow. I know I would have paid 5 bucks for a pack-o-suits, maybe even more if the pack had a suit I absolutely loved.
@eightdotthree But then we get a group of mad gamers its cut content out of the game. Its impossible to please the crowd these days. 😔
And whats so special about that suit anyway there are so many more better suits.
Could have worded it a bit better. It comes across as slightly rude.
@Flaming_Kaiser not sure I understand your post is that aimed at me or gamers in general?
@dubya75 Congratulations on creating an account just to have a go at us.
Just because a lot of people demanded it doesn't mean that Insomniac HAVE to have, it's just bloody entitlement to think so.
Besides it doesn't take a genius to work out why the Rami suit isn't in the game. The only movie suits in the game are Homecoming, Iron Spider from Infinity War and the classic from the Spider Verse, all from movies in the past 2 years.
That's not a rude answer.
"F**koff you bunch of geeks." is a rude answer.
That's true, whiners gonna whine.
I think the appeal of the Rami Suit is that its a film that really did well. It drew a lot of attention from mans and people that dint even care about Spiderman. In some ways its the natural way that Spidey looks.
@Rudy_Manchego Me too!
I don't see anything wrong with the answer.
Just imagine if EA said the exact same thing. I know they'd say it's EA so it's bad. I know a lot of gamers are entitled and do act childish but this particular tweet was just a fair fan request on account of the devs saying they listen. And that guy is called a 'keyboard warrior'. Reply even said they hear. Not sure the get the same meaning.
I'll stop commenting on this because I might get ban for saying something wrong about Insomniac I actually believe
While I see their point I still think it was a poor and rude response it's basically saying -
We know the fans asked for DLC specifically for that Sam Raimi suit so we are gonna give you DLC but Not the Sam Raimi suit so you are getting nothing but please buy are upcoming DLC 😂
I know sometimes fans ask for illogical stuff but in this case how hard was to just give the fans what they wanted just a suit
@GKO900 They would still need permission from Marvel and Sony Pictures so it isn't straight forward. Especially when those companies are more interested in pushing the most recent films.
@JJ2 I don't see what's wrong with Insomniac's response, they just pointed that they hear the feedback but can't answer to all of it. Your defending the guy for being polite (even though him saying "come on insomniac" came across as demanding rather then asking) yet complain about the dev's tone.
No I replied to a comment about the tone of the tweet and the tone feel polite enough as in a fan asking a request in a friendly way even posting a nice pic.
The dev tone is indeed questionable imo because this particular tweet didn't deserve this pedantic attitude
My point s the guy is being treated as an entitled brat while I think Insomniac position is fair but not nice
@AdamNovice Well then they shouldn't have make any DLC at all if they were not gonna give what fans wanted in the first place I thought that's what DLC was for, I always knew DLC on this game was a bad idea to begin with, now they are gonna get a bad reputation because you know how internet works and also because their response wasn't that great honestly
I’m indifferent to the situation. The response came across in a smart ass manner to me though:
Take the number of copies sold vs the number of unique names posting saying they want it. Surprise! it's a very very small number in comparison. The vocal minority is a real thing. Spiderman is a great game I sure most are very happy as it is. Are people truly not happy because of ONE suite? I don't think so.
Really? About 5 of the skins look exactly the same...
I agree with what your saying and this is truly my last comment in this and I'll shut up haha
People generalise and so is Sammy.
Fact here is Insomniac said they are listening. Then a fan later tries to nudge them a bit (in a nice way with a pic imo) saying 'come on, you said you were listenng' which is harmless and genuine. On that insomniac gives into that weird reply as in'we are listening and we heard, but that doesn't mean blah blah).
The fan should not be blamed in such a way people go on here.
I'm sure people would criticise even Sony if they had this attitude.
@JJ2 Totally agree with you, I mean at the end of the day games are a product like any other and they need to satisfy their consumers otherwise no one is gonna buy your product or game, so people saying insomniac shouldn't care for their fans because they are whiners are wrong in this case like you said I don't think the fan asked in a bad or improper way (Or something impossible) on the contrary the developer response sounded wrong imo
@GKO900 DLC is an added bonus, when it's done right. However, DLC is not about what the fans want, but what the developer gives. Yes, they will take fans' requests under consideration, but that doesn't mean they will nor do they have to do whatever the fans demand. Besides, some things have to be saved for the sequel.
I feel the need to state the because of the nature of written word, it's a lot easier to come across as a jerk on the web due to how straightforward a statement appears. The tweet from Insomniac can be read as a harsh "pushback" even if it's meant with sincerity. A lot of blunt statements can fall victim to that.
It would be another thing if the tweet was actually said in a video by one of the devs and actually sounded harsh, rather than reading words on a post. The above tweet can be said in a polite manner.
Everyone saying insomniac games were rude in the response should try reading the messages some of the so called "fans" left for insomniac. I'm glad there is no raimi suit, if you give in to everyone then what's the point. Well done insomniac games.
@InsertUsername Well from what I remember DLC was born from the demand of fans wanting more of the game so in a way yes it is and should be based on what fans want (And yea I know that now it has become just a form to milk the game and consumer) and of course only when they don't ask nonsensical stuff like for example in Smash people wanted ridly but they never got it even when it was possible, now when they ask for Sherk that's a little crazy and it doesn't even fit the game, and yea they can put whatever DLC they want but if people don't care they are only wasting time and resources
But anyways the point to this article was that his poor wording he should have said something else or in a better way
@belmont And after that you get more people asking about when is it the right time. 😉
He is probably not the first one who asked this and sometimes you have get your point across. And the costume is nothing special anyway its almost exact the same as the original.
They could have said it in a nicer way so they didnt recieve backlash or just made the damn thing and get more press and possitive feedback.
@JJ2 And as I said, it's about how you read the tone. I read "Come on Insomniac, you said you were listening" as whiney, angry and rude, whereas you read it as politely asking for more content.
Sure, if you think 'come on' is rude then you better not read what followed after the tweet exchange.
That was predictable it degenerated .... Come on..
Of course I dont condone the childish behaviour and hate from the internet which obviously follows that tweet. Its unacceptable. However it was predictable as a few here commented on the predictable internet reaction.
That tweet exchange was unnecessary and bad pr is all Im saying.
Now sorry I replied because I said I wouldnt comment on this anymore.
Happy gamng
I'm 99% sure they're saving the Raimi suit for the sequel. As for their reply, spot on. The fact that people want something doesn't mean they gonna get it. They have their own creative vision for what they want to do and while it's good to have feedback of what fans want doesn't mean they have to listen to every single suggestion.
They are obviously saving that suit for the sequel but people are so annoying sometimes...
The suit isn't even that good and there are suits really similar to it already in the game!
I never cared for the Raimi suit, even the ASM basketball fabric suit was a mild improvement over it. I'm just jazzed they gave us an Aikman skin.
@AdamNovice I created an account so I can leave comments. Just like every other account on here. So there is no need to congratulate me, really.
I don't see any issue with their tweet. It's straight forward. They aren't attacking their fans. They're just responding in as transparent a way as possible so people won't misunderstand.
Twitter sucks. It is just a mass miscommunication device. I want it to explode Killer Queen (Kira Kuween) style.
Ya-! Yattazo! Hatsugen shitazo! Fuhahahaha! Modottazo!
I would have liked the Raimi suit, but I'm not fussed about it not being in the game. It's... Whatever.
@GKO900 DLC has never been about what "fans" demand. If it was then we wouldn't have got bloody horse armor for Elder Scrolls. And Insomniac isn't all of a sudden going to get a bad reputation off this because it's just a small minority that are kicking up a fuss compared to the millions that have played the game already and moved on.
@dubya75 We'll see, though I suggest you think before you call someone a "parrot" next time.
@GKO900 I don't recall that ever being the case. Do you have a source that proves that DLC is for fan demand? By sources, I mean sources from several developers stating it in their own words. I'd like to read it. Otherwise, I'll have to assume you're making it up.
As for Insomniacs wording, there was nothing wrong with it. If those fans are upset with what they had to say, it's chalked up to being a bit sensitive.
@AdamNovice Yeah, I never heard of DLC ever being about fan demand. DLC was pretty much created to make extra money from games.
@InsertUsername I don't have a source but that's how it started people wanted more meaning demand they couldn't make another game obviously so they sold only a small fraction of a game meaning that they saw a way to make easy money and the rest is history and here we are with season passes and what not, DLC is old stuff by now it's been here for years now to the point that now the developers sell loot boxes and turning their games into a mini casino so people can gamble in their homes except that they don't actually win 😂
@AdamNovice Sorry I have never played elder scrolls so no idea on what are you trying to say by that horse armor, but it's common sense that a company has to make something that a consumer wants or would like to buy, not put whatever they want and force people to buy it right, in this case the problem was that fans wanted that suit but they never denied the possibility of the suit until now that the DLC is over
Im gonna buck the trend here I feel it wasnt rude in fact if the snowflake generation want to go out on their picket lines let them do it the game is spot on in my opinion and I havent even got the DLC yet
@GKO900 My friend...you said you don't have a source to back that up. So that means you don't know how it actually started, but just speculating how DLC came to be. If you read some of the history, DLC pretty much started as a way of distributing content via the internet. Dreamcast was one of the first consoles to do so. It just caught on from there and became a thing when internet speeds became more reliable. DLC has never been about fan demand. It was simply just used to distribute content online. DLC these days is more known as add ons, expansions, etc. While some developers will give fans what they want if it makes sense from a business perspective, it doesn't mean they gave it because the fans "demand" it. Insomniac's response pretty much shows that fans will never get everything they want. So again, if DLC is about fan demand, then most of what fans wanted, would be added into DLC to begin with.
Anyways, I'm going to leave it at that as I'm not going to get into a deep debate over it. All I'll say is that I feel you're clearly misinformed. No offense. You have a good day.
@InsertUsername Well I can see you did your research on Wikipedia and maybe you are right maybe an speculating maybe not who knows internet in that time was still young, but I still firmly believe that the one that pays has the rights to say what to get and that DLC is the cancer of gaming it only works if it's Free but that's just my opinion
And yeah until the next topic if you want
Nothing rude about that response at all. I know snowflakes are everywhere these days, but the tendency to sugarcoat everything to avoid hurting the feelings of some of the utterly entitled morons infesting social media is getting a bit much.
@GKO900 DLC has never been about fan demands, it's essentially just the console version of expansions packs, which have been around since the 80's.
the rami spider-suit is here
@kyleforrester87 ikr
to all in this thread there is the spiderverse suit and the cyborg suit and the the classic iron spider suit and the classic scarlet spider suit in the dlc's in spider-man
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