We've been busy playing Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales for review here at Push Square, but it's safe to say that our experience has been damaged by the game's technical performance on PlayStation 4. We've read some horror stories about crashing issues on various forums and websites, and although they haven't been too frequent for us, we have unfortunately ran into the problem numerous times.
Naturally, this crashing issue was going to factor into our review, but it looks like CD Projekt Red has fixed things mere hours before we've been able to hit publish. Lucky! (And now we have to edit the bloody review.)
Anyway, Thronebreaker's latest update apparently fixes crashing on PS4 and PS4 Pro. It also makes the frame rate more stable during certain parts of the game.
Obviously these problems shouldn't have been in the release to begin with, but at least the developer's acted rather swiftly and, reportedly, effectively.
Have you come across any of this? Show your hand in the comments section below.
[source thewitcher.com]
Comments 9
Review coming up very soon. CD Projekt Red just narrowly avoided a much more negative score.
@ShogunRok Was it that bad? I haven't encountered any issues so far.
@Octane how is the gwent?
is it much different/harder than it is in the main game?
@Octane It wasn't terrible for me but I did encounter a number of crashes and, like the article says, there are some horror stories around the web. Glad it's been patched!
@jdv95 Yes and yes.
Difficulty also depends on the difficulty setting, but I can tell you that the cheap spy + decoy strategies are gone. As a game, it's much less shallow, and it feels more like a proper card game.
It's different in that it's much less based around rows (and the weather effects). There are only two rows, and you're free to place a card on any row you like. Obviously, there are new cards and the likes. A lot of cards can attack like Igni Geralt or Scorch in TW3. For example, a card can do 3 damage to any random card whenever you place it for example. And there's a new 'shield' stat, that doesn't add to overall row score, but does help a card shield itself from damage.
It sounds like a different game, but it's more refined. And I can't see myself going back to the old system, even though that had its charm as well. It's pretty cheap, and there's plenty of Witcher lore, and typical high-quality CDPR writing. If you liked TW3 and Gwent, I would definitely recommend it.
@Octane tnx for the detailed summary!
@jdv95 And if you want to get a feel for the new system, there's a short single player campaign/tutorial included with Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. And Gwent is free! It doesn't have the overworld, the characters from Thronebreakers, etc. But the card battles are the same. It should help you get a feel for what's new and what has been changed from the old Gwent.
@Octane again thank you !
is it really even smart to buy games at launch anymore? many issues like this seem to be pretty rampart these days
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