We haven't heard all that much about Days Gone since Game Informer's gameplay blowout, so it's about time Sony started talking about its upcoming PS4 exclusive. Not only have we been treated to a decent new trailer for the game, but Sony has gone through all the pre-order details over on the PlayStation Blog.
As usual, pre-ordering nets you some extra bits and pieces, depending on which version you're after. Putting your name down for Days Gone will get you early access to the Drifter Crossbow weapon as well as a few enhancements for your motorbike, including nitrous, gas tank, and shroud upgrades. Pre-order digitally on the PlayStation Store, and you'll also be given a dynamic theme.

What's more, there are some special editions of the game if you're super eager to take on the Freakers with Deacon. The digital deluxe edition features a digital artbook, soundtrack, three extra skins for your bike, and an additional skill unlock and dynamic theme. Meanwhile, the physical collector's edition, pictured above, includes a steelbook case, artbook, soundtrack, a patch, some pins, a few digital goodies, and an obligatory statue.
Will you be pre-ordering Days Gone? Do these incentives sweeten the deal? Ride the broken road to the comments below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 35
So hyped for Days Gone , releasing in my bday month too 😊
@oatmealwarrior92 Same here, my bday is April 7th, definitely buying this day one.
Mmmmm yeah just not sure about this game. I love the premise, but it will not be a pre-order or even a day 1 purchase for me. Waiting for actual gamer reviews first...
nice pre-order bonus details. will pre-order deluxe edition in February when i get my money soon
I want special edition steelcase + artbook without statue
Oh well, I think I'll get the digital version if the reviews is good.
Not fond of the bike skins but the statue is awesome.
Any news on a review embargo? I'm curious to see when that will be lifted once review codes are sent out.
Man they could've done with a better collector's edition. Looks terrible as is.
@wiiware that's actually possible in europe where the special edition has it
@lacerz no clue yet. we are too far away right now from April 26. review embargo may lift 3 to 5 days away from launch day on April 26
@wiiware it's annoying that all the extra goodies are now exclusive to digital and the steelbook is only exclusive to the collectors ed.
I'm going to stick to retail still.
@b1ackjack same here man.
Been hyped for this since day 1! Collectors edition shall be mine.
Hmm, unless there’s some great reviews, i’m not sure about it since it’s all a bit samey.
I'm sure glad I decided to stop buying collector's editions for games.
The extra goodies are nice (for a decent price, at least) but the statues are 9 times out of 10 worse looking than what the artist proof in the pics are.
I'll just stick with the regular. More power to everyone that still gets CEs. Everyone always has a choice.
DMC5, The division 2 and Sekiro are the month before.
This and Rage 2 are on Standby - pick one up depending what I have finished by then.
Pretty cool statue. I believe the game will sell well.
lots of crap there... amazing people buy this stuff, especially for a game that might be mediocre. i really hope this game surpasses the low expectations people have for it and sony bend does not get shut down.
@manu0 @huyi Yeah, it's the same as god of war, it's annoying sony didn't sell the steelcase + artbook only version in usa/region 1. I like steelbook and artbook but I don't care about statue
I probably buy this digital though since I usually play open world games with other games, so I don't want to change disc everytime I want to play this game.
Awesome, definitely getting the collectors edition, statue is actually different from the one they showed on twitter, but I like it more. I assume you can buy the other one separately.
Can't wait to play it!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely a pre-order for me... been as eager for this since it was announced as TLOU2.
I'll only pre-order the (physical) standard edition, though... not really fussed about any of those extras for the others.
So tired of the zombie genre. I think just a game about human vs humans in the post apocalyptic world is much more interesting and darker. It's the best part of games like TLOU and Fallout. Zombies is just tired and child like. I know this game has some human enemy elements but that's what I like more. It's more relatable.
I'd pre-order a Steel book edition with the art-book and digital content - not bothered about the statue, pins and decals though...
@BAMozzy There is a special edition being released with the steelbook, physical and digital art book and physical and digital soundtrack so you're in luck
@Neolit so you only play 10/10 games?
Went and preordered the collectors edition today I’m so hyped. I’ve been gaming 25 plus years to know what games I will like and won’t like and this is def a game I will like regardless of its reviews.
I’m bound to get this day one unless some really bad reviews come out but I don’t think that will happen. I’ll stick to the regular version though as it’s an unknown entity, although I’m partial to a good steelbook so maybe that.
Meh buy standard and buy the season pack on sale for the replay
@Neolit yeah fair enough I’m lucky and don’t watch anything with zombies and since there’s not many games with zombies in them I’m nowhere near burned out so I can’t wait for this one.
I was hyped at first but the more I see, for some reason, my gut is saying it's not going to be good. Hope I'm wrong.
Amazon UK doesn't have it, in any version. They still seem to have some problem with Sony exclusive pre-orders.
@BearsEatBeets Only one I could find besides the regular game is a limited edition steel book with the regular game, exclusive to amazon uk.
Looks awesome by the way, hopefully someone sells it on ebay and I can pick it up.
@Cordeceps Strange that didn't come up when I searched. £60 though! I don't mind paying a bit extra for a good steelbook, think I paid £50 for Spidey and definitely did for Resi 2, but that's a bit much.
I'll keep an eye on it though, thanks.
@BearsEatBeets No problem, I am seeing more and more people now from the Uk inquire about the collectors edition not being on amazon uk, hopefully it shows up soon.
Would be shame for people to miss out.
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