PlayStation Meeting PS5 Fake Sony 1

PlayStation Meeting invites are beginning to hit the inboxes of games media, but they’re completely fake. Sent from a standard Gmail account as opposed to an official Sony address, the emails promise a 20th February blowout, which will purportedly reveal the “future of PlayStation”. It’s similar to the correspondence the platform holder has used for the PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro in the past – but it’s all completely phoney of course.

While we weren’t worthy of one of the invitations, various sites within the Gamer Network got one. Nevertheless, we figured it was worth pointing out that these are completely bogus before someone shares the email on 4Chan and it starts gathering momentum. There’ll probably be another year yet before the PlayStation 5 is officially announced, so just take it easy and enjoy the ride – don’t get suckered in by obvious fakes.
