It feels like a lifetime ago that we sat down and joined Leon and Claire on their jaunt through Racoon City on the PSone. The original Resident Evil 2 was considered a masterpiece at the time and it's been thought of as a stone cold classic ever since, but somehow, those lunatics over at Capcom have actually gone and recaptured the survival horror magic on PlayStation 4. The Resident Evil 2 remake is really darn good.
And so the topic for this week's poll is an obvious one: have you nabbed a copy of Resident Evil 2? Are you buying it later down the line? Did you play the original game? Let us know in our polls, and then shuffle into the comments section below.
Comments 69
I never played the original extensively (I think I completed Leon's first route once, but that's about it), but this remake looks like the perfect balance of survival horror and action gameplay. The snappiness and convenience of Resi 4-style gameplay without sacrificing the series' identity in the process.
I had it digitally preordered. I've installed it so that it's good to go when I have the opportunity to finally dig into it!
Had it posted through the door earlier, hoping to play it on Sunday. Loving all these high quality remakes of awesome classics, wondering what we'll get next.
It came yesterday and I'm into the sewers, I'm loving it
Kingdom hearts 3 has just been posted so this will be waiting for a few weeks. Looking forward to it though!
I am interested in clarity over the difficulty of the res remake as the demo seemed pretty tough, although i suppose i was having to rush due to the time limit. I played the original version on normal, but this seems more difficult with the zombies repeatedly getting back up
I had the game pre-ordered.
I played RE1 and RE3 extensively, but only dabbled a little bit into RE2, so this is going to be fun.
I'm still playing resident evil 5 and resident evil origins collection.both great games.so will buy this soon.too many games.cant wait for kingdom hearts.days gone.sekiro shadows die twice.metro exodus.rage 2.and devil may cry 5.word up son.word
I bought the digital deluxe edition.Usually id buy the retail version of games but I had PSN money left from Christmas so used it on that.Resident Evil 2 was by far the best of the series and I played the game to death..
I'm just off now to start it..woohoo!
This game is brilliant! Played the intro last night when the digital download lock opened and it's awesome!!
My weekend is now sorted, hopefully a Resi 3 remake will happen too as although I played Resi 2 alot back in the day, I never really tried 3 too much.
I must say can’t wait till I play later and reminisce the ps2 era and realize than I’m 21 years older now since the original version came out
I received my copy yesterday and I will probably start the game today.
About the original, I’ve never played it. It’s my first time.
I don’t play horror games in general, I’m a scaredy cat.
although I own resident evil 2 on ps1, it was part of a huge haul I got for free last year.
It's in my bag. I'll cycle home as fast as my ickle leggies will carry me, crack open a posh beer and play until I fall asleep (which will probably be 9:45ish).
No chance, way too scary.
I wasn't going to get this. Survival horror games aren't generally my kind of thing, and the demo didn't do anything to change my mind.
I'm going to at least see the credits roll in all my other games before i buy anymore this year. RDR2 will last me ages, then i have a crazy backlog of AAA/indies and older games i missed out on when they first released!
I'm too much of a pansy for horror games, so I doubt I'll buy it. I did watch someone play the original, and I know that spiders, my bane of existence are in the game. If they're in this, I know I'm not buying it.
@DerMeister Apparently they cut those out in this version, so no need to worry about those 8 legged cuties
November sale buy for me (along with an extra bright lightbulb for my cowardice), unless my brother impulse buys it at his local CEX before then that is. Never played the originals myself back in the day, but I did watch him and my annoyingly way-more-skilled-than-me friend play the originals to death.
I'm trying to exercise some restraint. Lots of games in my backlog to be getting on with, so there doesn't seem to be much point in shelling out on a new game, especially in my poverty-stricken January.
But damn if that demo isn't sticking in my mind like no other demo ever did...
@Amusei That actually makes me feel much better. I'm still not sure if I'll get it, but it's not a hard no if that's the case.
About three hours into it. Really digging how tense it is.
It’s absolutely brilliant so far. I’m a big wuss but it’s so enjoyable to play that I can power through the horror.
I actually bought the original on PS3(PSN) some years back. That’s where I first played it. As for the remake, I can’t buy it just yet. Next payday for sure.
Within a few weeks because of kingdom hearts 3 if that had not been out around same time this would of been day one
Pre ordered it last October. Loving it too
Definitely getting it. Just not right now. Loved ps1 RESI 2 so looking forward to playing it once I'm done with some of my backlog. Just finished RDR2. Detroit Becoming Human and more Astrobot next.
i want it but KH3 is out next week and i don't have unlimited funds
One of my top 5 favorite games of all-time and the one that cemented my love for the Resident Evil franchise. No way I would miss this.
I remember when costumes were fun unlockables for beating the Resident Evil games, not for paying extra money. Due to Capcom's scummy DLC practices, I'm not sure if I'll bother.
@Spectra the amount of effort they have put in the price is fair imo.
I played the original on release when I was 10, I loved it but I never did finish it. I’m definitely going to finish it this time though, now it has modern controls and over the shoulder camera.
I spent a good 10-15 minutes in the intro at the petrol station, just soaking up the atmosphere and taking in all the little details in the environment and it is very detailed, not even the chocolate/candy bars have blurry texts on them, you can clearly see word for word. Probably the best remake of a game this generation.
I played some of it at my friends at launch and plays a bit on GC but I do want to play this. I can’t afford it this week though. This heroin doesn’t buy itself.
Played the original and loved it, but curiously have no interest in this.
My copy will be physical and probably purchased tomorrow. I would today but i am warm and don't feel like going out into the cold. Until then i will avoid all game info. Tips and tricks will be for my second play through.
Wait for sale as I don’t need another game in my backlog
No time for any more games outside of mmo of choice (anthem), pvp of choice (battlefield V) and a sigle player game to finish (ace combat 7)
I'm still so engrossed in AC Odyssey that I doubt I'd play it if I bought it so I'm gonna wait until I'm done with Kassandra The Eagle Bearer.
I meant only to play it for a bit, but accidentally played it for 4 hours straight.
I got it yesterday, but won't play it until or tomorrow. Working combined with the heat here down under has been kicking my butt these last few days.
So keen but so tired!
I plan to get this as I actually didn't mind the demo despite being the world biggest 35 year old girlie pants. I jump at everything and it really pi##es me off as I feel I've missed out on alot of great games. I will prob get as far as MR X, fill my pants, put the controller down with my eyes closed tightly and never play it again. But I will atleast try to play it to that point.
@Spectra yes, just got back home gonna eat something then get right into some noglista goodness.
@RainbowGazelle you are going to have a heart attack with how much dlc costumes RE 2 remake has lol
Even though I'm currently playing through the KH series and then KH3 when that arrives, I still couldn't resist. Hopefully I get as addicted to this as I did to the original. Also, Ada being ridiculously hot in this version may have influenced my decision.
@Kidfunkadelic83 A good tip to get over that is to play it intentionally badly at first. Do dumb stuff, die on purpose, try to kill everything with the knife and die repeatedly. It really takes the edge off it when you don't care about staying alive or progressing.
Then start a new game when you're ready and it'll be a lot less tense. I did that with REmake 1 back on the GC and it worked a treat.
@RainbowGazelle There are still those unlockable costumes.
Haven't bought it yet but will eventually. It does look amazing and I do love my horror.
I only played the original as a demo on one of those black demo disks that I got from somewhere, maybe a magazine, way back when.
@AllHailQueenBoo I think this game is for me then i loved RE2 the setting and story but i adored RE4 gameplay so with these 2 put together i think i got a winner. 😁
@ThroughTheIris56 That is when you know you have got a great game. 😃
Got the version that is way too expensive but i could not help myself.
Not my kind of game, watching a playthrough is enough for me. Besides, I only plan to buy racing games and similar stuff this year (Dirt Rally 2, GTR 3, WRC 8, Assetto Corsa Competizione ... ). Maybe Days Gone, but that's about it. Trying to buy less of a back-log this year and really focus on my favourite genres and franchises.
@Flaming_Kaiser Aha it's why games with a focus on exploration are great, they're so addictive.
Heck yes I did! 3 copies. 2 collector's and 1 standard
Got the steelbook today. Can't wait for Pushsquares 24 separate guides on how to reload!
Still a crappy practice to make the original soundtrack a paid piece of dlc.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is main priority, I'll be dropping Smash once I get my hands on it.
Resident Evil 2 will come later, looks great, I wish RE1 got the same treatment, but I understand why they did 2.
Way too gory for me.
I honesty cant remember if i played the original or not. Either too many re games or im getting old. But, ill probaly get it as soon as im done with AC od, and ive decided to finally finish okami hd(which i have no idea why i didnt because its one of my favorite games ever).
So yeah, okami!
I don’t remember. I probably played the original because I remember playing A resident evil game but I don’t remember which one. I’m not sure whether or not I’ll get this one but I’m glad the demo exists.
I'm a bit of a cheapskate as in I actually never buy ps4 games when they're just out. I always seem to have a backlog anyway so I usually wait a couple of months and pick them up when they're 20 quid or so. So, come spring I will probably be playing this.
Yep, put about four hours into it last night, i'm loving it, i never played the original
Not yet because of KH3 but this'll be my first game next month on Xbox One.
I went to supermarket for milk... came out with milk, beer, olives and RE2 .... damm impulse purchase and 1st physical copy of a game since ‘The last of us’.
I Played original RE at ripe old age of 24. I’m 46 now and this remake makes me feel like a 12 yr old watching ‘nightmare on Elm street’ for the 1st time... very very good and I’ve hardly scratched surface. Just encountered 1st licker....
Nope, I will never touch a Resident Evil or any other zombie game. They are absolutely not my cup of tea.
Can someone answer a question for me about this? Is the super shotgun that used to blow you back two screens back in this one?
Capcom needs to learn from there mistakes and make resident evil like this. Resident evil 7 was good don’t get me wrong but this franchise is best played on 3rd person.
I apparently pre-ordered the game months ago during a $50 Amazon sale and completely forgot about it, my copy arrived on Friday.
I’m gonna give this a miss. I just can’t play survival horror games, I tried Alien Isolation & The Evil Within, for some reason I just find them too scary.
Just finished my second play through with Claire to get the true ending, really good game. Might take break though before I try the 4th survivor.
I don’t buy games day 1 anyway, but even with how good it is, I don’t think I really want to play a remake. Too many games out there I’ve never played before.
I will absolutely be picking this up, though it may be a while due to my current backlog. I am wrapping up God of War, and working on Bad North and RE7 at the mome
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