Infamous industry analyst Michael Pachter believes that Sony has made a mistake skipping E3 2019, and likened the organisation to a “child taking their ball home” after last year’s event didn’t quite go to plan. Speaking with Gaming Bolt, the Wedbush Securities employee said that he thinks this is a one-off, and that the firm will return to the Los Angeles convention in the future.
“I think they made a bad decision,” he claimed. “I think they somehow internally determined that the money’s not well spent – and they’re wrong. I don’t know what they spend on E3, but even if it’s $15 million, they get $15 million of publicity out of it. So I think they’re fools to bypass the show. And they’ll be back.”
Pachter said of last year’s show: “They had that stupid walk-through that nobody understood, and it just wasn’t fun. And I think they probably spent a ton on that. And they’re very much guys who don’t acknowledge that they did anything wrong, so they just take their ball and go home, because it didn’t work well.”
The analyst believes that an internal emphasis on the next generation is behind the organisation’s decision to skip E3 2019, and he reckons there’ll be some kind of PSX event – either next fall or in Spring 2020. “I think it’s all related to gearing up for the next-generation console,” he concluded.
To be fair to Pachter, there’s truth to some of the things he’s saying here; last year’s show was a bit of a disaster, and it’s pretty clear the company overthought things. That said, we’re not sure it’s fair to label the firm “fools” until we know exactly what it’s got in store for 2019 – maybe it’s cooking up something better than E3? All will be revealed.
[source gamingbolt.com]
Comments 58
We couldn't have one year without that clown opening his mouth could we?
Anyway Happy new year to you all.
I think someone at Sony might have called Pachter a poop-head in kindergarten and he's just been nursing that grudge ever since.
Ahh, the perfect way to enter 2019...with a article concerning Michael Pacheter, of course!
Also, a very happy new year to all the Push Square staff and readers!
Sigh....we have no idea what they are planning for the year. Skipping a gaming event that doesn't hold the same weight it used to, isn't a bad idea. Especially when playstation experience is arguably better for Sony overall.
I disagree. Skipping E3 isn’t foolish it’ll be the norm soon enough. E3 is becoming more irrelevant. Sony has their own event in PSX that can be held anytime of the year. Nintendo can do a Direct anytime. These days we’re getting more world premiers and trailers from the Game Awards than E3.
What a clown this guy is. E3 is largely irrelevant these days as all of these companies have many avenues to get their news out there and at times when announcements won't get lost in the mix. Nintendo basically hasn't been there for a few years with only a direct around then and it's made no difference whatsoever to sales of the Switch. Nobody even knows who E3 is supposed to be for these days and last year was a bit rubbish apart from Bethesda spouting nonsense about Fallout 76 before launching that mess of a game which exposed the lies they told.
I expect Sony will be going down the Nintendo route of releasing their own videos as and when they have something to announce and of anything it'll be E3 that'll vanish in the next few years
I've said this before on a different article relating to Pachter , but man it must be nice to talk BS all the time and get paid for it . I want his job !!!
Sony is gonna be having their own events next year, didn’t Patcher say a while ago that Naughty Dog could release The Last Of Us 2 this year 🤦♂️
"And they’re very much guys who don’t acknowledge that they did anything wrong"
LOL at the irony!
I think this buffoon just can't accept that E3 is becoming less and less relevant, so he bases his entire analysis upon it being the gaming centrepiece of every year for every gamer! I think Sony made a wise decision, unshackling themselves from E3, as we hardly want a repeat of the bizarre show they put on in 2018 😉 I'm expecting an excellent PSX this year instead, and like many have said, perhaps some Nintendo Direct style announcements.
If I wanted his opinion, I'd have given it to him.
Happy New Year.
I agree; just let señor Pachter talk. ^^
Wait, isn't Pachter supposed to talk about how Nintendo is finished and they had better sell out or start putting their games on the Xbox? I'm beginning to think "Industry Analyst" is another name for "Video Game Weatherman". He can literally say whatever crap he wants and it doesn't matter.
Nothing lasts for ever, I wouldn't assume E3 will remain relevant. Perhaps its presence is no longer required.
We don't give a damn about Pachter's opinion, says Sony.
His mental prowess frankly doesn't have an entirely spotless reputation with them either, according to company.
Translation: Sony made the perfect decision.
Can't go wrong with this guy, just take his opinion, negate it, and you've got it all right.
nah pachter.you are a old fool.this guy don't know what's up .he said stuff that's random😒.word up son
Pachter clearly hasn't thought of the Sony developers that must be relieved they don't have to set aside precious time and resources to create/play-test/rehearse a demo and/or trailer for E3 next year.
@AdamNovice I know right pachter can be the evil clown from the movie it.and try to stab PlayStation in the back.and think he can get away from it.word up son
@carlos82 pachter is a clown he should be in resident evil 2.and Leon Kennedy shooting is nonsense corny pacifier.he never makes sense.😱.word up son
Sorry about your stealers bro! They'll be joining my Jets on the golf course this off-season...
@NYJetsfan123 haha thanks.they put themselves in that situation .its been a while since I been down like that.we had chance.after chance.it was just not they're year.2019 is the comeback tour.word up son
@NYJetsfan123 u fired Bowles.my best friend is a Jets fan also.but you guys need receiver.linebackers.safety.a backup QB.a running back.etc.word up son
Tomlins a good coach. And assuming roethlisberger stays put you'll be just fine next year with Conner brown and juju. Now I'm just praying whoever our new coach is goes after signing leveon bell!
@NYJetsfan123 I know for a fact patriots and cowboys won't win the Superbowl.it will make my playoffs
@NYJetsfan123 word up son
those 3 games Conner miss hurt them.especially the one against the Raiders.word up son
As long as the Patriots don't make it to Superbowl, im happy. Happy New year man!
@NYJetsfan123 I know right I will be 😊 happy.happy new year year 👍.word up son
This way SIE Developers don't have to work on a demo where they could use that time to finish their game, which is why we had no PSX. Sony is being smart, let this clown run his mouth.
If Pachter is calling it a mistake, it makes more sense for Sony to miss E3. Pachter has a piss poor record this generation. I’m surprised anyone cites him anymore.
We need to see what sony has in store for 2019 before saying if it's a good or bad decision.
I have alot of friends who are gamers, of course. And i would guess if i asked them what E3 is most of them wouldn't know, and the ones that do know didnt watch it. I didnt watch it, i read about it. Times are changing for all news, but we already know this.
Same here, I never watch E3, I just watch the trailers the next day. Some of them anyway.
Can't believe people still give Pachter any attention.
your forgetting one thing though, this is Pachter talking and more **** come out of him than the average cow farm
IF Sony can still get all their news an information out when and how they want without having to wait for a Arbitrary date and event that is catered to the western world where they NEVER got a good time slot then NOT going is a good thing, they can save time, money and effort
and besides with platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube they don't need E3 anyway, none of them do really because they can get all the information to the public at anytime
even Nintendo know this it's why they haven't had a "real" presence there for years and it was only a matter of time before one of the big 3 turned around and said "it's not worth it anymore"
it wouldn't be Microsoft though because E3 is basically a MS focused event anyway, they always get the big coverage, the big stage and the best time
There are fools and there are tools. I know which one we have here.
@solcross for what it's worth, Pachter is good for getting a feel on how investors writ large think about the games industry, and since most games companies are financed by investors in some form, what he says does have some bearing on the fortunes of the industry.
Like, Pachter's opinions, as backwards as they seem to the people actually playing the games he comments on, have value, largely because the rest of the investment sector stays quiet about games, even if they're putting millions, or billions, back into the industry.
I watch stuff when i want it i dont want to wait for a certain annoying day hour.
Wait, Pachter thinks it's a bad idea for Sony to skip E3? Guess that's just indisputable proof that they made the right decision then.
Why would E3 be relevant for Sony? Doesn't the trade show know they're on PS4, about to be PS5? E3 is like 1-2 PS's out of date.
I previously thought skipping E3 was a bad idea, but now that Michael Pachter said it I think that E3 is where companies go to die and that Microsoft and Nintendo will go bankrupt if they don't pull out.
Well I take back everything bad I said about Sony not going to E3! I thought it was a huge mistake but since this dumbo says that it's a mistake then the exact opposite thing will happen cause this guy can't get anything right!
So yeah, maybe a PS5 reveal event?
Just read the comment by @tudsworth and then saw the image from @MadAussieBloke - best laugh I'll have today, I'm sure.
@MadAussieBloke is that real because if so then how the hell does he stay in business
@NYJetsfan123 do you watch college basketball.my team is the Michigan wolverines we're the number 2 team right now 👍.and my France 🇫🇷 team won the World 🌎 cup ⚽ Soccer championship this year.vive la France .word up son
Well we all know this guy s records I guess. Not surprising he's become Gaminbolt consultant since they get on well.
Regarding E3 investment. Look what the press, and by repercution the public, get fromwhat they call E3. The freakin conferences. An hour or two of showing off sometimes hype CG that will never lead anywhere. That's the public perception of E3. That's not what E3 really is, is it?
Booking huge space to demo games is not worth it. The press hardly ever report on it. They better focus on psx or have their own public live stream.
@Paranoimia Yep. That's the state of video game analysts in the investment sector for you. Pachter has job security basically because his competition manages to be even more off-the-mark than he is.
Yeah Pachter, consoles will disappear and PC is the only platform that matters, we know already.
@tudsworth Bizarre, isn't it? Wish I could earn that kind of money for being crap at something.
I was really bummed when I read no E3 2019 and most echoed that online. But my hope for something big in 2019 helps me accept that fact. What if there is Nothing? and that's the reason for no E3. I hate to even think that! Then I would say the same Big Mistake Sony did plan ahead to bring content and a good showing at E3.
I watch some Pachter's vids on YouTube, Just as all gaming statements or news I have to work them in with my thoughts. Sometimes it comes down to agreeing to disagreeing for me.
Regardless any big trade show or even game award shows do
push Advertising and give a big spotlight to something we all love.
I mean look at E3 coverage last year.
The media and a lot of public feedback showed a shallow take on it. All people care about seems to be a smoke and mirror presentation conference even with a poor show floor presence like Ms did.
What's the point of even being on the show floor if it's not covered by the media?
Even on Pushsquare it seems the coverage is more concerned about 'pacing' in a presentation (as if its an entertainment show similar to Game Award)
Just an observation.
Really how does this guy still have a job ever prediction he makes is wrong !
@RenanKJ hahahaha this is so true. This guy is ridiculous
If I sell hula hoops, and 99% of my customers have hula hoops, and I barely have anything new in hula hoop technology to flog for a year, why would I rent a market stall with barely any product on it? Same for Sony, most of the core games market owns a PS4 and they know about the last few bits to come out on it. Showing the same demo's again of those last 3 games is just going to annoy people, and obviously the PS5 isn't going to be ready this year.
In my opinion the next gen of the PS/XB war will be won on who has the best exclusive launch games on their system, which takes a page out of how successful Ninty was with a jam packed first year for the Switch. I doubt that one console or the other will be massively overpowered to the other, so Sony are holding back their big guns to get early adopters next gen- even if they are going to release the last 3 games on both the PS4 and PS5.
Ah, good ol' Mickey P. It is so rare that PS, Nintendo and MS fanboys agree on something, but Michael Pachter provides that point of unison: everyone agrees that he's a complete tool.
I'd rather have a PlayStation only day really with PS4 games and PS5 news
Industry analyst? This guy spouts more BS than a bull with diarrhoea. If anything I made a bad decision by Reading by this article with his name in the title
Does this guy ever shut up
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