Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is here and Resident Evil 2 is right around the corner, so 2019 has started in earnest now. That means that it’s time for your weekly WAYP to get a little livelier, as those backlogs get pushed to the background once more. Here’s what we’re playing.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’ve got two of my most anticipated PS4 games of the year installed on my hard drive and I’ve barely had a minute to play them this week. That changes over the next two days, and I really can’t wait to get stuck in with them.
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
This weekend, I’ll dip back into some PSVR titles that I’ve yet to finish. I’d like to continue playing Moss, and I still have a few more levels to conquer in Astro Bot Rescue Mission. Outside of virtual reality, I’ll probably try Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode via the free trial.
Allen Reynolds, Reviewer
This week I’m finding myself going back through Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Returning to the most emotional entry in the series has my moods a little low, though, so when I want to perk up I’ve been traversing Eorzea in the newest patch for Final Fantasy XIV.
Christian Kobza, Reviewer
After pulling off a Platinum Trophy hat-trick last weekend by completing the trophy lists for Job Simulator, Moss, and Thumper, I'll be looking to finally get to Astro Bot Rescue Mission this weekend as I continue ploughing through my VR backlog.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I only have eyes for Ace Combat this weekend. I've been pretty darn excited for this for a long time, and I can't wait to hop into the cockpit for that one. I might work some Battlefield V in there as well, but Ace Combat is definitely the one holding most of my attention.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
Normally I absorb as many trailers and previews as possible before an exciting new game launches, but with the exception of the E3 2018 announcement trailer, I've avoided potentially spoiling any scary moments in the new Resident Evil 2. Consequently, I'm sticking to Resident Evil 2 on PSone as my survival horror training before next week’s release of the nerve-racking remake.
Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
This weekend I’m having my first PSVR experience and am head over heels for Astro Bot. I think I’m running out of reasons not to buy one! I’ll also be chipping away at Monster Hunter: World!
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So after a crazy few months I am finally able to get back to gaming sadly since my PS4 is still packed away I will have to use the two other systems. That said, since the new season started on Diablo III it will be that on the Switch and due to the reveal of MK11 I will be revisiting Mortal Kombat X on the Xbox One.
That's us all out of puff, then, but we want to know what you're playing in the comments section below. You know the drill.
Comments 65
Gonna try and get as much done in Final Fantasy XIV as I can before my sub runs out on Monday night (on the fence about taking a break, depends on how active my friends will be). Also digging into Secret of Evermore on SNES for my backlog.
grand theft auto 4.the lost and damned dlc.word up son
Today is Smash day for me, and I'll be Smashing with a friend. I might play something else on my Vita as well, though.
Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
I grew up playing PlayStation but I never played a Kingdom Hearts game, it’s time to see what I’ve been missing out on.
Going to get a bit further with Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles, and also play some Super Mario Galaxy as well.
I haven't decided yet. I beat Shadow of the Tomb Raider last weekend.
I can't decide between Red Dead 2 and The Evil Within 2.
Oh, and I might also play a bit more of Smash Ultimate.
Is checking your inbox for a Dreams invitation considered a game?
Tonighht Some smash brothers ultimate + being drunk
Finally finished Red Dead 2 this afternoon, from a very slow start the games story really grew on me. Very satisfying ending for me. After that mammoth task, I’m going to jump back into AC: Odyssey which I’m really looking forward to returning to. I’ll also play some Smite. R6: Siege and CoD this weekend too!
No bloody idea
#MVPat #Chiefs #Letsroll #IHaveWaited30YearsForThis
Messing around with a second playthrough of Red Dead 2. I completely missed the gunsmith in Rhodes with the odd and disturbing secret in his basement during my first go.
And whatever PS4 games I'm going to be playing at a party tomorrow.
I’m on vacation and I’m traveling. I got my Switch with me so I have games to play for it. Also packed the PS4 too. I’ll try to hit that Jump Force Beta if I get a chance.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L god of war best game ever playa.word up son
All this talk of star wars games made me try the battlefront 2 campaign last night. Ashamed to admit it but it's not awful! Finished rd2, what a game!!! Game of the generation for me so far but haven't played God of war yet. Got a pro controller for my switch and I think I'm near the end of LA noir, story is definitely picking up. Might play the res evil 2 demo later, look awesome.
I am finishing up the caberet and real estate side business storylines in Yakuza 0. I finished the main story a few nights ago-what a great game!
When that is done, I have Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales installed and ready to go. I am excited to dive into that. I hope everyone has a great gaming weekend!
I'll be jumping between starting the Stormblood expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, and more amazingly fun dogfighting on Ace Combat 7
Just finished GOW yesternight and I must say RDR2 is still the better game and value for money. There were a lot of wow moments in GOW and getting to the end I was like "this s*** is intense, it's about to get interesting" then BOOM! in my face credits start rolling. Meanwhile at the point where I felt the same about RDR2 - it gave me more and more so much so that you're like "Enough". I felt complete. With GOW it feels like it needs DLC to continue something.
I feel the GameAwards gave it GOW because they have a track record of always giving GOTY to Rockstar's games, so they might have done this so they don't get called Rockstar fanboys.
Sidescrolling through my weekend with Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Castlevania Requiem), Darkwing Duck (Disney Afternoon Collection) and the Streets of Rage trilogy (Sega Megadrive Classics).
I really enjoy these retro bundles on PS4, looking to pick up the Capcom Beat ‘em up Bundle soon as well.
I'll be infiltrating cults, captaining a ship and sleeping with everybody who asks in AC Odyssey. Great game this, the story so far is intriguing and Kassandra is a cool protagonist.
I opened up Netflix recently and saw about 50 shows that I’d like to watch that I have been ignoring in favor of gaming, so maybe its time to catch up there; and see if I can will the Chiefs to the Super Bowl.
If I do play something it might be more OnRush since it’s so easy to just jump quickly in and out of that one, and I’m embarrassed to say I’m still working on RDR2, the game that’s makes me feel like The Little Engine That Could struggling and climbing that hill, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....” 😖
Got the 100% in Jet Set Radio. OMG that game is still so great.
Now back to the slightly sleep inducing DQXI - I want to finish this instalment and say it's probably the last I'll play of the series. I get why some people like it but it's remarkably uninteresting.
I've got the week off work so with my wife working and the kids in school I'd like to start and finish the new tomb raider then see what else I can get through from my back log. Which depends on the speed of my decorating skills which are few and far between.
I finally saw credits in RDR2, but I will continue to play it tonight. Maybe try online. It’s a masterpiece.
I've just had the week off so unfortunately I'm going to try and make the most of the time I have left before going back to work..which means playing the hell out of Valkyria Chronicles 4 on Switch for one because it is such a brilliant game!
Also on the list is Spyro Trilogy which I'm loving,having a blast on Far Cry 5 with a friend and I did go back and try to get that final trophy in Detroit Become Human but I gave up again because no matter what I do,it won't unlock for me...no Platinum then.
Also bought Trails Of Cold Steel 2 on the Vita for just over a fiver which is a steal!
Like a few others I'll be watching Netflix too.Titans mainly and then onto The Punisher and Star Trek Discovery.
Metro Redux collection for me as I try and get in the mood for Exodus. Also, more Iconoclasts on my Vita if I can manage it.
@RogerRoger I do like commenting on these threads every week, but I always look forward to the new Hitman .gifs.
Rounding to the end of Dragon Quest XI. First ever DQ game for me and I have to say it is magnificent! Great story, wonderful characters, great battle system, just fantastic.
Next to Persona 5, my favorite JRPG of all time (looking at you Final Fantasy)
After I finish that, I think I'll give Tales of V. a shot.
Have a great weekend and stay safe everyone.
I'm finally going to start Ni No Kuni 2, and I'll probably play a little Yakuza Kiwami 2. I might play God of War again because it just started snowing here, and for some reason it makes me want to play the game. Lol.
I finished Yakuza Kiwami yesterday. This weekend, I will probably play Spyro 3 and Smash Bros. Ultimate.
My youngest son has developed a fondness for Steep. He wanted the sled and since I refuse to pay real-world money, it meant we had to earn the in-game credits the hard way. As a result, I've become pretty good at this game, and it has grown on me a lot.
Also, because it's always-online, we have to play it on my account, which means I get the trophies. Bonus
the grand tour fishing sim tomb raider bit of light relief after numerous goes and fianaly killing the red queen in vampyr
Finally forced myself to go back after 7+ months for the final two trophies for the Ni No Kuni 2 plat - just got the skirmishes one so now grinding out levels as fast as possible so I can take on the final maze boss...I must really want that plat, as as much as I loved this game, these two trophies are patience testingly tedious! Tomorrow, will probably reward my patience with some Hat in Time and Wonder Boy platforming fun and a few bottles of Peroni 😛
The Grand Tour game. The latest update to the PS4 version finally made the game playable. I think it's a fun and quirky game, I really do like the humor and sillyness of it. It's an extension of the TV show rather than a "regular" game, it's probably closer to being an interactive story. I wasn't expecting an Assetto Corsa or Gran Turismo-like. I got the game I expected (minus the technical problem at launch obviously). Some Ride 3 as well on the PS4.
On PC, some Euro Truck, RaceRoomRacing, Pillars of Eternity, and Tex Murphy ("Tesla").
@3MonthBeef Gillette have already cast me in their next ad
Ace Combat 7, Battlefield V and keep going on through the story of Dishonored
Just going to waste time playing random stuff until next Friday. Maybe some rocket league, dead by daylight, possibly Hollow Knight again.
Just finished Chapter 6 on Red Dead 2, and plan to play more of it tomorrow. After a slow start, it has become a truly wonderful game. I still think GoW was the better title though in 2018.
Not planning on starting anything new this close to KH3, but i may finish off Life is Strange Before The Storm over the next week.
Onimusha on Switch, it's really quite good to be fair.
@playstation1995 on what console son? I kinda miss GTAIV but V makes up for it so I'm fine. i started a new game again for the 50th time.
@Th3solution for Netflix try a tv show called black mirror, episode called bandersnatch. It's interactive, so you select some of the choices and they affect your endings, like a telltale game, really interesting idea and very well done.
@TheArt I still got my ps3.so I never finished gta doc before.man gta lost and damned is amazing. a lot of loyalty and betrayal.word up son from NYC
@TheArt the dlc is amazing gta 4 and 5 is the best.you playing gta 5 for the 50 th time wow.haha I miss playing Gracie City stories and liberty city stories.word up son
@playstation1995 Oh yea I forgot lol. It sometimes feels like everybody sold their PS3.
I own a landscaping business so I've been prepping for plowing the 2 ft of snow were expecting tomorrow, but in between, I picked up assassin's Creed unity for $7 in the ps store. This is my first ever assassin's Creed game and I'm really enjoying it. This of course, will be put on hold when re2 comes next week, but I feel like I really missed out on past assassin's Creed games. Oh well. Go new Orleans and go Kansas City!
@TheArt nah playa I will never sold . my ps3 .tomorrow and Monday I will play red dead redemption game of the year edition on my ps3.word up son
@NYJetsfan123 get assassins creed ezio collection.and assassins creed America's collection.word up son
I'll be finishing up my playthrough of the mostly excellent Vane regardless of this sites terrible review of the game and then getting onto Oxenfree for a trophy clean up after initially playing it about 18 months ago.
I definitely plan on getting more assassin's Creed games to play between big releases. Thanks for the recommendation! NFL is crazy right now bro! No new England Superbowl and im happy dude!
@NYJetsfan123 he'll no I'm rooting for the rams or chiefs.cant stand the patriots.word up son
Me too. I can't stand the Patriots! I'm a Jets fan. AFC east! I hate the Patriots. Been a Jets fan all my life. I'm cool with the saints Rams and chiefs. F$#& the Patriots
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Continuing horizon zero Dawn. Really enjoying it.
@R1spam Yeah, that’s one of the many shows I was considering. I heard Colin talk about it on his podcast and I’ve watched a few of the Black Mirror episodes and liked them alright. Glad to hear a good report on Bandersnatch so I’ll check it out. Thanks!
@NYJetsfan123 Add me to the list who’s simply just rooting against the Pats. Lol
And I can’t believe your first AC game is going to be Unity. I never played it but people always dump on it as being the worst one. 😋 But I’m glad you’re liking it. The Ezio games are great.
PS Vita- Persona 4 Golden
XB1- Monster Hunter World
PS4- Arizona Sunshine VR
Nothing, waiting for metro Exodus to drop..
@playstation1995 Yep I can't count how many times and I think the 50th time won't be an exaggeration. It's still better than tons and tons of games that came after and still coming out after it. It doesn't surprise me it's still selling. The vehicles, the environments, everything is topnotch.
@NYJetsfan123 hahaha I hope chief's win the game today.lets go chief's.word up son
@TheArt gta 5 is easily top 3 best games.of all times.i remember I play gta vice city stories over and over.man I love the 1980s.and lance and Vic.were awesome.word up son
I'll be playing my alias-sake game, Gran Turismo Sport, this weekend. I finally took the plunge and bought it as a birthday present to myself. Since Monday is a public holiday here, I'm hoping to get well and truly stuck in.
I'm forcing my way through the awful Kingdom Hearts Re:COM. I have the rest of the KH collections to get through after that before KH3.
I’m trying ESO again. It’s the most boring MMO I’ve ever played but I really want to like it.
Trying to finish up Kingdom Hearts 2, but a certain nobody is being a giant thorn in my side!!!
Ace combat 7.... that is all.
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