It’s the top of the New Year, and you know what the means! That’s right, it’s time for the first musical recap of the year. And boy was January ever a strong month. The first month has been turning itself into quite the juggernaut these past few years, and 2019 is no exception. There were some pretty monumental releases, and some pretty great music went with it. Let’s dig in!
The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 3
Despite Telltale’s unfortunate implosion a few months back, Skybound stepped in and vowed to finish Clementine’s story shortly after, even going so far as to retain as much of the original team as possible. This includes longtime Telltale composer Jared Emerson-Johnson, who has been giving Telltale game’s a wealth of incredible scores for a number of years now. The newest episode is no exception, as the music continues to be a standout as Clementine’s story draws ever closer to its conclusion.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Great soundtracks are pretty much par for the course when it comes to the long-standing dogfighting game, and the newest entry in Bamco’s series is no exception. Keiki Kobayashi’s score gives the pseudo-futuristic soap-opera that is Ace Combat 7 a great atmosphere that makes hopping into your cockpit even better than it already is.
Resident Evil 2
Capcom’s renaissance continues with another successful remake in its beloved horror series. The sequel that delivered Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield to the world also happens to have exceptional music. The sublime remake packs a new score, which while exactly the same, certainly helps elevate the remake to extraordinary heights.
Kingdom Hearts III
Chances are, even if you don’t really play many games, you’ve heard of Kingdom Hearts. A juggernaut in the industry for two decades, the Disney/Final Fantasy mashup has been dormant for some time. So while hearing Kingdom Hearts and Skrillex in the same sentence isn’t exactly a good thing, don’t let that deter you. There’s simply too much Disney in the series for there not to be good music. Both the original music, and the tracks plucked from Disney properties make for a truly stellar soundtrack. Not that we ever expected anything different.
That does it for 2019’s opener. Some absolutely massive titles have already dropped this year, which is a good sign, as we have even more to look forward to on the horizon. What other game music stuck out to you in January? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 11
Kingdom Hearts it's the best one of the month
"There’s simply too much Disney in the series for there not be good music."
I had to re-read this part a few times to make sure I was reading it correctly. I mean, I thought the writers for this site were all British and that sentence is bizarre coming from one of us, unless it's someone's primary school aged sister. But then I checked and this writer is American so it all makes sense again now. Reminds me of the utter weirdness of a Disney karaoke during a KH charity speedrun I saw recently. Anyway, you do you, American people. 👍
i saw kat, & thought we was getting a gravity rush 3 smh..
Kat + Toro = love.
@youreyesonly00 Yeah, me too. I was wondering if I somehow missed a Gravity Rush expansion release or new offshoot dance game or something. Man, that would be great.
@Matroska Eh, well Sammy has his Taylor Swift thing going on, and I’d consider her stuff in the same ballpark.
I'm a simple man, I see kat, I click 😌
Super cute picture of Kat you found there.
The mostly ambient music in RE2 plays well with the terrifying binaural sound design in this game. This is a game that demands to be played with headphones and the volume cranked up, even if the creaks, groans, growls, and the Tyrant's footsteps easily shred whatever nerve I go into the game with.
No one's gonna acknowledge Badmella from No More Heroes VR in the thumbnail pic? Just me, huh? Okay...
Anyway, I'm gonna give my vote to KH3. Haven't played KH3 yet but I'm loving the Scala Ad Caelum and Face My Fears themes already.
It'd be incredibly hard to beat Kingdom Hearts. Shimomura is just an incredible composer. Unfortunately I am more mixed on KH3's compositions than previous games, but there's still a lot of greatness there.
@Matroska No there was in fact a typo in there haha. Is Disney music considered bad in the UK? That's a new one on me if that's the case!
@youreyesonly00 @SoulsBourne128 Yeah that one threw me for a loop. I had a picture of an orchestra when I was finishing it up. Not sure what the pictures about. I'm gonna place the blame for that on @get2sammyb
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