Lewd “adult” humour looks like it will be the order of the day, when Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry – yes, that’s really its title – will chat up the PlayStation 4 in the future. The game – already available on the PC – has been rated for release by German classifications board USK, and as we’ve repeated multiple times, it’s rare that software gets submitted without a launch being planned.
This will mark the first Leisure Suit Larry on a PlayStation platform since Box Office Bust on the PS3, which is widely regarded as one of the worst titles on the last-gen console. Fortunately the newest game is considered a “return to form”, with PC reviews praising the point-and-click's puzzle design and, surprisingly, elements of its writing. Weird, right?
[source usk.de, via resetera.com]
Comments 21
Wow, I might? Get this??
Incoming internet rage.
"Wet Dreams Don't Dry"... ewwww.
I guess this title won't come packaged in a steel case, but wrapped in 'special tissue' instead.
I’m surprised Sony would be down to have this on the PS4 without being censored to hell and back.
Haha, I remember these games on PC and Amiga back in the day! Can't imagine how anyone thought it would be a good idea to release them in this day and age of political correctness.
I've played the original LSL 1 (text input based) on my XT PC (no hard drive, all- orange 12" monitor) ... fun times. It was my first adventure game, the good old times ; )
Call me when they find a way to get Space Quest and Police Quest on PS4 instead!
@thatguyEZ Considering this is decidedly more creepy than badly-proportioned balloon girls, yeah I’m surprised.
@nessisonett @thatguyEZ I imagine the excuse is to do with this being "comedic" rather than straight-up titillation. Up for debate, though.
I never thought I would see LSL on a console. I remember playing these games back in the 80's on an Amiga (If I remember correctly). I certainly wouldn't expect those type of games being made in 2019 - wasn't very PC LOL
I demoed the original when it first released on a Macintosh. It seemed so cutting edge at the time. Up until then it was text based games like Zork or the most basic of graphics for the Scott Adams Adventure Games.
I still have nightmares about Box Office Bust...
@Westernwolf4 oh yes... and Quest For Glory, etc.
@MattSilverado Ohhhhh, great call! How could I forget Quest for Glory (So You Want To Be A Hero)? That too please.
@Westernwolf4 pixel hunting days ; )
Lolz I can remember these when they were tape loaded! As for the title, I am glad to say that is not true.
That said, I DEMAND a review along the same lines as Pushsquare’s PSVR porn article.
Are these games really worse than those Hyper Mega Dimension blah blah games?
Awesome, love Larry.
This is why we can't have a new Commander Keen. Developers wasting their talents IMO
In this day and age of popular Buster Scruggs and Red Dead I think Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist would be a better choice.
They do, though. I would know.
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