Ah, cross-play. Everyone's favourite subject just got unearthed from its still-warm grave earlier this week, when Sony basically came out and said that despite popular belief, developers are free to request cross-play functionality for their games. This was in response to a number of studios supposedly calling Sony out on its cross-play stance, which, they suggest, isn't anywhere near as clear cut as the company makes it out to be.
The gist of the accusations is that Sony is purposefully holding back cross-play, saying that the functionality is still in "beta" testing just so that it can ignore the pleas of developers. It's pretty much common knowledge by this point, but the bottom line is that Sony probably doesn't want cross-play to become a widespread thing because the PS4 is the console market leader by some distance, and the same is true of the PlayStation Network as an online gaming service. As a business it wants people playing on PlayStation and only PlayStation, obviously.
And so we're here to pick your brains on the issue. Is Sony in the right? Is Sony telling the truth about cross-play? Do you even care about cross-play to begin with? Let us know in our polls, and then stick it to the man in the comments section below.
Comments 54
I do think sony is playing favorites in regards to who gets allowed support first. Gotta be honest I haven't been fond of them as of late.
My theory is they're holding back because they've never forgiven Microsoft for that talking paper clip. And quite right too.
At this point I am just sick of the whole cross play argument. Either do it or dont. People.just need to chill and if it happens it happens.
It's not hugely important to me, especially since I'm playing less and less multiplayer games, but it would be nice. Many of my friends at school play on Xbox and I would like to play with them.
I'll say this, ever since Bethesda tried to pressure Sony, and then sony said they'll do it, and then Bethesda back tracked with excuses as to why they can't do it for 76....I don't trust any of these developers.
i don't think Sony are lying BUT i also don't think they are telling us everything either
they are hiding something
''I don't care, but I want full cross-play functionality on PS4 just so everyone can shut up about it''
@Frigate keep multiplayer communities for older/smaller games active for longer?
Have to say, I'm mostly singleplayer and this is not an issue that I factor in when I'm buying a console. In no way is lack of cross play a deal breaker for me
i play games on my pc and my ps4 but i tend to stay away from multiplayer games on the pc because it is full of hackers..not saying there are no cheaters on the ps4 but i feel as though online gaming on consoles is a much,much fairer enviroment and cross play could potentionally open up the systems to people who just feel the need to ruin the experience for everybody else.
I don't care about cross play.word up son let's move on dog.word
I've never cared about cross play, if it's forced on me at least let me choose to play with the ps4 community only. It might then remain a level playing field. I really don't care about supporting other platforms, they're no my problem
Honestly, I really don’t know. Like I said in other articles about cross play, I’m not against it at all, I’m just not that big on it for now. This is coming from a guy who has a PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. I’ll just have to see how this plays out.
Don't care, and doubt I ever will. If I was that desperate to play with friends, I'd buy the same system as them.
Last gen, most people I knew had a 360, but I went with PS3 because that was where the games were which I wanted to play myself.
This generation, everyone I know has a PS4, so - for me personally - it's an irrelevance. Plus, of the games which have or have requested cross-play, there are none I'm interested in anyway, and all of the games I do bother to play online have more than enough players available already.
It would take a lot of games I'm interested in, and a lot of friends with other systems, before I began to care even remotely about cross-play.
As I've said before, it was never an issue before when MS were the hold-out, and I don't really see that it is now. Let's not forget that with Just Cause 3, you could record and upload gameplay to YouTube directly from your PS3 - a feature which MS would not allow on the 360 version because they were that intent on not opening up their network to anyone or anything. And rest assured, if they were still market leader now, they still wouldn't.
All of that being said, I think Sony are definitely seriously looking into it, especially since Kodera has recently moved to what is supposedly his specialist area... the PlayStation Network. I suspect PS5 will launch with full cross-play support as a result. How soon (if ever) it rolls out across all PS4 titles, only time will tell.
SLayden just said its go.
Its the first time Sony said that.
Why coming with the flak NOW?
That other article titled devs say Sony is lying was wrong.
Where did they say that?
Dont seem the harm in allowing cross play. Obviously businesses want to make money, but it's bad press.
Fortnite is the biggest game out right now and everyone will try mimic it. Embrace it, else the casuals will look elsewhere next time.
Sony are liars.
It's the same old story of the second and third place contenders doing what they can to spread bad press about the leader. Sony would be doing the same thing as MS/Nintendo if they were in 2nd place too. Sony can choose to do whatever, at the end of the day a total of -3 people will boycott them for not allowing crossplay. BC on the other hand.......
I just want all this taken care of because I'm sick of hearing about it. There are times I wish more games had PC/PS4 crossplay, but that's about it for me.
If I had a guess, there's a license/money involved somewhere causing the issues. Technically, I'm sure it's as 'easy as flipping a switch'... after you paid for a license or something.
In this day and age, I don't even know what the truth is anymore.
Like any company, they'll say whatever they need to say to keep their product stable. If Microsoft or Nintendo were in the same position, it wouldn't be any different.
Where is the 'I couldn't give a damn about cross play' option?
It doesn't really bother me as i very rarely play multi-player games but i can see the benefit for developers, especially smaller ones who need all the help they can get to keep their player base active, also for the people who buy those games too, obviously.
I will defend Sony a little here though, i think they're totally right to be hesitant on giving away any advantage to their rivals, i'm 100% sure that if MS or Ninty were the dominant console in a generation, and by a large margin, they'd approach this in just the same way. Whether it is right or not, is a different question, for a business, it makes absolute sense.
Don't care about cross platform play at all. Who even games on something that's not a PS4?
Microsoft have basically given up on Xbox and are all about azure, Xbox is going g the same was as zune, Lumia, surface, and pretty much every other hardware product they made (except mice). They won't tell you this until it's ready to.
Over 50% of people have a positive outlook on crossplay. Take that, naysayers. It's gotta happen.
Gotta love a poll where all choices accept crossplay to some extent.
I don't care, don't play online and honestly would pick none at all. If I need to play online, there are more than enough people on PSN.
I know there are a lot of Sony fans who are single and only play by themselves, so they cannot understand the issue but crossplay is more important now than it was when we were younger.
My son and I have a Switch anda PS4, his cousin and my brother have Xboxes and most of his school friends have Xboxes.
In the past we would be in the same room playing together. Or swap consoles. Now they don’t do that. So if you have the wrong console, you are out of luck and left out. And in this connected day and age, crossplay actually matters.
I know most people here are older, single and sensitive about criticism of Sony. But Sony’s stance is outdated and their inflexibility does nothing to help matters.
I don't think Sony has any obligation to allow cross-play at all, and this doesn't affect me personally, but I do think it would be a positive thing for Sony to implement it more widely, from both a consumer and developer perspective, as it would keep the player bases on older or less popular games alive for longer so better for those still enjoying them, as well as better for school age kids who may have been bought different consoles by their parents but still own the same multiplayer games as their friends as nobody likes to be left out at that age. I think that there should be an option for the user to be able to switch cross-play on or off though so people have a choice. Oh, and I definitely think Sony's making excuses as from a business perspective they'll obviously want people to be gaming on their platform.
I don’t care about cross play most gamers don’t.
@Evil-C And nearly as many don't want it so it's hardly people in complete favour of it.
What I don't understand is why. PS4 was a runaway success with some of the best exclusives I've seen in a long time. Why wouldn't Sony want the ps4 players to be talking about those games to other players on other consoles. "That's all for me tonight. Going to play some Spiderman. It's a blast."
That being said I never play online because of the toxic environment. I can't imagine how bad it would be with those console warriors going at each other during a game. "Thats all for me. I'm going to play the best game evar spiderman. Enjoy your crap crackdown" is what you'd most likely hear unfortunately.
@AdamNovice Heh heh, majority rules, son.
@Evil-C Oh wow on Push Square jee whizz. In the real world the actual majority don't know or care about cross play. In fact it's getting to the point where people are just sick of hearing about it.
@AdamNovice "In the real world the actual majority don't know or care about cross play."
I'd love to see you prove that statement. Facts over feelings.
a playstation site that cares about crossplay so they can *hit on sony as always
How about; they've let Fortnite and Rocket League do it so what's the issue with anyone else?
I could understand if Sony just didn't want cross play but they've allowed it for some and not others...
I think it would help fighting games tremendously, anyone fighting people waaay above their rank in Soulcalibur since the population is pretty small would agree.
@EVIL-C "Facts over feelings" Like you haven't done the same with your championing of cross play.
As for your "proof" I of course can't provide it. Just as equally YOU can't prove that majority of gamers across the world want cross play either.
But what I do know is I've been gaming for nearly 30 years and I have a far better understanding of the industry and how consumers react then most. And crossplay is the perfect example of typical Internet drama spewed up by so called core gamers who live in a glass bubble that decided that since Sony are the market leaders they somehow need knocking down a few pegs, all in the thinnly veiled garb of "it's anti consumer".
Meanwhile the far larger casual audience who don't visit gaming sites every day are perfectly content with just playing CoD and Fifa every year and don't have a clue about all this or frankly care because they have their own real world problems to deal with then this nonsense.
@AdamNovice With all 3 console manufacturers talking about cross play, hugely popular games like fortnite and rocket league supporting it, the topic is bleeding into the mainstream.
It's not a crazy idea. It's the next logical step in networked gaming.
Friends who have the same game on different systems have never imagined playing together? Really? You tell yourself that?
I'll never understand your anger over this topic. Good day.
@EVIL-C Not really, Fortnite is the only one that even remotely mainstream and even then it only gets mentioned in "too violent for children" crap articles. Yes I imagine friends would think that but many others would just want the same console as their friends.
And I'm not angry I'm just fed up of the same old tedious arguments coming up every week on here, usually from the few who think it's a lot of fun just stir up trouble in the comments.
At this point the battle has been lost, what sony should do is set the standard for cross-play experience on all system while playstation ecosystem is winning, I want to buy wargroove on ps4 but I can't because its additional work for wargroove developers to add ps4 cross-play "incompability".
I understand if sony didn't want cross-play for big 3rd party games like cod or destiny, but for small/indie games I think its okay for the games to cross-play with others console as long as they have their own network system like wargroove.
I mean, I primarily play single-player titles, but even then, if a game is written to support cross-system play and sharing, that absolutely should be standard across all platforms, 100%, no questions asked. It's a real shame that for example Wargroove isn't on PS4 day-and-date with every other system because of Sony's unwillingness to communicate with Chucklefish.
These sorts of decisions kill smaller and more niche titles quicker than they otherwise would and surely the health of a development partner's game is in the interest of a platform holder, because that drives game sales and, more importantly in Sony's case, licensing revenue. The single most profitable aspect of being a platform holder, by most reasonable accounts.
That said, I still think Sony can get away with dragging their feet over this because, like most of the detractors say, this isn't exactly a mainstream issue, most people don't know or care that the possibility's there, and even if they do know, it's kind of a hard sell without a clear, massive example a lot of mainstream people can latch on to. Fortnite used to be that, but, uh, Sony fixed that eventually, so the mainstream moved on.
As it stands, I would just like Sony to take a concrete, public stance on the issue already and let people move on. This whole issue has been coming up on-and-off ever since last year, and it's getting kinda tiring.
I can see why it's important to some but on a personal level I really don't mind either way as I don't really play online that much on any of the consoles I own.
That being said I have spent the last couple of days playing a hell of alot of tetris 99 on the Switch. I thought I'd give it a go as it was free and it's surprisingly addictive. It may be handy if ever that went multiplatform
Your right up to the point of taking 'news' at face value. Sony is not 'inlexible' on crossplay. Heck, SLayden litteraly just said its open for devs to ask. It's litereraly new and why is there flak and misinformation now instead of waiting on how that goes?
Heck as I said before, the previous article about a studio saying Sony is lying is fake news. Where did they say Sony is lying? I'm still waiting for the quote.
Now in the next few weeks if there's lots of studios saying they ARE denied cross play for no reason. Then yes Sony will deserve flak. They will have to provide an answer on why cross play IS still denied to such developers.
Sony have every right to only allow what they want on their platform.
Just as we are in our rights to support or not support a company due to their business practises.
@EVIL-C @IBeAGamer

@PUSHSQUARE crossplay
@Flaming_Kaiser Surprised you'd tag me when there was no discussion between us, but the gif says it all.
I'd just like you to keep one thing in mind, my friend; you can't project all your likes/dislikes onto everyone else.
I don't like sports games, but I'm not going to project my dislike for them as an argument as to why they shouldn't exist, nor fault people for enjoying them.
You've said you hate 3rd party multiplayer games. That's fine, but it's not a reason for them not to exist and be enjoyed by other people simply cause you don't like them.
I can guarantee you millions of others don't hate them. They need to and should exist.
Then of course that ties into the whole cross-play thing, which throws some into a rage around here, hence I only spoke of standard multiplayer. 😋
I honestly agree 100% with Sony, why should they waste time on something that isn't a priority in Sony's blueprint for the future.
They already confirmed that They're main focus is 1st party AAA titles, meaning cross play is redundant, why should they be labelled the bad guys for not giving into this pointless addition, Microsoft trying to save face just because they're Xbox ONE was a titanic faliure with empty promises.
I really hope Sony doesn't give into this crap & keeps delivering what gamers really want, amazing games.
Don't know who's telling the truth or not, and don't really care. Sony can do whatever it wants with its network but does deserve the heat its getting for its current approach. Nobody forced Sony to dip its toe in the crossplay waters, once it was decided to open up to that, however, the company should've gone all-in. What I'm seeing now is halfhearted and frankly it's creating worse PR then just taking a hardline 'no, we're not doing crossplay' stance. At least that can be reasonably explained whether some agree with it or not.
They're well within their rights to not allow cross play. It's a bone head PR move to not allow it, but that's their right. That said, they should just be honest about. "Nope, we don't wanna." is the only honest answer. Right now they're lying through their teeth, and it looks awful on them.
That main picture worries me :-/ Let's all play together!... Er No thanks I say Sounds like SONY are getting bullied into doing this by the Gaming Media and behind it are(I bet) the biggest liars of them all i.e Microsoft. Once you let Microsoft in then they will find a way of owning everything like they tried to do at the beginning of this Gen with their DRM policies :-/ I don't want nothing to do with them. Just keep to yourself and your network Microsoft then I can sleep easy at nights and not worry that you will own me one day to
I have no doubt this is a big Xbox thing. Its Microsoft and it users that are at the forefront of its push to Sony and PlayStation. Most of the big Xbox YouTubers that did toxic anti PlayStation videos now talk about owning a PS4 also.
I think Sony should take it slow while testing to waters.
Oh the crossplay fake outrage again, no one cares. The only people that do care are the companies with poor games that have no one playing them anymore so they need sonys huge install base to help them.
Sonys main focus should be on making great games for their customers, why should they care about the other platforms who are doing worse than them, deal with it.
'think Sony should take it slow while testing to waters.'
Exactly spot on!!!
People are being manipulated into a false sense of emergency. At the beginning of the this gen, when the topic should have been more relevant than ever, about nobody was talking about cross play between consoles. When the' campaign for crossplay' (so to speak) started I was wondering what triggered that talk. It was sort of a blur what really triggered to talk. Later there was this Switch Fortnite account portability issues (for that game in particular) and all of a sudden people went 'that is the reason of the outcry. We need cross play.' Well guess what, the Fortnite issues are now sorted out. And the internet is still up in arms about..... What? A Daily Mirror type of story about a studio which supposedly said 'Sony is lying'.
SLayden just gave an interview and seemed to be very open. I'm asking again. What is the reason for the emergency?
It's obvious Sony is leading the console market with the PS4 with almost 100 million units, but since cross play is making some noise, they might rethink it when they release the PS5.
Edit: also I couldn't care less about crossplay since I don't play online.
Saying yoy do not care becahse you only play offline SP games is kinda ignorant and also irrelevant to the topic.
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