There are tens of titles released on the PlayStation Store every single week, so clearly the vast majority of developers are getting through the application process just fine. One studio, however, has taken to Reddit as a last resort after its requests to release a PlayStation VR cooking title have been overlooked since December 2017.
The creators of The Cooking Game VR explained that it's sent multiple applications to the PlayStation Partner program to no avail, and that it’s now close to “giving up the idea of porting” the release to the PlayStation 4 at all. It’s another sign that the organisation’s developer friendly approach is creaking – especially in light of recent miscommunication regarding console cross-play.
Now obviously this isn’t a wide-spread issue otherwise we’d be hearing about it more often, and given the constant calls for curation on the PS Store, there may be some happy to read this news. But our view is that Sony should be responding to any developers wanting to bring their software to the PS4, and it’s fortunate that Reddit appears to be helping the team out.
Let’s hope that this is just a blip and the platform holder gets its house in order soon, because this is becoming an increasingly bad look.
Update: As mentioned in the comments, it's since emerged that the developer is based in Singapore, and is trying to communicate with PlayStation Japan. While it's still not a great look, it does explain why there appears to have been a communication breakdown of sorts. Hopefully the studio can get this sorted and begin work on a PSVR port soon.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 33
Sony looking more and more like the bad guys of the Big Three with each passing day.
@Acquiescence just a shame that the media always doubles down hard on whenever sony does something less then good but when the other companies do something "bad" it all seems to be swept under the rug rather fast.
sure we are biased on this site towards sony but it seems that the media and internet are biased against sony for some reason.
I love Sony but they need to step it up in some places.
@NintendoFan4Lyf this.
see people? this is how reasonable thinking works.
not that the usual suspects will care to be reasonable at all ofcourse.
Sony's getting panned at the moment. This sounds like another example of someone stirring up trouble. Developers will keep ladling it on until things reach boiling point.
@jdv95 Dont know where you've been but Nintendo is lambasted for NES games and artificial demand to this day XD
Didnt know it was jump on the Sony hate train. Anything uber successful always gets dumped on. Happy Playstation 1,2,3,4 and VR owner. Never felt like they duped me once (even 599.99 ps3)
Sony suck hard.
I't’s another sign that the organisation’s developer friendly approach is creaking '
given the amount of crap that's on the PS store, i suspect this has fallen through the cracks. either that or they got way more picky about QA / content and don't have enough resource to get through all the applications. there's probably an entire team of account managers for each of the big publishers, and one guy in a basement dealing with the hundreds of disposable junk.. rather than anything deliberately dismissive, it may simply be the company has struggled to adequately replace adam boyes.
this is all part of being number 1 everyone wants something so try not to get too angry straight away sure it will happen.
@IBeAGamer Yet you still visit a PlayStation centric site just to give out at them rather using your energy for something more constructive.
Also you do know that liking your own comment doesn't count right?
@AdamNovice I was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice that, surprised it took this long.
I do yeah because the PS4 is great, Sony however suck.
@AdamNovice why this guy is still even allowed on here is beyond me.
i have nothing against criticism if it's vallid,but all this guy does is just pointless hating even on positive articles.
just give the guy the big ignore treatment. trust me it can make this place a whole lot nicer.
and eventually he will go away because he won't get the attention anymore.
@jdv95 this is a positive article?
Sony screwing over Japanese devs, lying to consumers and making the most backwards suit in the company CEO = worth praise and not valid to criticise.
But damn they sure do know how to cater to the gaming masses by releasing critically acclaimed games...and then you have Crackdown 3, which sums up another console entirely.
@lacerz I prefer games, not crap movies.
After reading the comments on Reddit, it seems the dev is situated in Singapore and had its requests routed through SIEJ instead of SIEA, and apparently Sony Japan is a bear to contact about these things when compared to their American branch(at least according to the posts from Truant Pixel). It sounds like there may have been a language issue because of that. Hopefully the dev can re-route its request and have it seen by SIEA instead.
@DemonRavana Context like this is always appreciated.
Come on Sony we need more Black Tiger titles.
@IBeAGamer Man dude you have become the mooch/timdog of Push Square congrats never thought I would see it happen on this site but man you have succeeded lol.
@Hapuc k bro.
@IBeAGamer No prob we at least know who's the clown on this website now lol.
@Hapuc Yourself and a few of the other fanboys getting so salty over an opinion.
So you prefer games to crap movies. Cool story, bro. So do I. That's why I game on both Playstation and Nintendo
@BrettAwesome I play on everything.
It’s a Singaporean company applying to Sony Japan, probably the slowest / worst of Sony’s service centers. Not surprising at all that they haven’t heard back anything.
@DemonRavana Thanks, I'll add this to the article.
Crap movies? Please expand. Horizon? God of War? Spider-man? Uncharted? Infamous? Bloodborne? Yakuza? Dragon Quest? Persona?
Are these the "crap movies" you speak of? Compared to what the competition has to offer, those "crap movies" are better games than anything ever available on the competitor's brand...this gen, last gen and the gen before. That's how pathetic that brand is. Cheers!
Watch the Mo Amer comedy special on Netflix, if available. He sums up Japanese communication in an interesting way.
Sony aren't interested in a VR cooking game?
Goddamit, how am I going to get virtual Ramsay on now?
Oh well, never mind.
Also: Some very unprofessional devs around lately, it seems.
Horizon - generic as all hell and is no better than any Ubisoft game
God of War - crap movie with rubbish combat
Spider-Man - would be good if it wasn't for the god awful side activities
InFamous - zzzzzzzzzzz booooooooooring
Bloodborne - Souls games are crap, no matter what system they're played on
Yakuza - great series, shame they're not exclusive
Dragon Quest - great series, shame they're not exclusive
Persona - amazing series but not made by Sony nor were they published by Sony
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