It’s been a busy few weeks on the PlayStation 4, meaning we’d be surprised if you’ve got nothing to play this weekend. In addition to the latest batch of PS Plus games, we’ve also seen the release calendar stuffed to the figurative brim with big new titles, like Resident Evil 2 and Kingdom Hearts III.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I haven’t been committing to any one game of late, just playing a little bit of whatever takes my fancy. While it’s quite unlike me, I’ve been enjoying the variety of experiences, but this weekend I think I really need to sit down and polish off Resident Evil 2.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
A bit of Monster Hunter: World, a bit of The Division 2 beta, a bit of the Devil May Cry 5 demo... There's almost too many games to cover this weekend, and it's crazy to think that 2019 has only just begun.
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
Having slain 13 gentle giants in Shadow of the Colossus, I’m poised to finish off my play through of this gorgeous PS4 remake. I’ll also be hopping in and out of the really rather good Apex Legends. I’m pretty terrible at it, mind.
Annette Magaña, Reviewer
Now that I’ve taken care of Kingdom Hearts 3, I am more excited to get back to saving Raccoon City than ever in both RE2 and RE1, despite the former being one of my most anticipated games of last year. Oh, and testing out that DMCV demo all while studying for midterms. A lil’ CUH-RAZY weekend for sure.
Christian Kobza, Reviewer
After finishing my first playthrough of Kingdom Hearts 3 earlier this week, my next goal is to try and check everything off its enormous to-do list while pursuing its Platinum Trophy.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
While I may be waiting rather (im)patiently for Metro: Exodus, that doesn't mean I have nothing to play. Between Call of Duty, Battlefield, NHL, the surprisingly fun Apex Legends, and also the beta for The Division 2. I have quite a lot of options to reach for when it comes to gaming right now!
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I’ve finished my first play-through of Resident Evil 2 as Claire and I’ll be doing the “2nd Run” this weekend as Leon. I think this remake is an absolute triumph that does what I thought to be impossible: both respecting the original and maintaining that sense of familiarity whilst developing on it to create something new and fresh.
Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
My partner is playing Spyro this weekend so the TV is hers! I’ll be catching up on my Steam backlog and playing some Splatoon 2.
Another big WAYP this week with tons of variety in our responses. What games are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 67
Still playing spidey (at 95%), devil may cry 5 demo, and wargroove on switch. Also trying to download gear of war 4 from microsoft windows 10 store (got the game discounted at $6), one week later it's still downloading. No, it's not my internet since I can download doom 100gb on ps4 about 2 or 3 days.
Kingdom Hearts 3 and some Persona Dancing.
aiming for the platinum on Kingdom Hearts 3
lords of the fallen complete edition. and devil may cry 3 Dante's awakening special edition.both great games.word up son.
As with the last couple weeks... Resident Evil 2. Finishes Claire's 1st and both Leon's 1st and 2nd runs, playing the Claire second scenario now.
Played the Devil May Cry 5 demo yesterday. Great little teaser of what I'm expecting will be another great game from Capcom, which it can't be stated enough has been on a nice winning streak since Resident Evil 7.
There's a lot that I want to play this weekend, but unfortunately I'm rather busy. I'll be sure to find some time in the evening for Persona 5, as I am currently loving that game. Also want to try out the Devil May Cry 5 demo and do the Witcher things in Monster Hunter World. There probably isn't time for the following, but I do also want to collect more stars in Super Mario Galaxy and continue with Xenoblade Chronicles, it feels like I'm getting towards the end of the story of that one.
Shall I see what all the fuss is about this Apex BR game? Nah. More Red Dead Redemption 2 it is.
For PS4 I’ll try out the DMC5 demo. Then Resident Evil 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fist of the North Star and Soul Calibur 6. Maybe I’ll try to squeeze in Spider Man.
Smash Bros on Switch.
Resident Evil 2 2nd run with Clare.Having a blast,this game is awesome!
Have finished Far Cry 5 campaign but I'll be going back and cleaning up or just messing around co-op.
I also went back to Atelia Sofie after a long break so I may do more of that game but I'm sort of lost now and not sure what I'm doing so we shall see.
Apex Legends.I have yet to try this so I'll give it a go tonight.
Finally I'll be playing Valkyria Chronicles 4 which I have played without fail every day since I received it at Christmas.Its absolutely brilliant and I'm only on Chapter 10 so still a fair bit to go.
@Gamer83 I pretty much agree with ya that Cap has been on a role. Although Marvel vs Capcom Infinite still left a bad taste in my mouth.
Very busy over this next week so will probably only have time to just play a bit of Smash Ultimate, but my friend has just bought me the Bioshock Collection, and I've never played any of them or know very much about them, so I know exactly what I'll be playing in a week's time!
Finishing off Tacoma, and doing more of the campaign in Star Wars Battlefront 2 (I paid a fiver for it and that seems the right price). Then will finally finish Astrobot if I can just get a few hours to myself .
@Rudy_Manchego it's worth that price, not sure if it's worth taking up 100gb's of my HDD space though
100gb, Kingdom Hearts 3 is only 40gb in size and look how much content that has and how good that looks for less that half the size
Decided to revisit Rapture and Columbia so bought the Bioshock The Collection off the sales. And mine there's a whole lot of detail I missed from the days of playing on an SDTV. Had Bioshock and Infinite on the Xbox 360 with a whole lot of achievements so I'm like why not, let me translate them into trophies on my PS4. Had PS3 BTW but most multiplats just kept looking better on the 360 so it got sold.
And yea you can't love Dishonored and not love it's inspiration - Bioshock, with all that unique art style they both have. Money well spent, 3 legendary games for £12.99.
I'm still playing Resi 2 Remake. I think I'm almost done with Leon's run, then it's either dive right into Claire's 2nd run or start Kingdom Hearts 3.
Finishing up my RE2 Claire run and probably chip away at the DMC4 platinum, just have a few Bloody Palace runs to do.
Smash Ultimate and continuing with Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness. Once I get all of Nadeshiko's endings, I'll probably play the second campaign in Resident Evil 2.
True. Forgot about that one. But I think that shows Capcom is in a much better place now. A few years ago something like Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite would still be getting talked about a ton and held up as a prime example of a company many thought was dying. The fact most people just accept it as a bad game and move on (like happens even with Sony and Nintendo from time to time), is a sign that things have improved.
I’m making some headway on Resi 2 finally, and I also just picked up Kingdom Hearts 3 so looking forward to getting my Disney on this evening!
P.S Mr X is a b@stard. I hope KH3 doesn’t have an equivalent.
After watching Ireland redeem themselves in the rugby (hopefully!) I’ll be joining into the Division 2 beta to try out the end-game activities, then some Apex Legends whichvis surpassing Blackout for me as the best Battle Royale. I’ll also try to play more AC: Odyssey which I’m nearing the end of, just have to finish the main and cultist questlind and a few side-missions
I finally finished AC Odyssey. Excellent game but i thought that the best family ending was a bit rubbish and pure cringey.
I'll now be jumping into the shoes of agent 47.
DB FighterZ story mode, Nier: Automata and some Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PS4.
Metal Gear Solid 3 on Vita.
I cant stop playing the dmc5 demo for the life of me. Someone help
I've been absolutely adoring Tetris Effect this past week. I'm now playing through the "Journey" campaign mode on expert difficulty and have had a blast so far.
Counterbalancing that with puzzle action of a different sort, as I nervously cower my way through the Raccoon City Police Department in the also excellent Resident Evil 2 remake.
I'm not going to get a massive amount of PS4 time in until Monday, but if I do manage some, I've got the Tetris Effect demo downloaded and ready to go.
Weekend rotation so will play a little Smash Bros on Switch and try to finish the last episode of Life is Strange prequal
Mass effect, hopelessly addicted and hoping to get on with some hot blue chicks!!! This is what sci fi is surely about.
I am playing Dragon Quest 11, and on my SNES, I am playing Chrono Trigger and Tetris Attack. I'm feeling nostalgic.
@playstation1995 You are going to love Devil May Cry 3 its the best one. Awsomw cutscenes and the gameplay. 😁
I'm finally getting some quality time with Resident Evil 2, still not far into it but the plan is to have at least a couple of playthroughs in the best few days. Also got the DMC 5 demo which is good fun and downloaded Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox and that's pretty incredible so far.
Still mainly killing zombies for me 😁
Im ar 89,5 % with Horizon Zero Dawn only took me 90 hours awsome game and Aloy is awsome. 😃
Tales of Zestiria.
Just beat Road Redemption (road rash meets rogue lite), im at the end of Lost Sphear and i really need to get back to Shenmue
we happy few just starting sallys story uno online
@Flaming_Kaiser oh yeah devil may cry 3 is legendary.word up son
Still doing platinum clean up in KH3, but taken a mini break this afternoon to play the DMC5 demo and it's pretty much sold me on getting the game day one. Might return to Hat in Time before KH3 cleanup as I've still got a bit left of that to finish too and I do love a good 3D platformer!
Playing Thronebreaker: Witcher Tales. I get the sense that it is not being widely played, and that is a shame. It has its flaws, and has the occasional annoying bug. And card based games are not for everyone. But it has really good puzzles, some fun mechanics, and (most importantly), the interesting quests and decisions that made Witcher 3 so great. In summary: Gwent continues to be fun, and now there is a compelling tale around it.
More Kingdom Hearts III for me. Those lucky emblems ain't gonna find themselves.
Tetris Effect and Ys VIII.
Slowly continuing my journey into dragon quest and I will hopefully be starting Resi 2. (With all the lights on in my house)
South Park: Fractured but Whole. Such a funny and fun game. Happy I finally found the time to play it.
Sebastien Loeb Rally. Continuing with some Career stuff I had forgotten about. Really enjoying the game, although I think it is better experienced in arcade style, with lots of assists on, rather than the hardcore sim it tried to be.
Playing some The Grand Tour, the game. I'm really enjoying this one as well, the drifting takes some getting used to but the racing is lots of fun, albeit rather short.
On PC, some Spintires: Mudrunner, and probably Pillars of Eternity and Technobabylon as well. I might pick up Monster Energy Supercross 2 this weekend on PC.
On chapter 6 of RDR2, oh boy what a game, does anyone know if a bounty will show up again? I took the poster in chapter 5 and now it's not showing on the map
God eater 3 which is awesome I'm new to the series. Resident evil 2 and monster energy supercross 2.
Metro Redux here. Finished up RDR2 just in time.
Apex legends @ me if you want to team up
Played some Slain Back to Hell and Axiom Verge on Switch. Also God or War III Remastered and Transformers: Devastation on PS4.
Today maybe some Zelda BotW and Yakuza 0.
Nibblin' away at the Dark Souls Remastered platinum, and a refreshing surprise from the backlog - Yoku's Island Express.
Kingdom Hearts 3.
AC odyssey, and apex legends. Im really surprized how fun AL is.
@FullbringIchigo Agreed. It’s being deleted as soon as I am done!
I've been waiting for The Division 2 beta for ages but can't stop playing Apex Legends!!!!! May have to consider my pre-order on this one.
@naruball it really is a good game although i still feel the Stick of Truth was better
@Bonbonetti I like to return to SL Rally Evo from time to time too. The huge amount of content keeps me coming back. I must admit I usually also play with a lot of assists on, I don’t take enough time to practice.
I’ll be making slow and steady progress in the irrepressible RDR2. Boy, I really don’t want this gaming experience to end. This is some next level goodness.
Horizon Zero Dawn on my PS4 and Gears of War 4 on my PC.
i've played through the mission content on the divison 2 beta, though one of the side-missions is bugged and you can't progress it. it offers a lot more content than the anthem beta, but i can't shake the feeling that it's much too similar to division 1 and i'm not sure i could be bothered to put in that tedious grind again.
Ni No Kuni II (PS4) and Tales of Hearst R (Vita).
@Lando_ Hey dude, what’s Ni No Kuni 2 like? Just bought it and due to RDR2, I ain’t had time to play it yet. Would you say it suits a non-jrpg player like myself?
@JJ-firl Great to meet another SL Rally fan! Yeah, I don't quite like Milestone's sim physics in the game. I wish they would have used the physics from WRC 4 instead to be honest. With enough assists on SLR becomes really fun though, and is still quite challenging. But man, there's such a huge amount of content in the game, I especially like the Loeb career stuff. I wish more games had this kind of tribute mode.
@Bonbonetti The Loeb experience is an excellent addition to the game. Sebastien Loeb is such a legend!
I even enjoyed the rallycross events, although they are my least favourite events in rally games but the tracks are ace.
@ronb44 Really i did not like it so much maybe im rusty. Im missing the fluid gameplay with Dante.
Im at 90% with Horizon Zero Dawn cant wait to finish it. It was a hell of a ride. But im taking a break after the main game and finish expansion a little later.
Bloodborne, and some RE 2
Apex Legends, so much fun.
Finished chapter 6 of RDR2, will savour the next parts what a game! Also had a go of the DMC5 demo which is great, are the previous games worth playing?
Currently working on 3 games:
Uncharted 3 remastered: Playing on Brutal difficulty, and boy does it live up to its name. You literally peak your head out from cover and die almost instantly if you get shot. On chapter 14 currently, and beating Brutal mode is the last trophy until 100% completion.
Mercenary Kings: finally reached endgame, completed all missions and their speed runs. Just have 3 grindy trophies left where I have to farm alot of resources to craft gun parts, knives, bionic mods, and ornaments and banners.
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+: Still slowly grinding towards 100% completion. Currently have 377/403 secrets unlocked.
Happy gaming everyone.
@LobsterJohnson Hi.
I would recommend the game to newcomers of the RPG genre, as the fights are very action packed and Ni No Kuni II offers a lot of variety too. You can build and manage a kingdom, do researches in magic, improve equipment, and play small rudimentary strategy missions. Only the story and characters are very ... let's say child-friendly.
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