It’s a bright and cheerful weekend here in the UK, which means you may want to close the curtains and play some goddamn games. There’s lots to be getting on with this right now: Resident Evil 2 is still relatively new, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is only a month old, and Metro: Exodus released recently. Oh yeah, and there’s a little game called ANTHEM out now.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’ll be restarting Trials Rising’s increasingly challenging levels over and over and over and over as I battle frustration in order to bring you a review.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
It's all about ANTHEM this weekend, but despite a decent start, the game's already wearing a bit thin. The combat's fine, but everything outside of the core gameplay seems really lacking, and I see loading screens whenever I close my eyes. Not a glowing preview!
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
I’m taking a trip back to the 90s this weekend as I get funky with ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove ahead of review. I think I’ll also finish off Astro Bot Rescue Mission, secretly one of last year’s best games, PSVR or not. If you can play it, play it.
Christian Kobza, Reviewer
After nabbing Platinum Trophies in Kingdom Hearts III and Far Cry: New Dawn last weekend, this weekend I'll be finishing off my playthrough of Resident Evil 2 which I'm having an absolute blast with.
Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
This weekend I’ll be playing a lot of ANTHEM. Despite its obvious shortcomings, I’m having a fair amount of fun with it so far.
Rebecca Stow, Reviewer
I’ve finally gotten around to playing Night in the Woods as the game celebrates its second anniversary. This cartoon style indie game surprised me by being incredibly moving and relatable. The characters struggles and back stories emphasised their actions and personalities and because of that this game will stay with me for a long time.
A short but no less sweet WAYP this week for you, then. But what are you playing? What’s preventing you from going outside and absorbing some good ol’ Vitamin D? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 61
I’ll be going for a spot of hunting with my good friend Hamish Sinclair.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate, SNK Heroines, King of Fighters 02, and 03 for the Switch.
Jump Force, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 2, and Soul Calibur 6 on PS4.
Kingdom Hearts 3
I just finished Mark of the Ninja Remastered last night so I think I might take a run at one of the 48 games on my backlog (they are all staring down at me from my shelf, mocking me for spending money on them when I have no chance of playing them all); I have decided to play Nino Kuni 2 and hope to wrap it up before Sekiro releases next month.
Very jealous of you Sammy, getting to play the new trials game, very keen to play that too.
last remnant remaster.and fallout 4 goty edition.word up son
and watching college basketball.my Michigan wolverines is playing tomorrow.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word up ☝ son
It's all about Anthem for me this weekend. Say what you want but I'm enjoying it immensely. Sure, there are rough edges but they aren't stopping me from having a lot of fun.
No doubt I'll be on FFXIV as well at some point.
@playstation1995 Is Last Remnant remastered any good. It’s something I’ve been thinking about getting.
As I have recently started Assassins Creed Origins within the last few days,this weekend will mostly be spent playing that but I will also have time for Resident Evil 2 as I near my second playthrough with Clare.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is also still getting played alot,what with it being a fantastic game and all..
AND I just finished Atelia Sophie last night,a game i started last year but had a break inbetween...a great lighthearted game and I'm dying to start on Atelia Firis..
I’m finally getting near the end of RDR2, well if you don’t count the epilogues. Plus I’m going to get round to starting the Spider-Man DLC.
This will probably be next weekend as well as I try to get these completed before Division 2 launches.
Playing Bioshock for the first time ever! I've just got to Fort Frolic, I'm pretty terrible at it but I'm having so much fun that I don't really care!
Resident Evil 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Taking out some sicarios in GR Wildlands. I seem to be playing a lot of Ubisoft open worlders lately. It's all good.
@Ryall yep it's a great game.the spells and magic are incredible.and graphics and story is good also.word up son
@LobsterJohnson I love that struck up friendship in RDR2. Another very likeable character from Rockstar.
Finished Resident Evil 2 this morning, very good. Then tried the 4th survivor mode, good fun and intense! Didn't quite succeed, maybe next time.
I'm only about 3 hours into Anthem. That is nothing in that kinda game. I'm looking forward to diving in since I'm off work tomorrow.
I will be laying around in the grass, eating frogs and snakes, smoking my cigar and talk about classic movies over the radio with a paramedic.
Might play some Metal Gear Solid 3 too.
Devil May Cry 3 and Steins;Gate Elite
I re-downloaded Final Fantasy VII and XV on the PS4 last night. Going to play those when I'm not working this weekend.
I really don’t know. I still need to play Claire’s campaign in RE2, also For Honor and Hitman.
Not in the mood to play, I don’t know how to explain.
I have surprised myself by becoming completely engaged with Bayonetta on switch. Tried it briefly on the 360 and thought it was too ridiculous. Playing it now and despite being rubbish at it, I really like it. I should be playing Shadow of the tomb raider but I probably won’t.
I am Resident Evilling my behind off. Also finished Felix the Cat on NES with a friend yesterday.
I may find out the answer to the age old question of whether Red Dead Redemption 2’s story actually has an ending. Wish me luck.
If it does, I will get to start a new AAA game, and I’m debating between several including God of War, Spider-Man, The Witcher 3, or go back and try to finish Persona 5.
I have started Persona 4 Dancing All Night for my Vita distraction and I may just get in the mood for something else entirely.
But first up.... Mr Morgan’s redemption.
I just started Kingdom Hearts 3. I'm having fun with it.
Last save in spider-man, after that I'll replay it again to get challenge coins for the plat.
@Th3solution There is not a bad choice among the games you are considering next-all of them are absolute must play titles. Have fun!
Finished OwlBoy this morning then took a trip into town for lunch with the Mrs and went to see How to train your dragon 3. Will get proper stuck into Tales of Berseria tonight, 4 hours in and enjoying it so far!
Anyone have a recommendation between RDR2, Persona 5 or KH3? Im off til the 11th because of surgery. Right now im hurtin too much to do anything other than sit here unfortunately. Once the silicone stints come out of my nose i might be better off. If i could it would be AC7
Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm quite far into both games now, and the story has been great in them both lately. I'm eager to find out how their stories will be resolved, but it will take me a while longer to reach the ends of them.
Just finished the 4th Survivor (Hunk) on Resident Evil 2 so I fancied a change of pace and have been playing Ori and The Blind Forest, which is fantastic so far and shark hunting on Sea of Thieves. As for Switch it'll be Final Fantasy IX for some time by the looks of it, never played it before despite playing all of the others and I'm really enjoying it
Wow, I was oblivious to this, thanks so much buddy. Have a tip top weekend.
I finally hope to crack on with Kingdom Hearts 3.
Been also meaning to play through a few levels of Astro Bot again now that I have a Pro.
Anthem! When it’s not bugging out or crashing or loading it’s quite enjoyable so far. Haven’t played since the recent patch but it badly needs fixing if it wants to retain any sort of reasonable player base. I can see the potential in it for the future but I fear a poor launch will have cost it dearly, especially with s polished looking Division 2 around the corner. I’m also playing some Vampyr which I’ve enjoyed as a palette cleanser after the mammoth AC: Odyssey. The combat is pretty poor and boring but I’m enjoying the story and playing doctor 😜
Having a blast replaying For Honor again, first time.since my son was born! (He's 17months old now). Sewell as getting my second play through done on Resident Evil 2 remake (As Claire, as always Leon first).
Played some super mario galaxy on the Wii with my daughter earlier, I've never played it before but can see the appeal!! Brought the wii out of the attic this week and family played wii fit plus. Only mario kart connects with non-gamers the way that and wii sports do. Don't know why I ever put it up there. Played most of the campaign for titanfall 2 this week, it's brilliant!! Got a few recomendations to play from here a while ago, thanks!! Cant share that recomendation enough. Away to the pub and might try a bit of tipsy okami hd on switch later.
I'm still playing Dragon Quest XI, which I'm hoping to finish by tomorrow. I'm also playing Metro Exodus — the game is absolutely fantastic. There are some bugs, of course, but it's not taking away my experience.
Everybody’s golf
Anthem and Dirt Rally 2.0
I'm playing
Dissidia NT and Jump Force on the PS4
Halo 2: Anniversary on the XBOX ONE
and doing some more of the side stuff in Kingdom Hearts III on PS4, working towards that Platinum
Just started AC Odyssey and loving what I've played so far, so I'll be playing more of that and probably some Iron Banner in Destiny 2. Got an insane kill clip/rampage hand cannon roll from the forge DLC so hoping to pop some skulls with that!
@Frigate yup yup. Got the deluxe version, gave early access unlocked yesterday
Windows Phone:
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - I'm actually enjoying the tilt controls in this game so far.
Ridiculous Marathon - Almost done with this.
Xbox 360:
Unbound Saga - Decent Comix Zone clone.
I picked up farcry 5 in the sale along with soulblade 6. Not sure I get to these, still finishing off shadow of the tomb raider. Plus have god of war and spider-man in the backlog. But hey got some fun ahead of me
@carlos82 love FF9. Tell me, does the Switch version have simple 8 way analogue controls? I’m assuming it does as a port of the PS4 version (which is itself a port of the mobile version?)
The original PS1 version had full 360 degrees character movement and it was a fluid dream running round the environments. The PS4 version is so bad I literally can’t get through it. It might sound a bit OTT but it’s one of my favourite aspects of the original. If the Switch person is any better I’d pick it up for sure..but I’m guessing it isn’t.
Not much gaming for me, I’ve been out and about doing some bits and bobs, my girlfriends been hammering the Sims though.
Apex Legends, looks fun. BioShock Infinite, the spectacular Horizon Zero Dawn and some Street Fighter V.
Only 2 more Leon campaign S+ runs needed and I'll have basically done everything there is to do currently in RE2 remake. That and some KH3 most likely.
I'm playing NBA Live. With my kids I'm playing LEGO Incredibles and Injustice 2.
Only Vit D for me this weekend is in pill form - I binge-watched all of the excellent Spanish language drama, Elite on Netflix for most of yesterday, and today I've the Trials Rising open beta downloaded and ready to try. Might also play some axiom verge on my Vita too.
@Nyne11Tyme Persona 5 would be great if you have a Vita, as it lends itself well to remote play as well as big screen play, in case if you end up getting headaches sitting up for too long with your nose healing needs. Could personally recommend RDR2 and KH3 as well though. P5 and RDR2 are both huge time sinks (happy ones though!), so either are most ideally suited to a couple of weeks time off. I still need to go back and complete P5 as it's such a long one! ...feel better soon btw!
@MistressTonberry Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. Oh and just an excellent handle by the way!!😄
@Nyne11Tyme Haha thanks - I've always had a weird fondness for the Tonberries in FF games - they're just so creepy with their clothes and their kitchen knives, and yet also so adorable at the same time!
Playing Resi Evil 2 brilliant game, then going back to Kingdom Hearts 3 for a 2nd play through to platinum it. I'll be picking up Anthem at a later date there are so many good games to play until Anthem gets more content, and I've still not played Far Cry 5 & Dawn. Just picked up Far Cry 5 on sale & I'll pick up Dawn once I've finished Far Cry 5, by then it'll probably be cheaper too.
I'm finally getting around to playing the Frozen Wilds DLC. I haven't played Horizon since I finished the story a couple of weeks after launch.
@kyleforrester87 yeah it's just the 8 way controls, I suppose I'm luck in that regard that I never played the original. From the PS1 FFVIII was always my favourite but I do love the first disc of VII. I'm not far into this yet and have only just left the evil forest, it's good so far though
@MightyDemon82 great game. Hits the heart strings too. Poor guy gets bullied a lot. Actually can be quite sad and somber experience
This weekend was all about my PC, played some Pillars of Eternity, Conarium,Technobabylon, Raceroom, and Eurotruck. I also bought some new and really nice-looking adventure games, including the beautifully designed Iris.Falls, which I hope will land on consoles as well some day, it deserves a big reach.
@LobsterJohnson didn’t they do well?
@Riparcade2 Outstanding, gutted I missed most of the 2nd half lol.
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