It’s a tale as old as time itself: game is announced and then gets downgraded. How many times have we seen it this generation alone? Watch Dogs, The Division, ANTHEM… The list goes on and on and on. Days Gone is a rare case, then – a title that’s actually improved as it gets closer to launch, rather than take a step or ten backwards.
This video comparison showing various different builds of the undead open worlder demonstrates its progression through to launch. Not only do the textures and lighting improve, but so too does the colour palette – the whole thing “pops” much better in the latest build. Which is great, this is how it should be – kudos to creator Sony Bend.
Comments 40
Looks great, hopefully story + gameplay is top notch too.
Must be a byproduct of them having so long to polish it, right? Supposedly, the game was done months ago, it's just that Sony didn't want it releasing amongst all the noise at the end of last year and the beginning of this one.
I guess with that in mind you've also got to give props to Sony for giving the project time to breathe. I doubt many other big publishers would have done the same.
...but how are the puddles?
Great work Sony Bend! I hope all their efforts pays off.
Saw "Days Gone" and "Downgrade" and thought Here we go again lol
I love that Sony is willing to provide ample amounts of time to their studios for these games.
I didn't see any puddles though
Deacon probably just aged quite a bit while waiting for the game to finally release.
The lighting look off and poor so there is a significant downgrade from that video.
@magiphone May I recommend a visit to Specsavers?
@get2sammyb my eyes are fine, yours on the other hand ha ha..... I will wait to see it in the flesh on a 80" screen not a cribbed 1080p downsampled You Tube video.
I wonder if the 2016 was the base PS4 because it doesn't look to have the resolution of the others. 2018 though does look worse - maybe a 'downgrade' to get the frame rate up to scratch before it was better optimised? 2019 though certainly has sharper presentation but also better lighting on the whole and better material response to - the way light reacts to the material.
After earlier builds being shown, there has been some criticism about the frame rate, the dialogue etc - nothing that couldn't be fixed. Things have changed a bit over the time - with dialogue choice now removed. All I can say though is that the 2019 build is certainly looking impressive compared to the 2018 showing but there are certainly bits I preferred in some of the 2016 shots. I am not saying that the 2016 was 'better' because overall the 2019 shots are superior with better lighting etc - just that some 'minor' differences (like the missing blood splatter from both 2018 &19) would be my preference
Can't believe its nearly April already - how the year is flying past and soon my pre-order will be installing...
Its actually very impressive.
Still you cant fight against the horde of internet freakers looking for downgrades (in some scenes or some trees?) like in some comments above.
Puddlegate is so old
Bloodgate ftw
@magiphone I got to play it on a 4K television at a recent event. Looked stunning in person!
Super excited for this.
@get2sammyb good man now, that's more like it. I just thought the video shown had improved lighting in the earlier builds. Hopefully a TV pushing 1500 nits will should improved results.
Really noticeable... not long now to my spring hibernation...
Looks like the protagonist's beard has also grown thicker
Judging by the video above, if Sony Bend were rushed to get the game out, I feel it would've released looking like the Alpha footage from the GameInformer coverage.
Would have lost a lot of the nice visual touches present in the recent gameplay.
Unlike others company, sony doesn't do downgrade
In the reveal I saw a squirrel in a tree but now it moved to another tree. I think the first tree underwent a technical downgrade.
Hopefully Sony next gen will do the same and wait and let the studio and fellow other studios make great games it's worked this gen let's hope they can capitalise on that again. Microsoft will be a little bit more or a threat next gen but that's if they can use there new bought studios properly
@JJ2 Or, depending on the tree, the squirrel got an upgrade.
In my opinion this game will be fun enough but it’ll come, go and have no lasting impact.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets word up son
@kyleforrester87 who cares if it doesn't have will be a great game and metacritic at 90.word up son
@playstation1995 word up indeed.
@JJ2 I thought the road was softer and in a smoother condition in the first showing - now it looks more cracked and older, a lot rougher too as if its deteriorated - that road has been downgraded....
great news.
but ofcourse non PS owners will still scream downgrade just because it's an exclusive.
oh well so be it,this game will be awesome even if it's a "smaller" exclusive and not on everybody's radar.
@kyleforrester87 It's like gaming comfort food so I don't think you're far off the mark at all. I do like the survival horror spin on the established Far Cry formula, though.
Looks like Sony has hidden Sekiro behind the scenes on the store and put this at the forefront. They don't want people spending their money on Sekiro or something, they'd rather consumers bought Days Gone I'm suspecting.
@TheArt of course Sony will want to market their own game over a third party game on their online store.
@kyleforrester87 days gone will be a B++ or B+ exclusive like infamous second son and ratchet and clank and the last guardian.every PlayStation exclusive won’t be A or A+ like god of war and the last of us.
None of these examples are gameplay scenes. Yes, it is all in engine cutscenes, but as we know those can look better than actual gameplay as they bump up the graphics during them. Show me gameplay then vs now instead.
@get2sammyb he is right... Lighting effects have had a massive downgrade since 2016... Look at 1st pic in video when they're on their bikes...
@Gumbopudding Maybe if you opened your eyes and watched the recently released game play videos, 3 of them by the way, you would see straight away there are upgrades in terms of gameplay, framerate and graphics.
Funny I always see you in Days Gone threads trying to turn people off with negative posts, it aint going to work champ.
@Gamer4Lyfe How is being honest about THIS video showing only cutscenes to show improvements negative? Don't tell me a gameplay then vs now done just like this video wouldn't be more impressive.
You seem to think im trying to turn people off with negativity. I want true game play comparisons not cutscenes. I want to know how the game actually plays and feels, not story trailers. I honestly don't understand why anybody would NOT want that.
What you don't get is I really want this to be a great game. But I need more than trailers because we all have seen how many games don't live up to the hype.
Maybe it’s because I just watched it on my phone but it just looks like different times of day/conditions to me. If you played the same scene at different times it’s going to be lit different.
Looks good regardless and I look forward to playing it.
I’m predicting a 8/10 review score from you guys. A solid AAA w/ great visuals, addictive gameplay loop, and no glaring bugs or patches needed.
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