As you can see from the image embedded above, Devil May Cry 5's microtransactions are now live on PlayStation 4. You can access the pictured page from the game's main menu, or you can get to it through the PlayStation Store.
So, what's for sale? Well, honestly, not much, and that's probably a good thing. Back when it was confirmed that microtransactions would be a factor in Devil May Cry 5, there was instant speculation over whether Capcom would fill the thing with grinding so that you'd be pushed towards spending real money, but going by what's available right now, it's nothing too nefarious.
We've got blue orbs and red orbs up for grabs. Blue orbs are collected in order to obtain permanent health boosts, while red orbs are used to buy in-game skills and ability upgrades.
There's only one option when buying red orbs, and that's to buy them 100,000 of them at a time. That's actually a sizeable amount.
There are three options for blue orbs: you can buy one, three, or five of them. That equates to one, three, or five extra health segments. We're not sure if there's any limit to how much health you can actually have in Devil May Cry 5, but it'd be a bit weird if you're able to buy a crazy amount of these things in order to make your characters borderline invincible. Is it pay to win? Well, Devil May Cry 5's a single-player game, so... We guess not? We're not gonna tell you how to spend your money.
Anyway, that's what's on offer right now. Unless Capcom's stealth-patched red orb gain since we reviewed Devil May Cry 5, you get a pretty generous amount of orbs throughout the campaign. We played the whole thing twice and ended up with more than enough.
What do you make of this? Spill some orbs in the comments section below.
Comments 27
Honestly expected worse (even though the game itself is balanced fine).
They did the same kind of microtransactions for the DMC4 release on PS4, and that's a game that was never developed with them in mind. For that reason I doubt I have any reason to worry and have no intention of buying any. Let's face it, considering how much time I'll probably spend with the game, I'm most likely going to end up with more red orbs than I could ever use.
Micro transactions you say? Sold! Do I need to own the main game to buy these or can I download them separately?
The balance of the game sounds unaffected, so I'm fine with these kinds of mtx!
All the reviews I've seen say more than enough orbs to power up, this just seems for those who want to power up quick etc
Tempted by the 100,000 red orbs, but I'm going to wait for a physical release.
Are these merely one time purchases (well, the Blue Orbs definitely are since there's a finite amount of health you can upgrade), because if so I think it's safe to say there's no meddling with the game's balance since otherwise Capcom would want you to keep buying them again and again. I mean, I am playing right now so I already can tell there's no meddling but this would serve as solid proof for those who are skeptical.
its free to play of course isnt it wait no then sorry you can take a long walk of a short cliff
Definitely just for those strange people who want everything from the get go, rather than having to actually play the game and earn those orbs. Having a blast just unlocking stuff as i go along. V is awesome!
Can you get the Megaman arm and the Pasta Breaker in the game without the deluxe edition?
@kyleforrester87 providing comedy gold as always, I see 😂😂😂
I’m actually tempted to buy an XBox One X just to see those orbs in the most detailed way possible 😂
@ShogunRok these seem quite pointless and somehow the game appears to be balanced properly so I don't really know what to think. I do have one question, I haven't bought it yet but saw my friends steelbook today and on the case it suggested that there is online play up to 3 players, what's all that about?
As long as getting orbs in the main game isn't too tedious, then I can easily not worry about these microtransactions.
They have no place being in DMC5. Whether they're intrusive or not, microtransactions do not belong in a $60 game.
@RBMango Facts, its funny what people will let slide when its a game franchise they like.
There should be no micro transactions at all, gamers let this slide and they will continue to slowly see how far they can push it.
@carlos82 So there's a kind-of-co-op component in that you'll sometimes see other players (sometimes a replay of their actions) playing as other characters during certain missions. Usually you'll see them in a different part of the level.
There are select instances where you can actually be paired up with other players for what is essentially a co-op session, but I've only ever encountered that once in two and a half playthroughs.
Worth noting that there are no invitations or anything like that — you can't just get other people to play with you. It all seems to be fairly random.
Cool, the Deluxe Edition contents are available for purchase. I'll buy the Standard Edition at some point when the price drops. Regarding the alternate color costumes can you unlock them in-game or can you only get them if you pre-ordered the game?
I can't help but feel a little agitated at the double standards of some people regarding microtransactions. If this was for a different game published by EA, Bethesda or Rockstar then there'd most certainly be a lot more negativity.
@Gremio108 Ah i understand you want the steelcase version with a statue ofcourse. 👍
So this is for the people your rather not play the game?
I don't buy MTA but to be fair they are pennies considering the price of some others I've seen in the past. GTA's shark cards etc.
Yeah I reviewed this for our site and you absolutely don't need to buy any of this. You get more than enough red orbs and if you really want there is an easy spot in the game where you can get enough orbs for everything in the game in just a couple hours.
The deluxe edition content is just more of a neat extra. I liked the Mega buster and the live action cutscenes are neat but nothing you really need.
Considering you can farm around 5 million orbs in about an hour I don't see Capcom making much money out of this, if any.
well i got to the end and had nearly every ability for every character and never once had to buy any of the MTX's so yeah it doesn't affect the game at all
@ApostateMage If it was EA every gaming YouTube channel would be roasting them.
@Splat @ApostateMage the difference here is that the game hasn't been designed to fleece players of money like say EA are, DMC5 is playable without having to need any of them where as a game like say BF2 when it came out nearly everything was locked away unless you wanted to put in 60 hours to unlock one character
that game was made to get you to buy MTX's this game wasn't they are completely 100% optional
in other words it's not that a game has MTX's but HOW they are implemented
Somebody who played before the micro can you test to see if gain rate has be stealth nerfed?
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