From Software's latest action title is almost upon us, with only one week to go until launch. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is looking very good indeed, and promises to provide a different, but still demanding, experience from the Japanese studio. The PlayStation 4 trophy list for the game has now emerged online, too, giving us a glimpse at what to expect.
You may not want to click that link if you're planning on going in fresh, as the hidden trophies are laid bare, revealing the names of all the bosses you'll be facing on your Sengoku Japan adventure. Needless to say, there are a decent number of them. The list also serves as a reminder that Sekiro is set to feature multiple endings, meaning you'll probably need to play through the story several times to see everything and earn that Platinum.
Will you be aiming for 100 per cent completion in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice? Resurrect in the comments below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 18
Definitely picking this game up and will definitely be platinum it, with Far Cry 5, Devil May Cry 5, The Division 2, plus a few older games to finish off the Platinum, I'll be busy.
@NintendoFan4Lyf It depends what it is. Stuff like the names of bosses in Sekiro doesn't bother me too much, as there's still so much that's unknown. If we were talking big story spoilers or something, that would be disappointing, but it happens from time to time when you're always on the lookout for new information.
On topic, I'm really looking forward to Sekiro! I'll probably try for the Platinum but I don't know if my skill will take me that far
I just want to ply this game already
Seems like an easy Platinum. Just gotta play the game which I am just fine with. I hate it when a platinum trophy is dang near impossible cuz the devs would do something like beat the game on insane BS difficulty without getting hit a single time, jumping only twice, and you must deal the final blow while in the air with your weakest weapon equipped
game of the year metacritic 99.word up sekiro son
"The list also serves as a reminder that Sekiro is set to feature multiple endings, meaning you'll probably need to play through the story several times to see everything and earn that Platinum"
It's all about them cloud saves
Im playing through dark souls remastered atm, i haven't died one time!
Ive died 157 times.....
Exactly what I did with Bloodborne.
Uploaded to cloud at a few key points and within no time at all I had done all endings.
No plat for me though lol
Nah, I am all about milking every ounce of gameplay out of my FromSoftware titles. I played through Bloodborne maybe 4 times in total over a period of maybe a year and I have contemplated creating a new account and hunting the platinum again 🙃
For sure won’t be doing multiple play through. Really don’t like that in a lot of games. Just tried going through for the Nier platinum I stopped a few hours into 9S.
Looking forward to this big time. When’s the review embargo lifted?
@Dodoo I don’t think there is one as no review copies are being sent out.
That's not a multiple play though when you're 9s. You haven't even beaten the game yet! Haha
@Constable_What got back through to Adam again I think it was. Hasn’t been different enough that I feel like playing it now. Maybe later on when it’s faded in my memory a bit
@Jaz007 correct
@jly1987 Second "playthrough" is 9s's perspective. It's important to the story.
Third is completely different. The story is not over.
@Constable_What yeah I get that. What I’m saying is that right now, with the limited time I have to play stuff and everything coming out, playing from 9S perspective is not different enough yet for me to want to play through it. When I have more free time and I’m looking for something to play in between games I’ll come back to it. Maybe I’ll shoot fornthe plat. Not sure
@Skywalker1080p I did the same.... then finished the game 3 times more 100% each time.
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