I remember prior to the release of PlayStation VR there was a lot of chatter on this site in particular that Sony would scrap the headset like previous platforms should it fall short of expectations. To be fair, the organisation’s track record isn’t great: the EyeToy was prematurely given the boot, opening the market for Microsoft’s more advanced Kinect; the PS Move motion controllers – despite later becoming a pivotal part of the PSVR experience – were largely left to die on the PlayStation 3; and the PS Vita, for many, still stings.
But last week’s State of Play presentation attracted criticism for one major reason: for some outspoken social media users, there was too much PSVR. I really think the Japanese giant deserves credit for the way it’s managed the headset, because there have been several occasions now where it’s completely reloaded the device’s roster of software, and given owners plenty to look forward to. And the next three months look utterly outstanding for virtual reality.
Next week sees the anticipated arrival of Falcon Age, a first-person adventure game that finds you befriending a bird and working alongside your wingman [Pun intended – Ed] to protect your historic land from calculating colonisers. Then there’s the whimsical Ghost Giant a few days later – an all-new original title from Zoink Games which aims to depict the feelings of loneliness. And later in the month, Jupiter & Mars – the spiritual successor to Ecco the Dolphin – will smack you in the feels once more.

Meanwhile, third-party titles like the mysterious Golem and side-scroller Star Child are still in production, while Sony has partnered with Hello Games to port one of the most requested titles of all-time to PSVR: the ever-evolving No Man’s Sky. But it’s not just external outfits that are propping up the platform: the platform holder itself is busy building on the success of last year’s Astro Bot Rescue Mission, with its own Japan Studio collaborating with Clap-Hanz on Everybody’s Golf VR.
But it’s the likes of Blood & Truth and Marvel’s Iron Man VR that are really exciting me. While I haven’t had a chance to play them myself, I’ve been poring over some of the previews, and the general consensus appears to be that these are true second wave experiences. Whereas the likeable but limited London Heist demo showed narrative-driven, action movie promise – it sounds like London Studio is really realising all of that potential with its latest playful project.
And while it may not have shown well during State of Play, there was no chance that Camouflaj’s take on Tony Stark was going to disappoint with both Sony and Marvel Games overseeing the project. Early impressions are that Marvel’s Iron Man VR is superb, and it’s nothing like the bland shooting gallery that its first trailer teased. No, instead we’re talking about a story-driven sandbox game laden with set-pieces that would belong in a full-blown superhero game.

Of course, this article even ignores a handful of titles that I’m just going to list out to demonstrate the sheer depth of PSVR software on the way: Dreams, Five Nights at Freddy’s VR: Help Wanted, Mini-Mech Mayhem, Trover Saves the Universe, Vacation Simulator, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, and more. I genuinely think that PSVR has a better lineup of software than any other system over the next three months – and I’m not just talking virtual reality devices here. Hype!
Have you been impressed with the way that Sony has handled PSVR since launch? Which of the headset’s upcoming titles are you most looking forward to? Enter a different dimension in the comments section below.
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Comments 56
2019 is very much the year of Switch and PSVR.
Problem is if you arent into VR, or cant use it (hope those are remedied with future versions, id very much like to try), then the PS4 is very much on end of life autopilot. Great games but not a lot exciting or truly breathtaking. Just ride the wave of good games.
And on the other side only 32m people or so have a Switch so ya know...thats not gonna appeal to everyone either.
Long and short, Xbox One didnt have a year to shine did it?
Now if I can only find a pair of Move Controllers...!
@Knuckles-Fajita Microsoft said that 2017 was the year of the Scorpio and to feel true power then it came out we saw how well that turned out all that power and no games
'PS4 is very much on end of life autopilot. Great games but not a lot exciting or truly breathtaking. Just ride the wave of good games.'
The device has definitely been worth the money. What I appreciate is that we’ve mostly moved past the “tech demo” and “experience” stages and are starting to get some truly fleshed out games.
Have you tried Amazon in the US?
For what its worth my advice is start with a game that you don't move about in. Job Simulator, Star Trek Bridge Crew and Super Hot are good choices. Then maybe try something with a bit of movement but not too fast Astrobot for example. I'd stay away from racing games until you've built up a tolerance. And if you dont enjoy smooth movement in games like Farpoint you can change to more comfortable options in most games.
I'd also suggest only playing for an hour or two at a time to start with. If you do start feeling hot or dizzy, listen to what your body is telling you and have a break. Dont power through, you'll only feel worse for it.
And lastly, it might sound silly but tell yourself your gonna be fine with it. If you tell yourself your gonna feel sick after playing VR you probably will.
Hope some of that helps.
@Shepherd_Tallon I have awful motion sickness. Fortunately there are games which should not bother you too much I can list a few if you want? Astrobot inparticular is a game which helps you get into the moderately nauseating games (as it has a slow forward motion).
The key I found is make sure you are perfectly lined up with the camera. No one ever mentions this but make sure you are slap bang in the middle of the display area. That helps 300%.
PSVR is a win. Astrobot is the best game I have played in years.
No mention at the BAFTAS tonight. What a joke.
Damn straight! Love my PsVR. VR is the real "next gen" of gaming. Ps5 and Nextbox are just prettier versions of this gen and last.
@JJ2 The end of life autopilot is when we have seen what a system can do, and we know whats coming. No more surprises, the next system is on the horizon, what comes will be good, but not earth shattering.
i hate PS VR so far after tried it once at my friend's house
Sony's done a terrible job with it. No Knack VR? Come on...
I'll get it eventually when there's another good sale. If it gets enough games, it'll be easy to justify the cost, as it'll be like buying another console.
Haha I disagree very much!
The best is still to come and literally Earth Shattering
@ResidentEvil2 Which game did you try?
Tetris Effect!!!
I've literally been waiting decades(yes I'm old) for a good home VR experience. I didn't want to put out the money for 1-2 games to enjoy then watch the system fail so I've been patiently waiting for psvr to grow. I think it's now hit that tipping point where there is enough games I want to play on it. Looks like it's time to dive in.
@Knuckles-Fajita I'd say the Xbox One shined in 2015. Not saying the PS4 had a bad 2015, but it's biggest game, Uncharted 4, got delayed until 2016. Plus a lot of the "big" PS4 games of that year were remakes or ports. Meanwhile, Xbox users got:
Ignoring Mario Maker and Bloodborne, I think I spent the most time on Microsoft exclusives that year... which might be the only year I could say that! Forza, Ori, and Tomb Raider kept me quite busy that holiday season!
@Gumbopudding I too am leaning toward finally picking one up. I start my full-time job this summer so as soon as I see a good sale I might crack down and get one. For some reason VR golf seems awesome to me!
PSVR isn't really my cup of tea, but I am glad that Sony have supported the system well. For that, I consider the State of Play to be a positive, as they clearly aren't done with it by a longshot.
I’m beyond excited for practically all the games in this article. It’s an insane lineup.
@Gumbopudding You’re going to love it. Lots of great affordable games on the PS Store too!
@get2sammyb well I have 2 already from psn+, rush of blood and starblood arena I think they are called. Added them to my library just in case I ever got a psvr. Now eyeballing the astrobot psvr box set they have here.
By all means, if you're old as you say, get the ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission bundle.
Start with that game & you'll be instantly amazed.
@Knuckles-Fajita does Dreams count as being on end of life autopilot?
@get2sammyb Resident Evil 7
Can’t complain about the PSVR and all the great support from Sony. I still don’t have the device, but it has many games already that I would love to play.
I'd still love to try RE7 in VR, but can't justify $300-400 on the headset for 1 game, with its current limitations AND PS5 around the corner.
Here we go again. Good old war lists. No seriously I don't get people saying 2015 wasn't great. (edit scracht that,. I edited my list out. Google it and don't you forget Rocket league haha) etc.
Come on
'2015 WaSnT GrEaT for ps4' is one of the most ridiculous non sense BS of this console war generation.
Plus dissing ps4 remasters but naming Gears and Rare replay?
@themcnoisy I know, Astrobot ignored was an outrage.
@lacerz I don't live in the US unfortunately. They seem to be incredibly rare here in Europe. Sometimes I see an offer on Amazon or another big retailer, but they seem to be gone within minutes. Not to mention that they're usually around €80-100.
Not outstanding, but definitely great.
Outstanding would be asking their best studios to make games for it. A god of War VR game could work.
@Shepherd_Tallon tips for motion sickness
Wear it often and you will push through...I got woefully motion sick after Rigs and drift challenges on Drive Club vr one night, but I came back and now flat games don't excite me any more.. Only play vr for 2 weeks in short sessions and you'll be grand
Like others say play Astro bot then come back and comment. The game is amazing in every way, Sony deserve the praise for PSVR.
Sony's upcoming PSVR games list is impressive - they should really have called it "State of Play: PSVR Edition" - considering they've sold only 4.2m compared to 92m PS4, that's only 5% of the base, which seems pretty low for a peripheral. For comparison 100m Wii had 32m Balance Boards, and they only worked with a couple of games. Though price is obviously a large part of that.
But it is impressive Sony isn't giving up as they usually do - the article neglected to mention the $500 32" 3D display. How many 3D games where there besides Motorsport? I can't think of 1.
They will need to do better for PSVR 2. Less wires. No breakout box. Higher resolution. Less bulky heavy headset, bring on the Geordi Laforge visors. And improved Move controllers - just copy the Joycon and be done with it. And start officially adding monthly PSVR games into PS+, they have enough at this point.
PS5 and PSVR 2 could get them over the top for VR sales. They're just going to have to watch how they stagger the launches. PS5 in March 2020 and PSVR 2 holiday 2020 would probably be their best bet, but that's looking unlikelier with each passing day.
I don't live in the UK, but I order all my 3D Blu-rays from Amazon's UK store. I usually save about $10 a movie, and get free Prime shipping to the U.S. (although not in 2 days). From what I saw, you can get a pair of Moves for about £66. Not sure about Euros.
This is "bulk packaging", so it won't come in a box or anything fancy. And you'll need a charging/pairing cable, which is the PS3 kind, not the PS4 variety.
My mom wanted to buy an entire PS4/PSVR system after I showed her the VR add-on to Star Wars Battlefront (the first one). She was that impressed by the experience. What's available now is insane...and wonderful!
Gran Turismo 5 is a blast in 3D, but I don't know of any others.
So annoying when people compare PSVR sales to PlayStation 4. I see it all the time. It's not the same thing man.
Obviously you have to have a PS4 just to get PSVR so its a huge investment. Not to mention camera, Moves controllers etc. Also, many people simply can't play VR for whatever reasons.
This is PSVR1 not PSVR4 it's still building a market. Even the original PlayStation was 5th generation. This is Gen 1 for VR.
Oh and the PS4 has been out for over 5 years. PSVR a little over 2 years. It's a ridiculous comparison.
@lacerz Gran Turismo 5
Thanks. I assumed there had to be more for them to release their own display, just couldn't think of any. Racing games aren't really my thing.
Funny almost related story - I bought my PSVR headset bundled w/ GT Sport. I tried playing it once but the game put my head on the driver backwards so all I could see was my seat headrest and a little out the sides when I turned my head. I traded the game in for $17 after that. Helped defray the cost of the tax on my $200 PSVR bundle.
@JJ2 Jeez, I didn't say the PS4 had a bad year or wasn't great. It's just everyone is so quick to jump on the "Xbox is trash" bandwagon and not pay respects to the good games it offers. It's just my opinion, no need to get so defensive over me thinking the Xbox had one single year that was slightly better than PS4.
I'm not defensive,. You seem to be apparently.
I'm just questioning your opinion since you go on about remasters and port and uncharted 4 delay.
I don't even care of Xbox.
Why would I even care of comparison? It's highly subjective on the type of games you like.
2015 was a great year for ps4 is the point you seemed to question. That is all
@rjejr "Thanks. I assumed there had to be more for them to release their own display, just couldn't think of any. Racing games aren't really my thing."
There were actually loads of 3D games. I bought most of them. Some excellent games came out with 3D support. I'd list them here but it would be too long.
@ResidentEvil2 Were you just too scared? Because the VR implementation was exceptional. If not I imagine your complaint is either that of the usual poor resolution, small FOV, ergonomics, too much wires, poor control methods, inaccurate tracking, form factor etc. which are obvious flaws which can be fixed in the near future as technology and hardware continue to advance. Potential of VR is undeniable.
@Dange I agree with you but people will always look for a way to put something down. And considering there's not much gone wrong with PSVR, that's the only thing to cling to.
@SoulChimera Wow thanks, that's a pretty impressive list. I actually own a bunch of them.
I guess the thing w/ 3D was, much like HDR, people don't remember which games supported it b/c many did but it wasn't that big of a deal b/c judging from that list there weren't' really any that REQUIRED 3D, much like how the 3DS games all play on the 2DS. So no matter how many games supported 3D, since there were never any that really required 3D, there was less reason for people to purchase a $500 32" display. And I always got the impression it didn't sell very well at $400, $300 or $200 either, seemed like once a month the price dropped until they quickly disappeared. I looked into buying 1 for about a year but besides the size and the price there always seemed to be technical problems as well.
I love the VR headset (granted I look like Robocop when I put it on). The games are fantastic (not all, but most) and I still find myself playing Astro Bot, Moss, Playstation VR Worlds, Doom, Rigs, The Inpatient and Until Dawn Rush Of Blood quite often. The only thing that sony needs to do, is bring more to the table with the retailers. As there are some great games out there on the download side, many consumers don't see that, they only see what's available on the retail side, which means there should be more and more released for it, even if it's quick-tie-in titles...just make it look like it's still getting the fantastic support it is. Other than that, I wish that they'd also make some games for it that I've been waiting for, or think that would do good for it. Here's the list that I could see with them making:
Sports Champions 1-2, Eye Pet, Kung Fu Rider, Carnival Island (yeah, basically bring the Move games back into existence), Medieval Moves, Sorcery...even a Wonderbook-type Harry Potter game (the money seems to be there with Harry Potter)...also, Lemmings, Little Big Planet (would look great in VR) and one that wouldn't be made by Sony, but by Sega...Super Monkey Ball. Honestly, there's many that could be released, and the old Move games could get a second chance instead of letting those franchises die out. I've still been waiting for some decent sports titles to get the support too, rather than just quick tie-ins. MLB The Show would look great in a VR version and Basketball, Football, Hockey, Tennis, Golf (granted we're getting Everybody's Golf, but a need for a realistic one) and even Volleyball would look fantastic with first-person view!
@Shepherd_Tallon VR sickness tip, buy a bunch of anti nausea and pop a pill 15 min before hopping in. Then why your are getting used to the motion, you aren't really even feeling the motion sickness. I also recommend starting with Skyrim since it is slow and very time consuming. The idea is to play a game you will spend a lot of time in without going too fast, so you can adjust before you play faster games. Might be other good games to do that but Skyrim is the first that comes to mind. RE7 might be another good one but I think the sickness prevention in that game is nowhere near as good as Skyrim.
@Shepherd_Tallon just saw you had trouble with Skyrim. I should add, the best thing to do is avoid smooth turning. Use 30 degree angle snap turning. It's weird at first but you get used to it. Smooth turning will SMACK you in the face haha.
Also turn on the FOV filter as high as possible. It limits your peripheral view so things aren't flying past you. You only see what you are walking toward. Along with some anti nausea, you shouldn't need the teleportation movement. Direct movement should be fine.
Also good to use Move controllers. They will slow you down compared to the DS4, so you won't be moving full speed right away. You will have to stop and think about how to do actions, which helps pace you.
@lacerz That's just a single move controller if I'm not mistaken. The twin pack is £123.99, which is a bit too pricey for my liking. I really wish they made more of them, or reduced their price, because this is just silly at this point.
Those are bulk items sold as a single unit for $45. Up the quantity to two and you’re looking at 90 USD or 66 GBP.
@Shepherd_Tallon If no-one's mentioned it yet, I find that standing up helps in a game where your moving (such as Resi, Farpoint), whereas I find it fine to sit down for games like astrobot and driving games - probably just fooling the brain but it helped me and a friend of mine who got really sick sitting down playing Farpoint...
I wasnt impressed with Skyrim in vr but then again im not fussed with doom probably to do with the weird controls using psmove other than that oh wow VR is amazing beat sabre and astrobot, need to try moss too
Geez I sure would love a PSVR. If I ever win some pick a console sweepstakes, I know what I want!
@Shepherd_Tallon after a month or so of dipping in and out of vr all of a sudden I got my vr legs. Now long sessions are completely comfortable. I think it's just a matter of time and patience. It's worth the wait.
Great idea thinking ahead!
Gamestop has a pretty good bundle right now though controllers are needed for many games
It really helps to put a fan in front of you while playing. It does 2 things. One, it helps cool you as overheating can make you feel nauseous. Two, it give you constant sense of direction that helps with disorientation.
Don't try to force your way through though. The longer you feel sick, the worse it gets. Take a break every time you start to feel off
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