Can you believe it’s April already? We’re struggling to wrap our head around it as well. It does mean, of course, that the sun is starting to shine brighter – even if the weather is still pretty cold. Not that we’ll be feeling it, as we’ll be staying indoors playing games. Here’s what will be keeping us busy this weekend.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I'm waiting on some review codes to arrive so while I'm really eager to start Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, I think I'm going to have to hold off for the time being. Instead, I'm just going to keep working my way through NBA 2K19 I think.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I’m nearing the final stretch in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, so I’ll be attempting to make some decent progress this weekend. However, my attention turns to the fast and furious Dangerous Driving as I gear up for my review.
Christian Kobza, Contributor
Now that Yoshi's Crafted World is crossed off my list, I'll be spending this weekend snuggled up with some MLB The Show 19. I can't wait to get into it after taking the last two years off from the franchise.
Graham Banas, Contributor
With the end of the NHL season drawing near, and my team, the Colorado Avalanche, having secured a playoff berth, I have hockey on the mind, and will probably wind up playing even more NHL 19 than I already do, which is no small feat.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Still excited about the upcoming Borderlands 3 I will be diving in Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition on PS4. It's been years since I played this game and I am looking forward to all the QOL improvements. I also plan to squeeze in a bit of the original Star Wars Battlefront II on Xbox One.
Quite a short but sweet WAYP from us this week, but we're expecting the comments section to be larger than ever. What are you playing this weekend? Get to it in the comments section below.
Comments 56
Devil May Cry 5 (PS4) and The Division 2 (Xbox One)
The Division 2 and Borderlands GoTY most likely. Simple
path of exile and the surge.word ☝ up son.
Some GTAV, a lot of RDR2, AC Odyssey. I want to play SFV but its close to 20GB archaic update structure is holding me back. The only game that updates the entire game each time.
Keep playing Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. I never played it before.
Dangerous driving!
My copy just arrived
"Robot: One! Uglies: Zerooo!"
Borderlands 2.
Just finished sekiro, and still playing mlb 19 the show
Windows Phone:
FIFA 15: Ultimate Team - Offline only now as EA has shuttered the servers.
Bubble Guriko - Still messing around with the Bubble Bobble wannabe.
Windows Store:
Zombies!!! - Still watching my Let's Play.
@Gatatog played borderlands and loved it back in 2009 I believe. Should I get game of the year edition?
The Division 2, FAR: Lone sails, FIFA 19, AC Odyssey and F1 2018.
On my PS4 it will be an assortment of Indie games: Shift Quantum, Road to Ballhalla, X-Morph Defense, Slime-san, Horizon Chase Turbo and more. Tonnes of fun in small packages.
I upgraded my PC today, and I'm eager to discover the improvements to my racing and driving games. So I´ll be testing out a whole bunch of games this weekend: American Truck Sim, Bus Simulator 18, RaceRoom, Dirt Rally 2, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Grip, rFactor 2, Euro Truck 2, and probably a few more.
I was hoping I was going to be playing Zanki Zero today as I had an email yesterday to say it had been dispatched early so I'm quite disappointed it hasn't turned up.Oh well,what I WILL be playing is..
Final Fantasy XII
Far Cry New Dawn
Assassins Creed Origins
Yoshi's Crafted World
Mostly Final Fantasy XIV, but I'll also be starting up Phantasy Star.
@Bonbonetti If you are using Windows 10, there is a free version of Forza Motorsport 6 on the Windows Store that you may want to try and test out on your rig!
Ni no Kuni 2.
At first I wasn't a huge fan of the changes they made, but it's now grown on me. Love the combat and castle management.
I still think the first one looked 10 times more... magical, though.
I'm hugely enjoying the Division 2. Just hit level 30 and have the last stronghold to complete before moving to World Tier 1.
Going to play the next case in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations. Also got a few crystals left to get in Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back, and I'll hang out with the adorable Trico in The Last Guardian. And I'm still playing Persona 5 as well.
Final Fantasy IX via my PS Vita (first time playing; I really like these characters!) and Poochy and Yoshi's Wooly World on my 3DS (the unlockable movies are simply the cutest things I've ever seen).
@Mgene15 The guys here did a review https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/borderlands_game_of_the_year_edition
Give that a read and see what you think because personally I think it depends how much you enjoyed it first time. The remaster has a lot of Borderlands 2's quality of life changes and generally improves the gameplay experience, but in terms of content (from what I've seen so far) its pretty much the same game as back in 2009. If you never played the DLC though, it does include all of that, which was all a lot of fun even in the original release.
Taking a break from gaming for the weekend. Too much homework.
Since completing RDR2, I have really struggled to fill that gap so Rocket League has been my gaming nirvana for the past couple of weeks.
Making good progress in God of war. I'm absolutely loving it so far, just worried I'm getting a bit strong for the enemy's and it's getting a little easy. Still I can go 1 harder level if I need to. Other than that I'm loving the new Alcatraz map on blackout, got 4 wins and 3 second place yesterday , some of which were played with randoms.
PS4- Dead or Alive 6, Tekken 7, Fist of the North Star, and Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Switch- Mario Tennis Aces, Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu, SNK Heroines, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
I just ordered MLB the show 12, 13 and 14 and hatsune miku project diva F 2nd for my psvita so I’ll be trying those once I get them. Until than I’m playing street fighter X tekken and dragon’s crown on my psvita, dragon quest builders on switch and borderlands the handsome collection and steep on my ps4.
After finally getting the prey plat last weekend. I can finally move on to my backlog, which includes Wolfenstein 2 and shadow or mordor. Possibly some ESO
More Kingdom Hearts 3. Loving it so far. And so very pretty.
Spiderman and loving it!
the surge is a great game.im having a lot of fun with this game.its hard but fun.im used to playing really hard games.word up son
@Link41 Wow, awesome, thanks for telling me ! downloading and installing as I write this
Is the show 18 still worth picking up as it's on sale on the PSN store.
Tonight is the night I'm finally going to play....
I can't put it off any longer and my to buy list is getting longer. Will also be grabbing a quick game on Soul Calibur 6.
I'm playing Astro Bot on my new PSVR and already having more fun with it than Sekiro.
Just Sekiro and dying more than twice.
Bloodborne, especially because I finally managed to get "The Old Hunters" expansion.
Still riding the Borderlands 3 hype train so I'm mostly playing BL2 but might find some time for a DMC4 Bloody Palace run with Trish.
Can anyone help? Is the all star edition of the show worth the extra £3?
Gotta do some landscaping so not much. Maybe a couple hours of RE2
Dangerous Driving, it arrived early.
After 4 hours of playing think I’m going blind 😐
The Division 2. I never thought I'd be so hoocked to this game. It's just so full of ideas, content, clever gameplay and progression. A masterpiece, really. A strong contender for game of the year, in my opinion.
Path of Exile...Sekiro...Pure Pool...
Word. down. daughter...
@Bobobiwan I agree word up son
@McGuit sekiro is a masterpiece word up son
Assassin's Creed Origins and Dirt Rally.
@Ralizah where you up to? Great memories blitzing 9 back in the day. Sigh!
@kyleforrester87 Just arrived at Lindblum, so still pretty early on. Loving the character banter so far.
@Ralizah yeah they are a real breath of fresh air, the translation is excellent too. The story plods a bit in points later on but it’s a cracker all the way to the credits tbh.
What's up guys, this weekend I'm continuing my progress on Bioshock Infinite.
I just recently earned the platinum, playing in 1999 mode and never purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill machine was a pretty fun challenge.
I'm now going through the first DLC, Clash in the Clouds, which is basically a hoarde mode across 4 different maps. It's pretty fun, but I'm more looking forward to starting the Burial at Sea 1 and 2 DLC since they are additional story content.
Late to the party but playing Hyrule Warriors on Switch while away and oddly missing Sekiro.
Far: Lone Sails interesting game!
Spent the last 5 hours or so getting stuck into Sekiro. Making real progress now and the game has become a lot easier now that I understand it. Really enjoying it and it's already one of my favourite games this gen even though I haven't finished it yet.
Those "aha" moments when you realise how the world and all of its areas are interconnected are genius.
I see a lot of people mentioning AC Oddysey. Ill play some of that too , Hitman 2 and PES2019 coop
Back from a wedding so I might just try to hunt down some hunters in Division 2. Pretty knackered
Borrowed Yoshi from a work colleague and it's great fun so I'll be jumping between that and Assassin's Creed Odyssey whilst hoping Gearbox can restore my 100 or so golden keys that magically vanished a few days ago
Graceful Explosion machine and Alwas Awakening
I went retro - Resident Evil 3 & Dino Crisis.
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